Thursday, February 28, 2019

Holy Toledo!

Lake Erie first lake to be granted same rights as a human [More]
I don't suppose the argument that rights aren't granted by voters will be persuasive here.

This is an urban Democrat wealth redistribution scam, plain and simple. You know, commie parasites stealing from the productive.

Where I live (130 miles from Toledo and 20 miles from the lake as the crow flies), I'm actually billed for sewer by my sewer district, which maintains the infrastructure, and also by Cuyahoga County, because evidently the drainage culvert out front by the road is somehow deemed to seep into a watershed that ultimately finds its way to the Mighty Cuyahoga and then into the lake (although my annual springtime application of Weed & Feed Turf Builder has nowhere near the impact of just one passenger taking a cruise on the Goodtime III).

Hey, at least we're not Detroit.

[Via Steve T

Good Thing Most Americans Have Short Attention Spans and Memories

Waco Biker Massacre Prosecutions Continue to Fall Apart as Last Set of Original Indictments Dismissed [More]
Don't hold your breath waiting for them to indict the real criminals.

[Via Michael G]

What's in a Name?

Brady gun control group gets rebranding [More]
So I guess my suggestion of "Treasonous Motherf***ers Trying to Start a Civil War" didn't resonate?

Game of Thrones

The broadening revelations of the lawless, almost putschist excesses of the Comey-McCabe FBI and elements of the Justice Department and the Brennan-Clapper intelligence services invite serious contemplation of how close the United States came to being a country where regime change might be plausibly and self-righteously attempted by what in undemocratic countries is generally known as the secret police. [More]
It's not so much that they're out of control as it is about who's controlling them.

[Via Mack H]


“I will never forget,” she told me, “I fired her Glock 17, and the moment I fired it, I knew if I had this on me the night that I was attacked, I would not have been raped. Firearms are an equalizer,” she said. “They are the greatest equalizer between a five-foot-five woman like myself and the six-foot-tall man who raped me.” [More]
Any room left in that alligator pit?

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Reconciled Enough

Leuser faced charges of attempted murder and aggravated battery with a firearm, but at a hearing Tuesday at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, his son said he didn’t want his father to spend any time in prison. [More]
The son has the option to not sue his father in civil court.  Once it's a criminal matter, it's "THE PEOPLE vs...."

I guess Judge Hill is right -- these aren't "normal circumstance."

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Fundamental Transformation...

Ilhan Omar: Poster Child for the Red-Green Axis [More]
Was it Bush or Orwell who said "Our diversity is our strength"?

When in Danger, When in Doubt

Active-Shooter Drills Are Tragically Misguided - There’s scant evidence that they’re effective. They can, however, be psychologically damaging—and they reflect a dismaying view of childhood. [More]
Yeah, but in fairness, what kind of rightwing extremist would expect adults to be capable of protecting their charges? Or I should say, expect Opposite Day "progressive educators" to act like responsible adults...?

[Via Felix B]

A Sharp Increase

Police reported more than 4,100 knife-related crimes in 2018, compared to around 3,800 reported during 2017 — and only 400 in 2008. Overall, during the past ten years, knife-related crimes in Germany have increased by more than 900% — from one a day to more than ten a day. [More]
I wonder if Mourtala Madou can help shed any light on why that might be...

[Via Michael G]

But What If Watching Others Get Viciously Attacked Relieves My Anxiety?

The mother of a 5-year-old girl mauled in the face by a pit bull at Portland International Airport has filed a $1.1 million lawsuit against the Port of Portland for allegedly letting a dangerous “emotional support animal” into the airport without a carrier. [More]
I was going to say something flippant about not being able to bring my emotional support Komodo Dragon to the daycare, but the truth is not that far off, albeit at least that's by invitation.

I get seeing eye dogs and the like, but there are a lot of attention-demanding headcases out there imposing their neuroses on everybody else.  It's a wonder the gun-grabbers haven't invented some new kind of "loophole" to disarm them, but in truth, my bet would be we're dealing with Democrats here.

We're the Only Ones Unbonded Enough

No bail for Lawrence cop charged in rape of 13-year-old boy [More]
It must be tough to have them also concerned with what you do out of uniform...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Physical Enough

Ramsey County Sheriff says corrections officer convicted last year in connection to physical treatment of inmate has resigned [More]
That video works better with a little background music...

