Thursday, May 24, 2018

Arne Duncan’s School Boycott Proposal an Idea We Should All Get Behind

What skin is it off your or my nose if children of “progressives” decide to skip school? [More]
So the best Obama's "education czar" (how come they never say "führer"?) can come up with is useful idiots figuratively holding their breath until they turn blue?

Go for it!

Moms Demand Traction

At 2 a.m., Archie Parnell used a tire iron to break a glass door, the complaint said. He made more unspecified accusations to Kathleen Parnell before striking her several times. She said she was beaten again later that evening. [More]
Archie wants women disarmed by law! Let's give him a big round of applause!

What's In a Title?

Well for one thing, it creates a manipulated impression that is the main thing most people will walk away with. [More]

They See You When You're Sleeping, They Know When You're Awake

They know if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake! [More]

[Via Neil W]

Worse Than the Disease

I ask that you use your powers to suspend the dated Posse Comitatus Act, which unfairly limits your ability to use domestic militarization to respond to crises. [More]
You think it will confine itself to Chicago? And when a Totalitarian Democrat wins the office...?

The Founders told us how to handle this, right there in the first 13 words of the Second Amendment. And the governor has all the power he needs.

It's just that there's more money and power in totalitarianism.

[Via Matthew L]

An Inconvenient Truth

Guns Don’t Kill People, But Gun Bans Do [More]
Which is why the anti-lifers demand them...

[Via Mack H]

We Can Always Go Back to the Source

Except that's what "progressives" are in rebellion against. [More]

[Via Mack H]

Capitalist Threatens to Withhold Rope-Selling Profits

“Every member of the Illinois delegation knows this is one of the most important issues facing them and it determines how much money I’m giving them,” said John Rowe, who heads a pro-immigrant business group in Illinois. [More]
Well fellas, you can listen to John or you can listen to Sam.

Choose carefully.

[Via Mack H]

Making It Personal

United Air CEO Says Decision to Drop NRA Discounts Was Personal [More]
Seeing as how NRA was merely a convenient target and your enmity is for the right of your countrymen to keep and bear arms, it's personal for me, too, Oscar.

Why did your family leave "gun control" paraíso Mexico again?

And how many of the pilot "honor guard" enjoy the benefits of RKBA advocacy?

[Via Mack H]

Another 'Win' for the Gipper

On this week’s episode of Did She Say That, Sonnie Johnson takes a look at when MS-13 could have been stopped and how Ronald Reagan’s amnesty allowed for the gang’s proliferation. [More]
Now,  for the "What Would Reagan Do" worshippers. The USA is also dead man walking today thanks to Reagan's suicidal 1986 "comprehensive reform" amnesty, the worst field tilter since the Great Society and New Deal (well, other than black box voting anyway). Reagan could've honored his oath, enforced our borders and immigration laws, reversed the problem as Eisenhower did in the 1950s. Instead, 26 years after Reagan's betrayal, we have to overcome tens of millions of votes of former illegals and now-voting-age anchor babies. 
But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there's more!

[Via Felix B]

A Weapon of War

All Ravin bows are built around HeliCoil technology, which keeps all cables and strings above the rail in a revolutionary design that drives unparalleled downrange accuracy and allows the bows to shoot 3” groups at 100 yards. [More]
"R20 Sniper Package"?  Who needs such a "cowardly murder machine" for hunting?

They're not "in common use" and the Founders would have had a cow!


[Via Florida Guy]   

Meanwhile, Over on Amazon Island...

All kinds of lessons here that the ignorant and prideful would rage at if you brought them up ... [Watch]

[Via Matthew L]

Ready to Hit the Ground Running

Emails Reveal Obama Admin Planned Gun Control Push Two Days After Sandy Hook [More]
Like one of the plotters admitted, you never want a serious crisis to go to waste...

[Via Michael G]

Ideological Holodomor

[O]ur participation in the program was terminated, our account closed, that the decision was final and there was no appeal. On top of that, Amazon was holding back any accumulated money it owed us. There was no prior indication of a problem, or chance to cure. [More]
That's because they want to starve you to death.

Like all "progressive" ideas, it's hardly a new one.

[Via Michael G]

No fair? That involved government?

It's looking like this one will, too.

[Via Ned W]

Bully for You

Father of Accused Texas Shooter Believes Bullying Was Behind Rampage - Antonios Pagourtzis says 17-year-old son was a ‘good boy’ who had been ‘mistreated at school’ [More]
Yeah, and you were and are an enabling, excuse-making idiot.

How many here have NOT experienced bullying, or at least attempts at it?

How many followed up with massacres, as opposed to figuring out an alternative way to deal with pack hierarchy deterrmination?

A 'Prohibited Person'

The criminal complaint in the incident alleges that Savage unlawfully possessed a 9-millimeter handgun. [More]
What's the undeniable universal truism?

No “gun control” laws can change that reality. Allowing proven violent people access to an unlimited pool of potential victims before they have made clinically verifiable behavioral changes, penance and restitution (to prove they can be given a second chance) makes as much sense as telling a man-eating tiger its sentence is up and then opening the cage.

[Via Sons of Reagan]

Et Tu, Abbott?

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday he could support stronger regulations for gun storage and quicker reporting to law enforcement when a court has determined someone is mentally ill in order to keep them from having weapons. [More]
Told ya:
In addition to repeating calls for all the usual prior restraints, don't be surprised to see a new “lock up your safety” push, under the ignorant presumption that one “solution” fits all. They stand a good chance of getting away with it, too, because relatively few people have heard of or remember the Merced pitchfork murders.
And note the DSM "2 small gun rules" editorializing in the headline of what is being presented as "straight news."

I suppose going back to segregated water fountains but leaving the rest of the Civil Rights Act intact would be described by them as minor setbacks?