Friday, December 27, 2019

Home for the Holidays Still in Effect

Originally posted on Dec. 20. I'm putting it back on top to reiterate it.

Because I'm starting to fall behind on needed work and because of family priorities, I'm going to be limiting my output to writing articles and slowing the blog down quite a bit to announcements promoting them and big stuff I can't ignore. That means I won't be as attentive to tips and emails- - sorry, but there is only one of me and I need to put the brakes on all but the essentials for the next week-and-a-half.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bloomberg’s Dangerous Use of Prison Labor Another Example of ‘Grassroots’ Lie

What’s clear is that the Bloomberg campaign is targeting people it believes to be voters who support the candidate’s positions on “gun control.” That it was using prisoners to do it makes it fair to ask how that equates with the fraudulent and impossible promise of “commonsense safety.” [More]

Don't think of it as a political solicitation. Think of it as a way to get to know prospective cellmates once your guns are declared illegal. And who wouldn't want to give inmates credit card numbers and assure them that being "gun-free" is the only way to live?

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas, 2019

I thank all of you who have given me the gift of your time and wisdom, whether it has been by sending me stories to help illustrate the preciousness of rights endowed by our Creator, to sending a word of encouragement, to educating and helping me grow (either by confirming or correcting my assumptions), or to sharing my links, encouraging me to continue the work.

My Christmas wish for you is that you have as much love in your life as I have been fortunate to find in mine. It surely beats all the riches in the world.

Now: What in the world are you doing here?

It's Christmas. And if you don't celebrate it, indulge those of us who do.

Go be with the ones you love. If there is no one you love, go fix that. Go do something loving for someone.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Chicago Pre-Christmas Rush to Kill Tells Us All We Need to Know about ‘Gun Control’

Speaking of which, let’s consider the moral defectives committing the pejoratively designated “gun violence.” How many of the murderers do you suppose submitted to a prior restraint “universal background” check? How many have Illinois-required prior restraint FOID cards? How many have been issued prior restraint carry permits? [More]
Not all Grinches have changes of heart and return what they take.

Sheriff Unilaterally Closing NC Gun Range Undermined Gun Safety

If lower levels of government can essentially renege on such decisions without public input or consideration, what must that say about what higher levels of government could impose? And with the sheriff's plan to reserve the center exclusively for law enforcement, what must that say about “Only Ones” elitism? [More]

Because nothing says "gun safety" like discouraging practice and training...

Monday, December 23, 2019

Raising Smoking Age Also Raises Concerns More Dangerous than Tobacco

So, am I saying young people ought to smoke when we know the likely terrible health and economic consequences in advance? No. I’m saying if a citizen is old enough to die fighting for his country, he’s old enough to make life decisions. I’m saying power-motivated rule unbound by restraints has always been the greatest author of human misery and death. Always. I'm saying every loosening of Constitutional chains moves our government closer to the tyranny foreseen by the Framers when they ratified the Second Amendment. [More]
Can there be anything more insidious than "For the children"? If we continue to allow the government to put restraints on us rather than accept the ones the Constitution puts on it, recognition of our rights will go up in smoke.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Swalwell ‘Guilty’ Charge Unintentionally Exposes Absurdity of Red Flag Laws

Still, concluding someone is guilty before they have been proven so beyond a reasonable doubt is the shaky foundation upon which the whole “red flag law” house of cards has been erected. And President Trump himself should be having a “hoist on his own petard” moment when his own words about that are thrown back at him... [More]
Let's hope our president comes to appreciate that “Take the guns first, go through due process second” is every bit as absurdly offensive and un-American as "Sentence first — verdict afterwards."

Friday, December 20, 2019


Washington Rep. Matt Shea engaged in domestic terrorism against U.S., says state House report [More]
So it's not a law enforcement investigation, but one conducted by a private security firm with clients to make happy?

Tell me more...

[Via Mack H]

A Capital Idea!