[Via bondmen]

Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying What, Exactly?

Weld may join Fremont as “Second Amendment Sanctuary” county [More]
Let me know when their militia refuses to disperse.

[Via cydl]

A Hunting We Will Go!

Be vewy, vewy quiet. [More]

Or what the hell...

Maybe some loud, angry noise and an absolutist rejection of Fuddism are what is needed.

Especially with wascally Wepublicans.

Gun Background Check Bill Won’t Stop Violence but Helps ID Republican Turncoats

What incentive will voting for “Republicans” like these give the GOP to offer better candidates? [More]
What do you call someone who remains with a partner who brazenly cheats?

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Race against Time

Plaintiffs cannot evade meeting the standards for that extraordinary relief by simply asking this Court for an incredibly accelerated schedule on their appeal, which would not provide sufficient time for the government to brief the issues... [More]
Aww, poor guys.

I know we're asking so much of them.  It's not like I'd want to put them out or anything.

Best some of us have our lives destroyed first, and then we can always come up with other legal arguments the "just us" system can ignore and/or twist to suit the persecution's needs.

We're not done.

Also: Bear has some observations.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Crazy' Is

SEC. 3. NEW TERMINOLOGY FOR THOSE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS. Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended in each of subsections (d)(4) and (g)(4) by striking “adjudicated as a mental defective” and inserting “adjudicated with mental illness, severe developmental disability, or severe emotional instability”. [More]
Well, why not?

If you can redefine “single function of the trigger” and “automatically” for political ends, what won't be off-limits?

Gen.McAukliffe's response comes to mind.

[Via Mack H]

Leaders of the Pack

Progressive activists push 2020 Dems to pack Supreme Court [More]
We know.

They mean to be the Alpha predator pack leaders.

[Via Sam Adams 1776]

The Better to Shoot You with, My Dear

Why do agencies have all this firepower? [More]
Sorry, I guess I should have waited for the question.

[Via Jess]

Criminal Government Negligence

The woman who was arrested in Falmouth on Feb. 15 for allegedly assaulting a 23-year-old Mashpee man wearing a MAGA hat was again arrested Monday, this time by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as an illegal immigrant from Brazil who has been living illegally in the U.S. since overstaying a tourist visa in 1994. [More]
How does it help "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" to allow this ingrate to remain in this country another moment?

More to the point and same question, although this time for those tasked with overseeing visas...

25 years and she'd still be flouting if she hadn't gotten drunk and violent? And she's hardly an exception to the rule?  Think anybody will be held accountable...?

[Via Mack H]

More 3D Chess

She was one of the three judges in that circuit to essentially create a right to immigrate and rule that all Somalis, among others, have a right to sue and obtain visas to this country. [More]
So she's a domestic enemy. So is anyone on "the Right" who says otherwise.

[Via Mack H]

Chronic and Habitual LIARS!

What shameless, agenda-driven liars these gun-grabbers and race hustlers are.

They make Frau Helm look truthful.

[Via Michael G]

There's a Methodist to Their Madness

The mainline denomination voted on Tuesday to toughen its teachings against homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and LGBTQ clergy. [More]
Yeah, well, until they pull their heads out of their sanctimonious rectums on guns and cultural terraforming, I hope the useful kumbayidiots rip each other apart.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Self-Evident Enough

Former St. Louis officer accused of stealing suspect’s phone from evidence [More]
Why not give him one phone call then lock him up?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Professional Enough

Boston police officers were highest paid city employees in 2018 [More]
But it's still not enough, is it?

But it's nice to have a chance to use the original, unmodified  Lee Paige quote again.

[Via bondmen]

A Matter of Priorities

Chicago's Cook County Votes To Dismantle 'Racist' Gang Database [More]
Fortunately, we still know who all of you who got your guns "legally" are.

[Via bondmen]

Lucy's McBut

I am a strong supporter and proponent of the Second Amendment. [More]

[Via Roger J]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Second Amendment Sanctuary County' Is

Cooper said he would support a similar, revised bill, but it would have to be one which does not infringe upon people's rights. [More]
Flesh that out for us.

Because unless it involves full due process protections equivalent to those of a jury trial and the segregation of anyone proven to be a danger to others, we're just trampling on rights while making stroking motions.

