Friday, January 31, 2020

Bloomberg Superbowl Ad Counting on Fan Ignorance and Apathy about Rights

As for the NFL, it’s hostility to the Second Amendment is no secret to Americans who care more for the right of the people to keep and bear arms than they do for bread and circuses. League gutlessness, on the National Anthem and in its “Standard of Conduct” mandating player defenselessness, tells us all we need to know. The hiring of ex-ATF honcho and Fast and Furious cover-up king B. Todd Jones as special counsel for player misconduct tells us a bit more. [More]
It figures he’d pose in front of a flag neither he nor many NFL players stand for.

Smarter than You

RNC Releases Ad Showing CNN Panel Mocking Trump Voters as ‘Rubes’: ‘They Think You’re a Joke’ [More]
You get the feeling that none of our superiors in sophistication could start a lawnmower?

Any Republican candidate who uses the services of "Republican strategist" Rick Wilson should be treated as giving aid and comfort to the enemy because that's exactly what he's doing.

Calling All Cars

Arrest warrant issued for woman who lied on red flag filing in Larimer County [More]
Good. It's past time the message was driven home loud and clear to family survivors that we can sympathize with their agony, but that does not give them license to then bend us to their will under force of government arms.

How About 'No'?

Elizabeth Warren introduces sweeping gun safety bill with licensing, universal background checks, and an assault-weapons ban [More]

You know, what the totalitarian liars have always called "a good first step."

What's More Absurd, Offensive and Outrageous?

That New York can charge you for a "stargazing permit" or that it authorizes its enforcers to use the full continuum of force up to lethal if you tell them to "f*** off" and make it known that you will defend yourself against assault and kidnapping? [More]

[Via Michael G]

It's Almost Like What They're Doing Doesn't Work or Something

“D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham has identified illegal firearms as a major factor fueling homicides.” [More]

Quick! Somebody make them more illegal and think up a new infringement against the "law-abiding!"

And shouldn't we be calling them "undocumented"?

[Via bondmen]

The 'Commonsense' Solution

10-year-old accidentally shoots self with stolen gun found outside home [More]
If only they would disarm you and me.

[Via bondmen]

That's Entertainment?

Then the lecture comes in the form of a PSA. [More]
Tell us what to believe, oh wise lottery-winning stage props!

Speaking of which...

I've heard of about, like, three of them.

But I've heard of the Astroturfer behind it before, and what a piece of ...uh ... work he is.

[Via Michael G]

Putting a Face on the Oppressors

I wrote a best-selling book about Justin Trudeau in the last election. After the election, I received a letter by registered mail notifying me that I was being investigated for that book. Trudeau’s elections commissioner claimed it was an illegal campaign activity and demanded that I submit to an interrogation. So I went to Elections Canada’s Ottawa headquarters last week, where I was grilled for an hour by two 30-year veterans of the RCMP — and they refused to rule out a police raid on Rebel News headquarters! [More] 

Tyranny wears a suit.

Brave man.

I can't tell at this point if he made things worse for himself or not, but I suspect some are desperately seeking for a way to exact life-destroying revenge without blowback.

[Via Michael G]

WarOnGuns 2020 Political Questionnaire

The NRA Board of Directors Questionnaire was actually derived from a political questionnaire I developed years ago. I update and tailor it as I think necessary, and what follows are the questions I expect a politician to satisfactorily answer if he wants my support.

And yes, that's no guarantee he won't betray you, but at least this creates a record that can be used against him afterward and ever after to undeniably prove he lies to get what he wants.

Here are this year's questions:
  • Do you believe that the Constitution is the “supreme Law of the Land” and that the Bill of Rights acknowledges the birthrights of all Americans? 
  • If so, should these rights be proactively protected from infringement by all levels of government? How? 
  • Please give some examples of gun laws you consider unconstitutional. 
  • Please give some examples of gun laws you consider constitutional.
  • Does the right to bear arms include the right for any peaceable citizen to carry them openly or concealed without a permit? 
  • Do you believe that Americans have a right to own, use and carry full-auto weapons of militia utility? 
  • Do you agree with “enforce existing gun laws” or "repeal existing gun laws"? 
  • Do you support or oppose licensing requirements to own or carry firearms? Why? 
  • What specific gun laws will you work to get repealed? 
  • If elected, will you back your words of support for firearms rights up with consistent actions? How? 
  • Do you agree that politicians should be held accountable in their NRA and other "gun lobby" grades for immigration actions that undermine the Second Amendment? If “No,” and if falling back on the “single issue” excuse, provide credible and testable evidence – not anecdotes and not just opinions – to show that will not happen.
Like I said, these are MY criteria. Feel free to use them or modify/develop your own, and don't forget to publicize a politician's answers or if he shines you on.

Well, If You Only Expressed Approved Sentiments, You Wouldn't Have This Problem

Facebook Is Now So Determined To Ban Free Thought, They’re Censoring Private Messages [More]
What can I say but "community standards"?

[Via Jess]

Common-Sense God Control

"You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe." [More]
Well, I utterly failed in convincing our "pro-gun president" on that point, or I should say, in convincing anywhere near enough gun owners to give a damn.

