Monday, February 18, 2019

Leading the Lynch Mob

What else would you call immediate accusation-based conviction of whites supporting Donald Trump's campaign agenda? [More]


Now Booker says he's "withholding judgment" on real, investigation-based evidence that clears his would-be lynch mob victims -- because "the majority of the terrorist attacks on our soil have been right-wing terrorist attacks -- the majority of them white supremacist attacks."

And look who learned nothing from Tawana Brawley.

Meanwhile, holding "true" to time-proven Marxist "principles", Nancy Pelosi is erasing history.  Please join me at this time in wishing the addled Speaker a Happy Thanksgiving.

And yeah-- don't expect any apologies.   We "progressives" will continue looking for outlier "gotchas" to condemn you all.


  1. It appears that the two guys involved are Nigerians. I guess trying to convince folks via email that they needed help looting the countries treasury wasn't working out so well and they needed to branch out.

  2. Let's not forget reliable s*-stirrer AOC, and all the other Progressive dwarves who piled on us handy "white guys with MAGA hats."

    "The assailants pegged him as a gay and black actor from TV, he said..."

    Earth to Smollet: white guys with MAGA hats aren't even aware that your little affirmative-action soap opera gets airtime.

    Maybe a good "community service" verdict against Smollet would be to make him offer free performances of old Amos & Andy scripts three times a week in Zinc, Arkansas.


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