[Via cydl]

In the Spirit of Bipartisanship

Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner, R-Dickinson, was among the eight Republican cosponsors of the legislation. [More]
Identify the rest. Then show them what should happen to turncoats.

[Via Neil W]

Unoriginal Thinking

Brett Kavanaugh Flunks His First Test as an Originalist - Unlike Thomas and Gorsuch, Kavanaugh stayed mum on originalism in a major constitutional case. [More]
Like I said, a mixed bag...

[Via Dave Licht]

We're the Only Ones Classified Enough

California keeps a secret list of criminal cops, but says you can’t have it - Attorney General warns reporters it's illegal to possess list of thousands of cop convictions [More]
He'd tell you but then he'd have to kill you?

For the Children

One in four teenage suicides involves the internet, official inquiry finds [More]
And it looks like the preferred method is suffocation.

You'd think all these people screaming about your and my guns would be devoting some of that energy and resources to leading factors -- that is if the calculating minds behind citizen disarmament weren't really pursuing a different goal.

Thirteen Reasons Why

The final vote of 245 to 182 fell largely along party lines, but 13 Republicans joined Democrats in supporting the measure.  [More]
Who are they?  Don't you "professional reporters" at CBS News think that might be a major point of interest to at least list, if not explore? Oh, that's right, I forgot: Real journalists show you for what you are.

The Hill and Roll Call haven't forgotten the first of "the 5 W's." I see oozing "bipartisan" manginas Brian Fitzpatrick and Fred Upton are among the dissidents.

If I had the time, I'd go through each name to see how they are on immigration and guns. One name that sticks out for me is Thomas Massie's.

Here are his reasons

They don't sit well with my "VLLA SELLA" predisposition, but I've gotta admit that usurpation of undelegated authority is what got us into this tyrannical government mess in the first place.

I admit I'm conflicted. I fear if the threat is not stopped, and now, we are heading for a place where the niceties of "rules" will be irrelevant.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Appeal Filed after Trump-Appointed Judge Rules for Administration’s Bump Stock Ban

In the Memorandum Opinion, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney L. Friedrich, nominated to the court by President Donald Trump, ruled against all motions for a preliminary injunction to find for the administration in the cases of Guedes, et al., v. ATF and Codrea, et al. v. William P. Barr [More]
Who's still asleep enough to still think this is "just about bump stocks" or still in denial enough to insist that it's some genius 3D chess maneuver purposely designed to lose in the courts?

Colorado under Fire

The Sangre de Cristo Sentinel has some cautionary thoughts on Colorado "red flags". [More]

How Could You Not be Inclusive of This?

Transgender Activist Accused of Burning Down Own Home, Killing 5 Pets in Hate Hoax Crime [More]
[Via Neil W]
Transgender Writer Embraces Cannibalism: Wants to Drink 'Transphobe Bone Broth' [More]
[Via Jess]

See, if you weren't such a hating fascist that deserves to be punched in the face and exiled from social media and fired, they wouldn't be so unhappy.

Johminny Cricket

"...I support instant background checks on the purchase of all guns to prevent convicted felons from obtaining them, but I do not support waiting periods or the registration of any firearm.” [More]
Well (may I call you "Stupid"?), then it's on you to explain why the National Institute of Justice in its Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies, admitted about "Universal Background Checks":
"Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration..."
I know:

It's a Big Club and You Ain't in It

Former New York mayor Bloomberg gives to pro-Lindsey Graham PAC [More]
What did Mr. Carlin say?

Too bad his "solution" was more collectivism.

[Via Pamnsc]

Common Ground with Commies

Portland listening session turns into extremist ‘sh*tshow’ as activists demand police force be disbanded [More]
I agree!

I'm hard-pressed to think of any population that has politically enabled Antifa-style "anarchy" more, and I say give 'em what they asked for and then some. 

And make sure the gun stores are ordered closed in an emergency!

[Via Jess]

Meet Your Superior

"We have a problem in America called spacial-geographic inequality, which means that the most affluent and educated people are clustered in just a few cities,” he said. [More]
The guy fails basic Sun Tzu.  Conversely, we know his type.

Being a smart-ass adroit at snarky repartee does not necessarily a leading intellect make.

Why am I suddenly thinking "hubris" and "karma"...?

Hunting with Amy's Old Dick

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar says that she comes at gun safety legislation from the perspective of: “Would this hurt my Uncle Dick in the deer stand?” [More]
Doesn't this disgustingly unsanitary headcase have an assault binder to throw at some staffers whose careers she's trying to ruin?

