Thursday, September 05, 2019


The Department of Justice has sent a package of legislative proposals on gun violence to the White House, a person familiar with the matter told Fox News, as the debate rages over how lawmakers and the president should respond to a recent spate of deadly mass shootings. *
Nope, no favor at all...

*Fox Newsdoesnot allow links from Blogger. To read, go to:

Applying for Club Acceptance

Fouts v Becerra Baton Second Amendment Complaint Filed [More]
The expansion of "legally"-recognized "arms" categories continues from the same fine folks advancing the rights of stun gun and butterfly knife owners.

Follow Whose Money?

“Follow the damn money,” Democratic Party of Virginia spokesman Jake Rubenstein said in a written statement. “The NRA is paying Virginia Republicans to block common sense safety measures.” [More]
Funny. As incensed as he is about NRA's thousands, Jake is fine with Bloomberg's millions...

I wonder if Jorge will get any, and from whom...

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Dodgy Enough

FBI agent dodges fine for AR-15 assault rifle stolen from unattended vehicle in Oakland. [More]
You're not allowed to own one because you're not trustworthy and professional enough.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Spontaneous and Grassroots' Is

Launched in late June 2019, Never Again Action claims to be a large grassroots network that spontaneously arose in response to perceived parallels between the humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border and the Nazi Holocaust against the Jewish people. Indeed, the phrase “Never Again” has its origin and most common usage in preventing another Holocaust. [More]
I thought the fences then were to keep people in...

Or could it be these traitors to their country and their people are quite aware of that?

And of this...?

[Via Michael G]


Walmart Discontinues Auto Part Sales To Prevent Car Accidents [More]
As long as we're being consistent...

[Via Michael G]

A Taxing Proposition

This was a coup for the Second Amendment and liberty movements. [More]
So it is about deer hunting...?

Which authority-delegating article and section are we talking about again?

On This We Can Agree

California Passes Law Allowing Citizens to Refuse to Help Police Officers [More]

I see many law-and-order types having apoplexy over this, and at the risk of being condemned as a contrarian (or worse), they are not thinking this through.

Haven't we seen enough evidence to stop buying into the special "Only Ones" privileges and immunities lie?

I will decide who I will help, and when and under what circumstances. Perhaps I saw the lead-up to confrontation and believe it was started with inappropriate aggressiveness. Perhaps I will exercise my right to not be complicit in enforcing an edict I disagree with (like arresting an "I will not comply" patriot.) Think of it as pre-jury nullification. Perhaps in order to help, I will have to reveal my own noncompliance with a diktat (like maybe having a defense weapon on my person in "May Not Issue" CA.)

Perhaps if you want my help, you ought to act like you deserve it.

Perhaps I don't choose to offer anyone an explanation beyond BFYTW.

[Via several of you]

ADDENDUM: Now if they want to activate the citizen militia and afford all proper considerations for uninfringed RKBA, we can start talking terms.

Opening Her Mouth and Removing All Doubt

29-Year-Old Communist Bartender AOC Lectures Navy SEAL on How to Handle Firearms [More]
Looks like Crenshaw's back "on" again. So how long can he sustain the paradox?

[Via bondmen]

Gee, I Wonder What They'll Talk About...?

Aside from curtailing our rights and redistributing our wealth, only the latter of which will affect their parishioners...? [More]

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Disinterested Enough

UPDATE: Odessa Shooter Had been “Calling FBI and Police FOR YEARS” Leaving Incoherent Messages Before Mass Shooting [More]
I'm more interested in what they know about him now that we haven't been told, particularly his sympathies. That allows discreditable specific rumors to spread, which in turn discourages generally exploring further in that direction.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Correctional Enough

St. Louis corrections officer indicted in federal drug conspiracy [More]
Deep down in your heart you know this is Trump's fault.

[Via bondmen]

An Emotional Issue

Watch: Democratic Presidential Candidates Squirm When Asked To Define "Assault Weapon" [More]
I rest my case.

