Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Leadership, Thy Name is Fairfax

The NRA has remained silent on the issue. A spokeswoman did not respond Thursday to requests for comment. [More]
What a bunch of weasels.

As for the marijuana issue, we know what the most dangerous and destructive addiction is to...

[Via Michael J]

With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Democrats?

What the Stupid Party never seems to learn is a “moderate” can give the Evil Party every concession it demands and at the end of the day he’ll still be smeared as a right wing extremist. [More]
Can they really believe the answer is to turn their backs on the base and side with the enemy?

Roberts Rules of Disorder

John Roberts Is Wrong. America’s Courts Are Obviously Politicized [More]
Roberts is politicized. What did he think that stupid lie was going to buy him except the enemy taking advantage of it and then attacking him?

I never have trusted him and his Obamacare betrayal confirmed that.

What I can't figure out is if he's always been a mole of if someone got hold of those Dolly photos.

[Via Mack H]

An Intolerable Act

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has petitioned the Supreme Court of the United States for review of its case challenging the long-standing ban on interstate handgun sales to law-abiding citizens from other states. [More]
And we know the long term intent of the author of that.

The Time is Now

A time to pass HB-746, while a Governor’s veto can still be overridden, is upon us. . .  [More]
But if you're a North Carolina gun owner, it'll take more than just reading about it.

Resisting Reality

It’s a good bet that if nothing changes — and it could — all will eventually go Democratic. [More]
That's the plan.

Deprogramming, anyone...?

The Importance of Being Ernst

Ernst also disagreed with the president on wanting to close the border, saying: "We would prefer that we keep it open." [More]
So in other words, do nothing but offer platitudes.

How very "moderate."

[Via Mack H]

No Love Lost

Rep. Mia Love Goes After Trump, Says GOP Has a Problem With Minorities in Concession Speech [More]
She belongs with the Democrats she's aiding and abetting anyway.

[Via Mack H]

It's Only 'Commonsense'

Big Steps to Prevent Attacks at School [More]
Rather than heed reality, those that rage against it will attack this as an example of the oppressive, patriarchal culture of hate they intend to replace.

So Many Lies. So Much Stupid.

I predict a bright DSM future for young Zach here. [More]

[Via Michael G]

Women and Children First!

Unlike with the racist/sexist culture of haters they're forcing their way into, the motive here is not one of self-sacrificing gallantry. [More]

[Via Michael G]

So It's Not Just Like on 'CSI'?

Notably absent are the guys sentenced to 178 years in prison for bullets that matched, except they weren’t guilty and the match was forensic nonsense.  [More]
I'm glad they ended with the Thomas Dolby video to save me the trouble.

[Via Michael G]

Bullet Points

Gun owners in California are stocking up on ammunition before a new state law goes into effect next year. Starting in July, gun owners will have to pass another background check to buy ammunition. That's in addition to getting a gun permit. [More]
Now name on California "gun rights group" that hasn't been deliberately indifferent to what has made this and more inevitable.  The totalitarian wannabes are now in a position to pass any damn thing they want, and they're working on expansion to the rest of "our democracy."

[Via Jess]

Giving Tuesday

Facebook and PayPal will MATCH your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE GIVING TUESDAY Donation if you donate through Knife Rights' Facebook page... [More]
Quick, before they realize...

[Via Felix B]

And Here's a Guy Who's an Authority on Errors

Retired Justice Stevens: These Are The 3 Biggest 'Errors' SCOTUS Made During My Tenure [More]
Not "pantsing" you in the men's room and what else?

[Via Michael G]

Two of Us, One of You. Now Bend Over.

Ballot measure on 'assault' weapons proposed [More]
Give it time. Especially since more and more children of Cuban refugees have "forgotten" where their parents and grandparents came from.

Let's hear it for "majority rule"!

[Via bondmen]

Background Noise

The Tribune’s investigation revealed in June that ineffective background checks sometimes exposed CPS students to educators with criminal convictions and arrests for sex crimes against children. [More]
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Shooting First Enough

Alabama police suggest black man killed by officer shouldn't have held his gun [More]
The ol' Garry McCarthy defense...

[Via bondmen]

All Things Being Equal, I'd Rather Be a Survivalist

The Revivalists Urge Gun Reform With ‘Shoot You Down’ [More]
No problem getting the word spread for that.

Alternative views require a bit more personal attention.

[Via Roger J]

White Male Privilege on Mars

Control the narrative while suppressing alternative thought with censorship and ruthless legal, social and economic ethnic and ideological cleansing, and Presto! [Watch]

That said, I'm surprised she hasn't been booted from YouTube.


[Via Florida Guy]  

It's Almost as if He's a POS

It’s almost as if Sen. Parker set out to shred the 1st Amendment, as well as the 2nd. [More]
Bear has some observations on a violent, tax-cheating New York corruptocrat.


In January, Susan Braudy spoke to Today  about a time the Oscar winner allegedly masturbated in front of her. She told Today that Douglas "repeatedly used inappropriate sexual language" and "harassed" her while she was an employee at his production company. Douglas later denied the claims against him. He told Deadline at the time, "This is a complete lie, fabrication, no truth to it whatsoever." [More]
Hey, that's not the way it's supposed to work. Especially since, in his own words, "Sex is a wave that just sweeps over me. When the urge comes I am helpless."

From Each According to His Needs

Jack Ma, the head of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and China’s best-known capitalist, is a Communist Party member, the official Party newspaper said on Monday, debunking a public assumption the billionaire was politically unattached. [More]
Foolish proletariat...

Mysterious Origins

AFM: CDC identifies 31 states with 116 confirmed cases of polio-like disease [More]
None of our "news" gatekeepers are mentioning why here / why now. Where was it before 2014? How did it get here and did its spread track with any other known "dispersal" patterns? Birds, mosquitos, something else...? Doesn't that deserve to be explored, understood and communicated to a "self-governing" people so they can properly coordinate effective public health responses with their representatives?

Galileo Redux

“They can put me in prison the rest of my life. I am not going to sign a lie”... [More]
Why do I expect Monty Python to burst in dressed like cardinals?

UPDATE [Via bondmen]: Mueller Is Being Criminally Investigated And Jerome Corsi Knew About The Case