A New Venue

To those of you who have contacted me asking about T.L. Davis after noticing his Christian Mercenary blog had been taken down, he's trying a more selective outreach with a weekly newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe, request being added to distribution at

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

On Feb. 18 Representative Cal Bahr (R- East Bethel) Representative Jeremy Munson (R- Lake Crystal), Representative Steve Drazkowski (R- Mazeppa), Tim Miller (R-Prinsburg),  Representative Eric Lucero (R-Dayton), Representative John Poston (R- Lake Shore) Representative Steve Green (R- Fosston), and Senator Paul Utke (R- Park Rapids)  proposed a constitutional amendment that would state that the right to bear and keep arms shall not be infringed. [More]
Just think how well those words work at the federal level --  that oughtta stop the bastards in their tracks!

Plus, everybody gets mad gun props without having to actually -- you know -- do anything.

[Via Matthew L]

Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Jaimes: Gun control failed Aurora, Illinois - The shooting in Aurora, Illinois, earlier this month should have been prevented under many of the state’s gun control laws. More legislation isn’t the answer to gun violence. [More]
In order of claims presented: Yep, only if you believe the fiction that "gun control" works,  and yeah, that's obvious to all but liars and useful idiots.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Party that Screams 'Home Rule!' and Gripes about 'Disenfranchising Voters' when it Suits Them...

Colorado’s House on Thursday approved Senate Bill 42 -- which would pledge each of Colorado’s nine electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the national popular vote, regardless of who is favored by Colorado voters. The Senate approved the measure last month. [More]
I would think this would run seriously afoul of Article. IV. Section. 4.

[Via cydl]

We're the Only Ones Considering Enough

Colorado sheriffs consider pulling support for Red Flag bill [More]
What's to consider?

Did you guys take an oath?

[Via cydl]

And Now He is a Ruler of the Queen's Navee!

"Outside of perhaps routine weapons qualifications, I can't say I have ever seen leaders at this level fire live weapons," CNN Diplomatic and Military Analyst Ret. Rear Admiral John Kirby said in an email, writing that the incident was "not the best optic." [More]
Which probably explains why this career flack now wormtongues for CNN.

Gilbert & Sullivan elaborate.

[Via Jess]

Safe Spaces

Fourteen of New Mexico’s 33 counties have adopted “Second Amendment Sanctuary” resolutions to make clear their sheriffs feel no pressure to enforce new gun controls being pushed by Democrats at the state level. [More]
Democrats only want "home rule" for guns when it involves grabbing them.

[Via Wynn A

Embedded Asset

That person, who hasn't been publicly named but is expected to testify in the trial, contacted an anti-weapons group named Action Outcry — Stop Arms Trade... [More]
That the snitch chose globalist gun-grabbers as his conduit says a lot.

You Don't Need These to Hunt Deer

The Russian company that gave the world the iconic AK-47 assault rifle has unveiled a suicide drone that may similarly revolutionize war by making sophisticated drone warfare technology widely and cheaply available. [More]
Well if that doesn't justify throwing another couple billion at the Pentagon...

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

One Question

Why is a Salvadoran illegal with a violent crime conviction still in this country in the first damn place? [More]

[Via Mack H]

No Crocodile Tears Here

Alligator Farm employee fired after tweets of wanting to toss 'Kent State gun girl' in alligator pit [More]
I've seen first-hand the raw hatred against her is real.

[Via William T]

Marxist ‘Gun Controller’ Threatens to Kill as Facebook Continues Double Standards

Some self control-challenged loser having a meltdown where his anger boils over into threats of violence is not that much of an exception to the rule. [More]
More and more collectivist gun-grabbers are showing us glimpses of the murderous hatred and rage they can no longer contain. And curiously, social media censors seem inclined to give them a pass while suppressing views of more-traditional Americans.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Slow Going Ahead

In the meantime, you can
ponder why it takes two
to "man" the sign...
I've got to go take care of some important stuff over the next few hours and when I get back I've got to work on some other important stuff. I'll get back to blogging here as I can, including moderating comments and posting tip links, but those will need to take a back seat and wait 'til I can get to them.

Concealed Handgun Manual Provides Invaluable Advice

I endorse “The Concealed Handgun Manual.”  [More]
I think this book is well worth owning.

