Tuesday, October 08, 2019

'I Will Not Comply'

Huh. We weren't given that option on "bump stocks"... [More]

[Via Mack H]

Those Devious Spirochetes

How Syphilis Sneaked Up on Americans [More]
Not on any Americans in my circles.

Why does that headline give me a "The gun went off" vibe?

Oh. Magic again.

Welcome to the Party, Pals

WINSTON-SALEM ENDANGERS PUBLIC TO PURSUE ANTI-GUN AGENDA - ‘Dixie Classic Fair’ bans even armed law enforcement [More]
Well good-- feel our pain.

People are willing to surrender their rights for trivial pursuits. And when it blows up on them, they'll take their anger out on those who warned them.

Tough to feel sorry for that...

Secret Snitch

House Democrats consider masking identity of whistleblower [More]
So confronting the accuser is out? And hearsay is in?

Well not being able to validate anything about his motives, agenda and reputation will certainly make me feel better, not only about his credibility but about the kind of "justice" we can expect when Democrats rule!


Video: Fed Up! Trump’s Announces He’s Looking At Starting His Own News Network [More]
The FCC, the FEC, an impeachment-crazy Congress, "Never Trump Republicans" and injunction-issuing activist judges would be on it in a heartbeat.

[Via Jess]

In a Class All by Themselves

What most media commentary has missed is the striking problem that the neoliberal Chief presented for Americans: he suspended an officer for briefly depriving an illegal of his freedom by detaining him until ICE arrived, but yet has never announced suspending or investigating an officer who has deprived an American of his or her freedom during an illegal detention or arrest.  [More]
Yeah, well, who do you expect domestic enemies to persecute?

[Via Mack H]

There's No Constitutional Right to Air, Either

There is a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Watts did not cite a constitutional right to keep and bear cold medicine. [More]
That is absolutely the wrong and more dangerous way to look at it. Do I really need to explain why?

[Via Mack H]

At Least You Can't Call the Rabbi Anti-Semitic

Many American Jews Need to Atone for Their Sins against Donald Trump [More]
I'd say they're not so much against Donald Trump, as much as against those he's an avatar for. And he's managed to amass a few sins against them himself.

[Via Mack H]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Students hold sit-in at U. Minnesota president’s office to demand campus cops be disarmed [More]
Mr. Benny cautions against kneejerk dismissals.

[Via Michael G]

Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make, Nor Iron Bars a Cage?

NYU student gov claims 'jails do not make us safe,' backs 'abolition' plan [More]
And they're all invited to Open Cage Day at the Bronx Zoo!

[Via Michael G]

Gender Bending

When masculinity turns 'toxic': A gender profile of mass shootings [More]
His go-to guys for the only "information" he shares are gun-grabbers Newsom, Wintemute and assorted anti-gun eggheads?  I'm beginning to wonder what Phillip Reese actually knows about either of his featured topics.

Maybe if "progressives" stopped subverting natural masculinity it wouldn't turn toxic as much?

[Via Rough and Ready]

Some Assembly Required

Attend The 2nd Amendment Rally: November 2, 2019, on the Capitol Lawn in Washington D.C. [More]
I see the Saviors are all in...

I think I see why I'm finding out about this second-hand.  Am I wrong in assuming the single greatest threat will be ignored?

[Via Felix B]

Doing His Duty

"And how much did you actually lose?"
"About a quarter of a billion! Pretty close."
On top of that, the assault-style rifles he still had in stock – about $5 million worth of inventory – he turned into scrap metal. [More]
He evidently defines "duty" by a different standard.

[Via Michael G]

It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It

Hunter Biden received permission from the Obama White House to sit on the Ukrainian oil company's board of directors. [More]
Well yeah. That's how it's done.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Feeling YOUR Age Enough

Lowery is out on bond, but she is facing five felony charges including three counts of financial exploitation of an elderly, disabled person and two counts of forgery after investigators said she financially exploited a 96-year-old woman with dementia. [More]
Hey, if she's on "unpaid administrative leave," a gal's gotta eat...

[Via bondmen]

Does This Tin Foil Hat Make My Head Look Big?

Conspiracy theorists [The initial CleanUpATF source] believe[s] that gun-walking to influence public opinion in support of further gun control measures began at the highest levels of power. [More]
There, I fixed it for ya.

[Via bondmen]

Now with Three Times the Bullsh!+!

UC Davis releases three studies on gun violence prevention [More]
A whole spate!

Brought to you by "The Hero of Medicine"!

In this bit of taxpayer-funded subversion we find "intimate partner violence" includes the subjective determination that what may be a long-overdue verbal rejoinder combined with the "liquor cabinet loophole" are potential areas to focus rights-erosion efforts on.

We also see a renewed push for totally unqualified gunquacks trading on  perceived gravitas to offer prescriptions outside their areas of expertise, and definitively prove that if you feed a lie to enough ignoramuses for long enough with no sources of alternative information, most of them will swallow it.

Not that the bubble-headed bleach blonde, practiced at looking solemn and authoritative and all "You can have it all, girl!", hasn't bought into it herself...

[Via Roger J]

A Judgment Call

Talk about disenfranchising the electorate... [More]

What If You Mandated a Surrender and Nobody Did?

Bump stock ban's flop a bad omen for Democrats' gun buyback plan - Hundreds of thousands still unaccounted for after ban [More]
It should be equally bad news for the Republican administration that ordered it and only succeeded in alienating supporters.

[Via Mack H]