[Via bondmen]

Supermarket Sweep

Kroger Bans Open Carry, Asks Congress to Pass More Gun Control [More]
I'd say "respectfully asking" is a bit different than "bans" if it doesn't come attached with a call to the "Only Ones." It's the "urging Congress to pass more gun control" part that bothers me.

[Via DDS]

Aid and Comfort

Thanks to Lois Beckett, Alex Yablon, and especially Massad Ayoob for their help researching and fact-checking this piece.  [More]
Beckett and Yablon, especially, I can understand.

I'm still trying to figure out why someone from "our side" would want to help Vox when he's got to know they will use it to attack RKBA. It is an interesting admission on where they have to go and who they have to ask to keep from making fools of themselves, but I still gotta ask what happened to "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"?

I never understood "fact-checking" proposed infringements, either. I'd want them vulnerable to challenge, rather than helping the oppressor make them bulletproof.  Case in point, thank goodness no one helpfully pointed out the fatal flaw in Nevada's Question 1.

Excuse me, but you won't shoot me that way, with the safety on.

"Oh, you're right. Thanks."


[Via DDS]

Now There's an Original Thought

Dem Congressman Claims It's Easier to Buy an AR-15 Than Sudafed, Hilarity Ensues [More]
Parrot much?

[Via Jess]

On a Need to Know Basis

No further information about the victim or suspect was released. Milwaukee Police Department told Newsweek the suspect's name will be released when he is charged. [More]
Why is my first thought that it's because it won't support the narrative?

[Via Mack H]

At Least He Didn't Shoot Them

A 40-year-old madman named Yu stabbed to death eight children, ages six through 13 years. At least two other children were injured. He had been released from prison in June after serving a sentence for attempted murder. [More]
The tool doesn't matter and truth knows no borders.

[Via Felix B]

It's Worse than I Thought

Walmart now proudly proclaims on its own website that it is a “charter member” of the “Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership” which was co-formed by WalMart, “Everytown for Gun Safety” and Michael Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns”... [More]
I wonder when the last time was that he shopped at one.

[Via Ron W]

Seven Pillars of Wisdom?

7 ways for conservatives to counter gun control with criminal control [More
As long as"gun felons" cannot be construed to include principled"I will not comply" advocates, and stipulating that leaving out the custodian means you might as well arm them, OK by me...

[Via Michael G]

Many of Us Won't Be, Living

Meghan McCain: 'I'm not living without guns' [More]
I have to admit I'm pleasantly surprised, but I still don't trust her.

[Via Mack H]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

Cardboard policeman stolen as plan to deter lawbreakers goes a bit wrong [More]
Crikey! They lost their most useful member!

[Via Steve T

'Taking Advantage'?

“Thousands and thousands” of large-capacity magazines are stored currently at GunSitters in Whippany, where gun owners have handed over their large-capacity magazines, taking advantage of the storage option as litigation plays out, Rebels said. Some have turned over more than 100 magazines, which are held in a 3,000-square-foot steel vault. [More]
Hey, we can't be trusting free men with Pez dispensers.

[Via Roger J]

A Catastrophic Liar

The first untruth I’ll call the “Slippery Slope” lie. [More]
Jerry: Is that a nice thing to say about Nancy Pelosi?

[Via Rough and Ready]

He Who May Not Be Criticized

Media Ignore Soros’ Lobbying for Gun Control in 2019 [More]
Well, heck, who wants to present, you know,  evidence, and be branded an anti-Semite?

[Via Michael G]

We Know You are But What are We?

So would we members have standing to sue for libel?

Who thinks peace with these hive insects is possible?

[Via DDS]

A Matter of Priorities

The University of South Carolina doesn't offer a course centered on founding U.S. documents, such as the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist Papers because it says that would be too financially stringent. Meanwhile, the university invites students to take a class on the art of tailgating. [More]
I thought it was because they encouraged rear-ending until I saw it's a cooking course.

[Via Michael G]