It Hardly Seems Enough

Simi Valley announced Saturday it would settle a federal lawsuit, giving Coley $21 million for his almost four decades of wrongful incarceration... [More]
What, no kidnapping charges?

It'd be interesting to see if his name gets automatically purged from NICS, or if the Schumer prohibition would make that another decades-long legal struggle.

[Via William T]

Insider Insight

[F]ormer U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova explained that America is in a "civil war" now and that things will get much worse before they get better -- "total war." [More]
Kind'a makes you wonder what the DOJ guys who aren't saying anything publicly think...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Reviewing Enough

The fraudulent search warrant that authorized last month's deadly Houston drug raid has prompted an FBI investigation and a review of more than 1,400 cases involving the narcotics officer who obtained the warrant. [More]
At least they didn't need a phony dossier this time.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Valorous Enough

The officer had a complicated past having been decorated in 2009 by the Sheriff’s Office with the Medal of Valor and also investigated in 2010 for an on-duty allegation of domestic violence. He was also accused of police brutality multiple times from 2004 to 2006, costing taxpayers more than $400,000... [More]
And they knowingly inflicted him on the public for almost 20 years.

[Via bondmen]

He Said in a Place of Controlled Entry...

Javier Bardem knocks 'borders,' 'walls' during Oscars speech in Spanish [More]
And if we can't trust this neurotic's judgment, whose can we trust?

What's in YOUR Smollet?

Terrence Howard Defends His 'Empire' Co-Star [More]
How does the old loaded question go?  Terrence, have you stopped beating your wife?

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Stay in Gun Case against Hawaii Reminiscent of King Quote on Justice Delayed

“This is the second stay of proceedings in this case since Mr. Young’s case was first docketed in this Court on December 24, 2012,” Thursday’s motion observes. “Mr. Young has now been in the appeals process for approximately six years, two months and nine days.” [More]
Kicking the can down the road again is enough to make one think they're intentionally making -- how did Mr. Kennedy phrase it? -- "peaceful revolution impossible."

Friday, February 22, 2019

We're the Pseudo-'Only Ones' Warning Enough

Synagogue Security Guard Shoots 1st Amendment Auditor Standing on Sidewalk in LA [More]
I've been looking for an online presence for the synagogue to see what their public political sentiments are.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Streisand-Effected Enough

“If you paste my face on the internet it’s against the law so I’m not giving you permission to use my picture or my face on the internet, do you understand all that?” [More]
Loud and clear:

[Via Mack H]

Firearms Friday Redux

Here's our conversation from this morning.

We're the Only Ones Academic Enough

At a public hearing earlier this month, Concord University Police Officer David Eldridge says his department would have to hire 13 additional officers and purchase multiple metal detectors if the bill passes. [More]
Did anyone ask the idiot why, and then press him to flesh that out?  Anyone capable of calling BS?

[Via Michael G]

In-Your-Face Power Wielding

House Rep Bill Post has been removed from the House Judiciary Committee. Post is one of the most committed pro-gun legislators in Oregon history. House Speaker Tina Kotek removed Post from the committee (the one that hears gun bills) for the crime of tweeting pro-gun messages on his Twitter account. [More]
With all due respect, I don't see how expressing "outrage" to a Portland Democrat who Republicans won't even run against will do anything but give her a good cackle.

Words as Weapons

Changing Reality with Words - Beware of euphemisms. [More]
I'm reminded of "Framing the Terms" from our old GunTruths site, observations still relevant to the discussion...

As an aside, feral sons Uday and Qusay have been known to crack up at an old movie when a character says he or she are feeling gay.

[Via Mack H]

All Politics is Local

Democratic Rep. Connie Keogh of Missoula argued that Regier's efforts would prevent local governments "from passing commonsense public safety measures regarding firearms in public places designed to keep their communities safe." [More]
Funny. Connie doesn't show the same concern for local sentiments when she tries to impose disarmament edicts over everyone.

But don't worry -- she comes from a long line of big "but" Fudds.

[Via Stu I]

Benching Benchmade

The Gun Feed Poll: Are you done with Benchmade? [More]
I am.

Let 'em sell stab-proof knives to the Limeys.

We're the Fauxnly Ones Bejewelled Enough

Robbers dressed as lawmen to steal $30,000 in jewelry, police say [More]
Be aware of how often this happens, because you never know when you might need to prove that we have good cause to suspect all entering our homes by force.

