Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Mass Shootings and Mass Media

In this case I default to the position that no person should ever be denied their right to self-defense and if they can, along the way, save the lives of others, it’s immoral for us to try to stop them.  [More]
Refreshing rationality from an officer who is not an "Only One"...

[Via Ben J]


  1. I have zero doubt the officer who wrote this has over the course of his career arrested hundreds of people for violations of various laws regarding firearms....ALL of which were and are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. That makes him nothing but a hypocritical media whore.

  2. I like his points, especially about defending yourself in school.

    “ If you legally can and choose to be vigilant, carrying a licensed firearm and prepared to defend yourself through the educated and trained use thereof, that’s your choice.”

    ...Constitutional Carry..?

  3. I confess I missed the "licensed" part and should have called him on it.


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