Wednesday, December 11, 2019

My Money's on NRA Members

Jersey City mayor says gunmen targeted kosher market [More
But no identities on the suspects yet? Really?

An assailant involved in a prolonged firefight in Jersey City, N.J., that left six people dead, including one police officer, had published anti-Semitic and anti-police posts online and investigators believe the attack was motivated by those sentiments ... Investigators also found a manifesto-style note inside the assailants’ van... 
So far, the authorities have not identified the attackers, who were killed in the firefight.
What is it "authorities" don't want us to know?

UPDATE- I'll admit I didn't see it going in this direction:

Adherents to the Hebrew Israelite movement, also sometimes called Black Hebrews, believe that African-Americans are the “real” descendants of the biblical Children of Israel and that white Jews are “imposters.”


  1. Michael Gilson12/11/2019 12:40 PM

    Remember their involvement in the Covington Kids affair, the smirk heard round the world?

  2. Here's a further update from the Examiner:


    So, now that one of the black nationalist cult's former members stands accused of a deadly shoot-out with police, possibly in an act of anti-Semitic terrorism targeting a Kosher grocery market in Jersey City, we are probably not going to hear much talk about the fringe group in the broader context of radicalization and gun violence.

    It is still possible Tuesday’s shooting spree inspires a broader conversation about gun violence and the dangers posed by radical hate groups like the Black Hebrew Israelites. But don't hold your breath.

    Meanwhile, the Covington teenagers, falsely portrayed as hateful bigots in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post, and elsewhere, are not known to have shot anyone — at least not in the last 11 months.

    The Left were prepared to make this about 'gun violence' -- and now they can't.


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