[Via Duff]

The Phantom Gun!

“How can it be OK for people to manufacture firearms without serial numbers? As a police officer and a city representative, I took oaths to serve and protect people,” Stella said. [More]
No, traitor. That's not the oath you took.

[Via Bear]

Firearms Friday

Today's show is packed with 2A goodness. We start off with a couple big headlines, then we pick it up with Rob Pincus from Personal Defense Network. Then in hour two we do a quick update with Greg Collins from Homer Friends of NRA about their raffle tomorrow, then chat with David Codrea author of the and writer for Ammoland. Finally we finish it all off with a weekend movie/Oscars update with Willie Waffle! Whew. 
I'll be on this morning at 11:15 Eastern. You can listen via live stream from The Michael Dukes Show website or watch it live via the Facebook stream.

Particularly Instructive

This effort was particularly instructive in revealing the dangerous mentality behind the blacklist, and the menace it poses not only to conservatives like myself, but to the future of our democracy. [More]
And that "our democracy" reference is particularly instructive on how "conservatives" help the enemy by perpetuating a huge and intentional con job.

That to me overshadows all the good points he makes.

[Via Mack H]

Mob Mentality

Statue Of General Lee Vandalized In North Carolina. It Was The Wrong General Lee. [More]

Ignorance fuels hatred and violence, and young savages are especially susceptible.

[Via Michael G]

General Rule

More than a dozen retired top military commanders, leaders and advisers, whose careers spanned both Republican and Democratic administrations, are throwing their weight behind a bill in the House and Senate that would require universal background checks for all U.S. gun sales. [More]
These subversive oath-breakers again...

Remember, at one time, one of our greatest military heroes was a guy named Arnold...

We're the Only Ones Dispensable Enough

A “thin blue line” flag meant to honor law enforcement was removed from the Connecticut State Capitol this week after Democrats complained it might offend Black Lives Matter supporters. [More]
At least we see who matters more to them. Don't expect those of us you would ignore your oaths over and disarm to feel sorry for you.

[Via bondmen]

Help Wanted: Inquire Within

I understand they're looking for a new mayor... [More]

[Via bondmen]

An Arizona 'Republican'

McSally says she’ll fight to keep Luke funding from being diverted to wall [More]
Then, out of the other side of her mouth...

McCain, Flake... is there something in the water down there?

[Via Matthew L]

Close the Papoose Loophole!

So "freedom is slavery"?

And will "sex workers" qualify?

Give Me a T! Give Me an A!

Cheerleaders given awards for biggest breasts, butt [More]
Perhaps an honest appraisal early on of exactly what it is they bring to the table will help dissuade delusions of greater significance...

And speaking of taking a knee (or two)...

Good Question

Is Speaker Bonnen Trying to Screw Gun Owners? [Watch]

What have we learned about turncoats?

CJ Grisham is establishing a new 2A YouTube channel. If that's a venue you use, why not subscribe?

[Via Sandy D]

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Taking Gun Ownership Down to the Bone

Meanwhile, what is our supposedly “pro-gun” administration doing about states that want to make U.S. gun ownership more restrictive than those of many foreign countries such as the ones cited above? Is it lifting a finger to oppose them and enforce the Bill of Rights against state infringements? To the contrary, it’s upholding federal infringements against “states’ rights.” [More]
Like the quote asks, "Why would you trade 1 tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants less than 1 mile away?"

I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter

Jussie Smollett sent HIMSELF letter saying ‘you will die, black f*g’... [More]
Sing it, Billy:

Perfect Timing

‘I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on earth’: A self-proclaimed white nationalist planned a mass terrorist attack, the government says [More]
A Coast Guard Lieutenant?

Didn't he go through a background check or something?

And what convenient timing.  I wonder how long they kept this low-hanging fruit under wraps waiting for the opportune time to show us all what heroes they are,

One thing is for certain: Anyone who would wholesale violate the unalienable rights of individuals can't be a Constitutionalist.

Springtime for Hitler

The SPLC's latest smear job is out. [More]

NBC laps it up and regurgitates it with gusto.

Basically, if you're to the right of AOC, you're a contemptible hater who must be shunned, drowned and driven out. That is if we just don't bash you, fash.

[Via Bluesgal]