[Via Mack H]

Couldn't Agree More

“[I]t is illuminating to review how Mr. Barr has directed his Justice Department on matters concerning the First Amendment... [More]
Yes, it is.
It is no irony that the real totalitarians project the label their position deserves onto opponents as a smear.
No, it's not.

[Via Mack H]

Binge or Purge

Bernie Sanders is reportedly considering dozens of executive orders to go around Congress ... [More]
What's the big deal? They'll support him.

If they know what's good for them.

[Via Roger J]

Good Question

Which one would you feel safer at? [More]
Now, which one would you feel safer from government at?

Giffords Flack Accusing 2A Defenders of Lying Shows Much about His Own Truthfulness

By revealing he was “a member of the ATF SWAT team,” Chipman reveals he had more in common with Lon Horiuchi than those “responsible gun owners” he has no problem enforcing against. With his disdain for those who stand down on unlawful orders, it's reasonable to surmise he would have obediently and unquestioningly followed those rules of engagement. [More]
If I'm reading him right, and I am, if you believe the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, you're an unpatriotic liar. And he's a "responsible gun owner." Who wants enforcers to arrest you if you don't obey disarmament edicts.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Did Someone Say 'Fascist'?

Let's ask someone who's actually finished college:

Modern Italian gun control laws date from the Fascist period; the Public Safety Act was passed in 1931 as one of a series of measures designed to put an end to leftist violence. Addressing the Italian Senate Benito Mussolini explained: "The measures adopted to restore public order are: First of all, the elimination of the so-called subversive elements. ... They were elements of disorder and subversion. On the morrow of each conflict I gave the categorical order to confiscate the largest possible number of weapons of every sort and kind. This confiscation, which continues with the utmost energy, has given satisfactory results."

I'm starting to think he might really be one of ours...

Avoiding the issue

Bottom line, David: Taking a strong anti-immigrant stand is the surest long-term way to lose our rights. [More]
I notice he completely ignored the challenge and instead presented unqualified opinions rather than sourced facts.

I wonder why that's all anyone has been able to do...

That Could be a Liability

Tom Tancredo Endorses Lauren Boebert’s Run For Congress [More]
I sure hope she's better on guns than he is.

What Better Assurance Could We Have?

Convicted of sex crimes as a man, felon no longer deemed threat because of gender change [More]

Well, then, there's only one thing to do.

[Via Michael G]

12 Round Publishing

T.L. Davis is starting a new publishing venture for "positive American novels" and is looking for some help. [More]

Take a Gamble?

Students protest after reported racist graffiti at the University of Richmond [More

Bet still stands...
[Via Michael G]

The Enemy Within

However, I do think there are some steps we can take that may save some lives. For example, I do not think people under 21 should be allowed to purchase a weapon of any sort. [More]

Well, then you're a goddam fraud who deserves to be repelled just as assuredly as any communist.

[Via Mack H]

Vox Populi

America's Anti-Democratic Constitution Explained [More]

And that doesn't give us an idea about founding intent...?

What can I say, but "Vox"?

[Via Roger J]

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Michigan State University launched a new website for “undocumented students, refugees, and recipients of...DACA,” with a goal to "reduce apprehension." [More]

Michigan State? Funded by whom?

And this differs from a "bullet fee" how...?

I'd think there'd be federal funding implications here that could be called into play if someone really wanted to...

[Via Michael G]

Preemptive Strike

S.C. attorney general files lawsuit against City of Columbia over gun laws [More]
I don't like the idea of anyone claiming authority to infringe, but this is a necessary defensive maneuver.

[Via Roger J]

It's Your Own Damn Fault, Anyway

This bill not only forces you to lock up your self defense firearms, it punishes you even if you DO lock up firearms. While it penalizes gun owners if their firearms are stolen, it does nothing to penalize gun thieves. [More]
Well, if you didn't own guns, this wouldn't be a problem, now, would it?

A Method to His Madness

Simply put, the billionaire mayor gets a lot more for his money as a candidate than he ever could as a donor or even as the operator of a super PAC...Then, there’s something campaigns have that no PAC has — and that’s access to the best rates the market has to offer. [More]
So basically commit "legal" campaign finance fraud...?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Rifled Enough

The officer came out in the morning and found the back window had been smashed in an Explorer SUV. He looked in the vehicle, found a lot of stuff was missing, including a patrol rifle and shotgun,” the chief said. [More]

"Patrol rifle"?

So it didn't become a "weapon of war" suitable only for killing as many people as possible until after the "Only One" left it inadequately secured?

[Via bondmen]

When Tactics Work

Panic About Peaceful Protest Reveals Gun Controllers' Bigotry [More]

You know where the real bigotry is coming from, don't you Mr. Sullum?

[Via bondmen]

Follow the Money

Feds charge Philly City Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson with using his office to enrich himself and his wife [More]

Now who's going to fight "gun violence"...?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Off the Cuff Enough

Cpl Owen then entered the patrol car and sat next to Green. A short time later, Green, who had his hands behind his back, was shot seven times for reasons that were still being investigated, according to police. [More]
I don't see how any of us who have never had occasion to shoot a bound and confined man are in any position to second-guess him.

