Friday, March 20, 2020

Blinding Us with Science

“One thing is clear, those who kept insisting that the ‘white lab coat guys’ be in charge of this health emergency should all shut up once and for all.  It is in the job description of bureaucrat scientists at the Food and Drug Administration that they be risk averse, and this very aversion is an obstacle to taking every step to avert a disaster that these very public health experts claim may kill more than a million Americans. [More]
OK, but will those taking novel pharmaceuticals end up with a Thalidomide surprise?

"Conservative HQ" is talking Chloroquine. "Not so fast," CD Tavares advises.

At this point, anyone who claims to understand risks for either "side" is talking out of their ... ear.

Let's ask Valeria.

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

  1. You pays your money and you takes your chance. The FDA didn't stop thalomide, one employee, Frances Oldham Kelsey did by refusing, against industry pressure, to approve it in the US without further study. Fantastic result in that case, but the resulting change in regulation added billions upon billions in costs and multi-year delays in approving new drugs. Useful drugs are held up and dangerous ones still get through. How many people died and suffered while waiting for something that would have helped? And how many were harmed by a process that allows manufacturers so claim no liability because "they followed the rules?" -- A process that is heavily influence by those same companies.


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