Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Not that It Will Gain them Anything

Congressional Republicans, under pressure to respond to this weekend’s massacres, appear to be coalescing around legislation to help law enforcement to take guns from those who pose an imminent danger — a measure that, if signed into law, would be the most significant gun safety legislation enacted in 20 years. [More]
And they'll still be smeared as racist "gun lobby" whores with blood on their hands.

Yeah, go ahead and take the fire out of a critical mass of core supporter bellies to feed the enemy jackals a pound of flesh.  See if it persuades them to go away sated, or if instead, smelling fear and tasting blood, they decide they want more.

God forbid any of these poltroons should actually understand the Second Amendment and use their bully pulpits to educate their constituents.


  1. The time for talk has ended. The men who would be our masters are openly stripping away the last vestiges of the Old Republic. The "checks and balances" once held sacred have been overthrown. Justus in the courts is ended. In 12 states the people have no civil right at all. The federals wish to emulate that and make it the law of the land. Once ended, the peaceful redress of grievance can never be returned. The day of the sword is at hand. It is not IF we will have civil war. But only how soon. Days perhaps. months at most if the congress moves on any Red flag law. No matter what we or they do. Peaceful resolution is no longer possible. Soon all that will be left for us is the counting of the dead.

  2. I wish we would get a real conservative challenger to Lindsey Graham here in SC. And our other "Republican", Tim Scott, is looking like a turncoat too. I may sit out the Senatorial elections next time.

  3. Anon@0833,

    I have had my fill of the corruption in the judiciary and state/fed govs. Although your remarks are spot on, sadly there are no county/parish organized militias ala circa 1775.
    Certainly there are some militias training and preparing for the upcoming tyranny. However, they are few in number with few members. Organization is what Patriots and Heritage Americans need.

    This nation is pretty much done as those who trusted Mr. Trump are now enduring the pain of his stab in the back.


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