Capital-B ‘Black’ becomes standard usage at The Seattle Times... white (adj.): Belonging to people with light-colored skin, especially those of European descent. Unlike Black, it is lowercase... [More]
They have a bullshit rationale for that and everything.

[Via Mack H]

Red Flagged

My malicious reputation precedes me. Looks like Virginia county libraries don't want patrons wandering into my rooms of disrepute.

I'm calling shenanigans. I run both Webroot and Malwarebytes.

It turns out I'm blacklisted by McAfee.  Funny, no one else has a problem with me:

S'cuse me a minute:
I'll letcha know what they say.

My device is also coming up clean. McAfee came with a free trial on my new computer and I uninstalled it because I've had it before and wasn't impressed with the results, and am happy with what I already subscribe to. I'm wondering if doing that launched a "Jilted -- We'll red flag HIM" app.

I suspect this is only coming from locations that offer free public access from their own computers, and perhaps have security set to "Anal." I'd think of all the people who come here someone else would have said something, but that said, please let me know if you get any warnings.

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE: Might "false positives" be the problem? There's a NICS lesson in there somewhere...

You Won't be Needing That Choice

Incoming Va. House speaker says Democrats are considering a Capitol gun ban for 2020 session [More]

Because nothing says "Government of the people" like the politically powerful denying them their unalienable rights. under force of arms.

[Via Mack H]

Putting His Foot in It

I’m at a loss to figure out how exactly this focus on gun rights helps rural Virginians. [More]

That much is obvious. There's more than a little Pauline Kael action going on here.

If this cloistered character weren't such a sanctimonious ignoramus, he'd realize all these points he seems to be having an epiphany over have been thoroughly discredited for years -- more often than not by the words and actions of "his side."

News flash: "We" know "you." What's obvious is "you" don't have Clue One about "us."

That smug incompetence combined with political and enforcement powers makes things dangerous.

So I think I'll keep my guns.

[Via Mack H]

Just 'Pathetic'? I'd Add 'Disgusting' and 'Contemptible' and...

"As the survivor of a mass shooting I can tell you from first-hand experience that all of you protesting and taking days off from school insult the memory of those who were killed and abuse and insult me and every other lover of liberty by your every action," he continued. [More]
Marx for Our Lives? Never be afraid to call 'em what they are.  After all, could there be any lament more ludicrous than "Oh, no, the bedwetting useful idiot commie wannabes don't like me"?

[Via @pamnsc]

Joe Biden’s Immigration Plan

The destruction of the Republic, of course... [More]

[Via Mack H]

He Who Must Not Be Named

Until now, much of the electoral success of progressive prosecutors has come in major metropolitan areas. The Virginia wins marked a shift to the suburbs. [More]
I suppose you could tell voters a candidate is bankrolled by Soros, but then prepared to be smeared for blowing an anti-Semitic dog whistle.

[Via Mack H]

If at First You Don't Succeed...

Since Parkland Shooting, States Have Enacted 137 Measures to Restrict Gun Access and Reduce Gun Violence, Analysis Shows [More] 
Surely ONE of them worked...?

Full Court Press

Putting other policy-related issues to one side, absent such an accounting, the court ought to be put in the course of ultimate extinction, and soon. [More]
Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of what happened to Robespierre...

[Via Michael G]

The Nose Knows

Some Fudds command our gratitude and respect.

I'm afraid some of the graphics they put on planes back then would draw the rage of today's bitter, militant cat harridans. Demotions and expulsions would follow. Heroic lives would be ruined. And those who are against everything America once stood for would bray that as a victory.

Not having seen it for decades, I had a chance to rewatch "Run Silent, Run Deep" the other evening. There was a calendar girl picture on the bulkhead that the men would pat on the rear when going into battle.

That certainly seems worth a harassment lawsuit for policy violation.

The type of man that could win a war is now being outcast as a toxic pariah, and we'd better believe that connection is intentional on the part of the string-pullers behind the useful idiots.

