Monday, February 11, 2019

Dispatch from the Front Lines

From WarOnGuns Correspondent Dave Licht:
Just got back from the Martinez, CA / Mark Desaulniers / Mike Thompson town hall meeting
Most of “our” crowd was pretty dowdy and seemingly old.  Many of the commie mommies were in red shirts that were missing their mao collars.
What a staged event for media tools! It was all a dog and pony show for HR-8. The promotional materials on the tables were from Giffords moms not deferential to men. Huge contagion in red t-shirts in the front section and peppered throughout the crowd.
No one actually got to speak (unless they were a favored tool) questions were submitted, read and commented on except with the alleged FFL / Republican tool who couldn’t get enough regulation.
Is it possible that all the questions submitted by firearms / anti-registrationists are inarticulate, belabored and off point while all questions from moms demand communism are succinct? One has to wonder.
There was an alleged FFL front row center in full support of the legislation and wanting to demand more. I came home and looked him up and he went out of business last year but WHAT AN [redacted] and seemingly typical of the pro-gun crowd in attendance ( that submitted questions).
The Giffords material states that 93% of the U.S. population supports universal registration and then Mike Thompson kept repeating that “86% of the NRA support this bill” (though I have never seen that poll finding reported) [You never will because it's a lie.--DC]
Also, they said that the reason the child-killers took the Nov election is because the country wants gun control and that they have already heard HR 8 in committee, next week a vote on the floor and they “expect to pass it in the first hundred days of the Congress.”
This meeting was a media sham for gun control. There is NO HOPE FOR Kalifornistan. Period.
Naturally, my curiosity was piqued about the gunkapo.

It's this guy:
Dublin gun dealer Mike Grant said California has been doing background checks for years, and he supports them. He said without background checks, guns could end up in the hands of people who shouldn't have them. And should that person commit a crime he said, "it just makes the gun dealers, all of us, take more heat."
...Grant said he'd like to see the nation go even further by adopting more of the state's strict gun control laws, including lifetime bans for some people who commit domestic violence or exhibit mental illness.
Here's his business.

If it quacks like a police state apologist...

I'm trying to figure out why any gun owner who cares about his rights would give this guy the time of day, let alone his business. For some reason, the phrase "aid and comfort to the enemy" comes to mind...

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