[Via bondmen]

The Politics of Personal Destruction

Matt Shea is not a man the regressive left can allow to roam the earth. [More]
Belloq explains:

[Via Mack H]

Divided We Fall

U.S. churches divided over members packing heat [More]

You know who's not divided?

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Cheating Enough

32 new Georgia State Troopers fired, 1 resigned after allegedly cheating on exams [More]

So basically there were no good apples and the barrel was fresh? These are the people we're hiring to shoot our dogs?

Kind'a makes you wonder how seriously they would have taken their oaths...

[Via Russell S]

China Syndrome

Acclaimed Harvard chemist and nanoscientist, Dr. Charles Lieber, had served as a “strategic scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology for the past nine years and is accused of lying about his role as a “contractual participant” of China’s infamous Thousand Talents Plan. Last fall, after years of intel warnings, a bipartisan Senate committee blew the whistle on TTP’s systematic recruitment of an estimated 7,000 academics who have agreed to “transmit the knowledge and research they gain here to China in exchange for salaries, research funding, lab space, and other incentives.” Lieber reportedly received $50,000 a month plus living expenses and more than $1.5 million for a Chinese research lab, all while soaking up $15 million in federal grants from the National Institutes of Health and Defense Department. [More]
Meh. Small change.

[Via Mack H]

Americans in Name Only

Three senators – Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, and Mitt Romney of Utah – are rumored to be willing for witnesses to be called in the impeachment trial now underway in the Senate. [More]

This is just a stop along the way to where "lesser of two evils" voting will ultimately take us. Had examples been made of betrayers 30 years ago, and then consistently applied, the lesson would have been learned by the GOP.

I just got a solicitation from the Republicans asking for money-- which they will distribute based on considerations very different from my priorities. If you do donate, do it for individual candidates who have earned it-- giving it to the party means unavoidably giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

[Via Mack H]

The Gospel of Trayvon

“The Gospel of Trayvon” is the fiction into which black Americans have been indoctrinated for almost eight years. [More]

Not to worry-- Mary Sanchez, an "Authorized Journalists" with real reach, tells us the "documentarian, also questionable ... is pimping a new book and a movie..."

Hey, why come up with documented facts when you can just smear and get paid for it?

[Via Mack H]

I Left My Shart in San Francisco

Mohammed Nuru, San Francisco’s Public Works Director (you know, the guy whose job it is to keep the streets free of poop), was arrested by the FBI this morning on suspicion of public corruption... [More]
Was he stealing some?

[Via Michael G]

A Matter of Priorities

Six suspected drug dealers who are accused of running a $7 million fentanyl distribution operation out of a Bronx apartment were released without bail under the state’s new criminal justice law early Wednesday. [More]
And they had passports! Rigorous!

 But let NY enforcers catch you with a gun...

Tangentially-related update via Mack H:

An alleged criminal is on the run after a New York judge ignored the state’s controversial bail reform law by placing a bond on an offender, only to be overruled by a higher-level judge.

Speaking of Baloney...

“That's just baloney. That's just baloney!” [More]
His credentials...


Even more offensive is the audience that agrees with  Constitutional dopes who presume to teach but don't have the prerequisite qualifications to even be in the classroom.

That doesn't mean an "average person" can't disagree with Dershowitz. I have before. But I've been able to cite some pretty impressive sources.

Damn, How'd This One Slip Through?

As David Codrea wrote at Ammoland... [More]

I missed this when it came out a few years ago. I thought I was persona non grata there.

I hope the editor didn't get in trouble.

I Guess That Makes Me a Liar and a Communist Democrat

Too bad the “quote” above left out that WLP was talking about gun in schools by students, gang bangers, etc. Lies, the domain of the communist democrats and the anti-gun crowd. It is a sad thing that Ammoland has such a bias against the NRA that truth is sacrificed in its continuous attacks. [More]
No, he was talking about everyone, "with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel."

And years later, when then-NRA 1st VP Sandra Froman started making noises about arming some teachers, she soon after had to issue a denial.

In 2012, Wayne LaPierre called for "armed police officers" in schools.

And funny thing-- when Asa Hutchison released a commissioned report acknowledging “Teachers should teach, but if there is personnel that has interest and is willing to go through 40 to 60 hours of [firearms] training, then schools should be willing to [arm them],” NRA's response, instead of "Hells YES!" was that they had no influence on it and "needed time to digest" the findings.

Their"School Shield" program still refers to "armed professionals."

Candidly, I haven't researched how far along NRA may have come since then and know that state affiliates like Buckeye Firearms Association are all over arming and training teachers, but this appears to be another case of our "leaders" in Fairfax being late and reluctant to the party. What I can state with certainty is they haven't called for the elimination of "gun-free zones" for "We the People," or alternatively, explained why we can be trusted on one side of a property line but all of a sudden become presumed threats on the other, so I'm assuming "Enforce existing gun laws" still applies.