[Via Rough and Ready]

We're the Only Ones Slammed Enough

Sheriff’s deputy fired after video shows him slamming 11-year-old student to the ground [Video]

He's not been charged with at least assault and battery?  And after over a month, they still refuse to tell the public that pays them his name?

[Via Jess]

Cognitive Dissonance Down Under

The rifle is currently Class A but in October this year owners in NT were informed it was being reclassified to a Class C and told they’d have to sell their rifle or obtain an updated firearms licence within three months. [More]
And then there's:
Federal Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie has responded to the ongoing proliferation of petitions demanding an end to Australia’s feral cat cull, declaring the pests pose the single biggest threat to native wildlife and saying they’re to be found across 99.8 per cent of Australia.
Sounds like sense has gone walkabout...

[Via Felix B]

How Parasites Profit

But the astounding failures of the schools and the police are irrelevant to activists determined to invoke the Parkland killings to forcibly disarm the American people. [More]

Rahm Emanuel had something to say about that.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Youth-Oriented Enough

Former Jefferson County deputy charged with child molestation [More

On the plus side, he'll be saving plenty now on lunch dates.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Making Sure Enough

“Making sure the required paperwork is done. Making sure the required background checks are completed,” Ham said. “Making sure that guns are being sold to people who are eligible under federal (law).” [More] 

You know, all those things that make sure "shall not be infringed" is the foremost consideration on the part of those bound by it...

[Via bondmen]

Wiping Out All Those 'Attaboys'

A radio show was canceled after a host said 'a nice school shooting' would break up the monotony of the Trump impeachment coverage [More]
Curly Bill pretty much says all there is to:

[Via Steve T

Safe Haven

I was asked to make readers aware of Guns & Safety Reviews, a new site that covers the gamut from safes, guns, tactical gear, maintenance and safety. As regulars here know, I pretty much confine myself to the ideological and don't pretend to have much to say on hardware, so I leave it to you to look things over and decide if you get value. [More]

If you do, tell a friend.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

You'll Be Surprised, You're Doing the French Mistake, Voila!

Never Trumpers Attack Michelle Malkin for Exposing GOP Governors Selling Out on Refugee Resettlement - What did white man David French mean by saying “Malkin continues to show her true colors?” [More]

As does he.

I prefer hers.
[Via Mack H]

A Plan Comes Together

Third, the middle class, which had been encouraged and celebrated since the time of the American Founding, is now under sustained attack. [More]
This is my shocked face.

Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie?

[Via Mack H]

Good Thing This Has Nothing to Do with That 'Single issue'

New report: Mass migration gives Dem states 24 more seats, electoral votes in 2020 [More

Be sure and thank cheap-labor Republicans and your state and national "gun rights leaders" and "gunbloggers" for warning and mobilizing you.

If you've been aware of but ignoring my reports, you might want to give yourself a hand, too.

[Via Mack H]

Sorry, Our Hands are Tied

Therefore, until ATF is able to promulgate a procedure for processing and appr.oving such requests, an FFL may not lawfully transfer a Reformation configured as a GCA/SBS to a non-licensee. [More]
Could you imagine explaining this to Tench Coxe?

[Via Len Savage

UPDATE (received via email from the fine folks at Reeves & Dola --  it's not posted to their "Alerts" page yet, so instead of a link, I'm giving you screenshots):

Today's Five-Minute Activism

Join us in calling on AmazonSmile Director Sachin Shah and his team to stop relying on the SPLC, establish their own criteria, and apply it evenly without ideological bias! [More]
Actually, it just took me one minute. Be sure and uncheck the "Send me emails" box.

[Via Michael G]

Burn the Witch!

“What I am so surprised at is that smart people who I admire, who are absolutely pro-science in other areas, and champion human rights & womens rights are tying themselves in knots to avoid saying the truth that men cannot change into women (because that might hurt mens feelings).”[More]

We're the Only Ones Hulking Enough

Off-Duty LAPD Officer Arrested After Allegedly Brandishing Gun in Santa Clarita Road-Rage Incident [More]
Don't make her angry. You won't like her when she's angry.

[Via jumpinjonnydee]

Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends

‘America, Guns, and Freedom’ Offers Antidote to Anti-Gun Quackery by David Codrea [More]
If you missed it on AmmoLand, here's another posting.

A Dog in the Fight

Team Trump mocks 'fair and objective' Washington Post over 'Merry Impeachmas' tweet [More]
And speaking of dog fights, why is the alpha bitch hesitant?

Speaking of Totally Unrelated Issues...

Guns surpass immigration as biggest non-impeachment issue [More

Well, it's not like the two have anything to do with each other.

We're the Only Ones Not Responsive Enough

Shauna Medeiro called 911 at around 3:30 p.m. on March 29 and told a 911 operator, "He’s [Nathan Meier] not responding. The car is still running, it looks like he put it in park. His eyes are open, totally glassed over, he’s not responsive at all." [More]
And all-too evidently, that doesn't just apply to the drunk.

[Via Jess]

Just to be Consistent...

Here’s the bottom line: If bump stocks can be defined as “machine guns” because they supposedly cause a semi-automatic to fire automatically, then, using the same line of reasoning, semi-automatics are machine guns too. [More]

Courtesy of our "pro-gun president" and his Fairfax advisors...

We're the Only Ones Intimidating Enough

A veteran Baltimore Police sergeant criminally charged with forcibly arresting a bystander without justification in May has now been indicted on 32 additional counts of false imprisonment, assault and misconduct in office based on a “pattern and practice of harassment and intimidation”... [More]
He's a veteran and sergeant with 24 years on the force, he's comfortable presuming to be able to get away with this with impunity and we're supposed to buy that he "ignored his training as a police officer"?

In Baltimore?

Why would it be unreasonable to assume any contact with an "Only One" there to be a life-threatening encounter with an armed thug, and to react accordingly?

UPDATE: I guess he's not a threat to the community like you or I would be if we did that to people.

[Via Jess]

That's Entertainment!

The Blood members shouted: "You all are running around here playing like you’re the real police. You all want to put your hands on these little kids. We don’t give a f— about your Masjid. F— your Masjid." [More]

Remind me to add popcorn to the shopping list.

I'm Sure There's a Perfectly Innocent Explanation

Surveillance footage taken during first Epstein suicide attempt missing [More]

Well if you people stopped disrespecting authorities maybe they wouldn't be so needlessly distracted that they could focus more completely or something. Case in point: What kind of cop-basher wouldn't take the word of a multiple homicidal drug-running "Only One" cellmate?

Brazilians Waxing

The Associated Press reports that Brazilians are now flocking to the U.S. border, with many claiming asylum. [More] 

That claim is against you and me and is predicated on us owing it to them and to anyone else who shows up ready to break our laws if that's what it takes.

In Appreciation

We appreciate the individuals who alerted the college to these concerns. [More]

So you appreciate brainwashed young communist cowards who try to dupe state enforcers into SWATing and killing students with traditional American values, Dean Roz?

Is a police investigation and prosecution planned?
[Via Michael G]

Modest Proposals

The party’s immigration platform 100 Medidas Para La EspaƱa Viva (“One Hundred Proposals For the Living Spain”) is something Trumpsters can appreciate: #14: “Deportation of illegal immigrants to their countries of origin.” #15: “Deportation of criminal legal immigrants.” #17: “[E]very immigrant who has entered Spain illegally will be prohibited for life from legalizing his situation or receiving any type of government help.” #26: “Fortify our borders. Build an impassable wall in Ceuta and Melilla (Spanish enclaves on the African coast).” #31: “Publication of nationality and origin date in crime statistics.” [More]
Add a right to keep and bear arms and you've got yourself a fan.

Let Me Take a Stab at This

Stabbing spree at an Oregon shopping center [Watch]

"The attacker"?  "The suspect"? "A machete"?

Dare I ask anything else?

[Via Jess]

None Dare Call It Treason

Governor Newsom doubling down to dismantle the California economy [More]

At some point, you've gotta consider it's intentional and being done on behalf of certain interests who prefer to not be noticed -- yet.

[Via Michael G]

Back Off, Boogaloo

Extremism, Terrorism & Bigotry - The Boogaloo: Extremists’ New Slang Term for A Coming Civil War [More

What kind of damned rightwing racists would say they'll fight back if attacked?

They even have a theme song!

Not to be confused with the collectivists'...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Relentless Enough

Through Relentless Pursuit, we pledge to hold accountable the trigger-pullers, firearm traffickers, violent criminals and those who supply them the guns to terrorize our communities. ATF will aggressively utilize every available tool, including our crime gun enforcement teams, National Integrated Ballistic Information Network and firearms tracing to identify, investigate and support the prosecution of the most violent firearm offenders.” [More

And if we happen to sweep up some who aren't so violent, well, you can't make an omelet...

Amazing how the right rhetoric gets the law-and-order crowd salivating for a Constitutionally-unrestrained police state...

[Via bondmen]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Spreads To Kentucky [More]

Those exploiting it had better realize there is an expectation on the part of supporters that everybody is serious about this.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Disrespected Enough

Barr: Rising disrespect for cops not only wrong, it puts us in danger [More]
Coming from the top cop, and one with problematic respect for "the supreme Law of the Land" on his own, that sounds like a threat.

Maybe if the emphasis were on rights enforcement rather than law enforcement...

[Via bondmen]


FBI Director Wray Caught in LIE Under Oath to Congress [More]
Hell, I found a picture of him lying long before that.

[Via bondmen]

You'll Become a Sanctuary City and Like It!

Appomattox County, Virginia Becomes First County to Say No Thanks to Refugee Resettlement [More]
Nothing we can do. Our new "Republican leaders" tell us it's symbolic.

Hey, if we don't like it we can always vote and change the law, right?

[Via Mack H]

Not the Worst Thing

“The worst thing for me would be if somebody wound up in jail or a confrontation [with police] because they misunderstood a symbolic gesture [by the Board of Supervisors],” Ingle said. [More]
"Well, I guess that's it then," Captain Parker replied, ordering his men to surrender their arms after being issued a lawful order. "We made our symbolic gesture, men."

There are worse things.

[Via Mack H]

That Just Means More Quarry

Under Pennsylvania’s New 80% Lower Standard, Virtually Anything Can Now be Defined as a Gun [More]

I wonder if ol' Josh has enough hounds...

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

New and Improved!

State National Firearms Act (NFA) Weapons Regulations Map [More]
Our friends at American Gun Owners Alliance have created a useful interactive map that drives you right down to the sections and text of the laws, as well as links to other state gun laws.

Founder Dave Dalton also tells me they're still working on Puerto Rico, which has big changes coming in January. For now, the only "official" copy is in Spanish, and he's been informed there probably won't be an authorized English translation until Spring.

Dave also tells me they "have started the process to become a 501(c)(4), we didn't raise as much as we had hoped," to which I almost sent him back a link to Gomer.

Who will help me plant the wheat?

As I said when I introduced AMGOA to AmmoLand readers:

If, after seeing what AMGOA offers – and what it can offer if allowed to grow – you agree that you get value from the efforts, then simply do the right thing. Join and help. But that’s not all. Please spread the word. If you’re on it, use social media. Tell your gun-owning friends. Tell your gun club. Tell the gun shops and ranges you patronize. If you belong to a state or national group, ask them to start a mutually beneficial relationship with AMGOA.
 My hope is that regulars here will see the value and do these simple and warranted things.