Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Knute, Knute, He's Our Man

If he can't screw us, no one can!
He voted for the initial law banning guns and ammunition for domestic abusers in 2015...Buehler listed several other gun safety regulations he would support. “I’m certainly for common sense gun legislation, such as banning bump stocks, restricting those under 21 from not buying assault weapons and a three-day waiting period on hand gun purchases,” he said. “Those kinds of laws would make a difference, and have in other places, to decrease gun related violence.”
"B+"?  That's even better than the "B" they gave Wayne's "true champion of the Second Amendment" Harry Reid, and we know what happened there!

But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there's more!
He added that he differed with the Trump administration on several immigration policies. He said he backed protections for immigrants brought here illegally as children, and opposed the administration’s policy of separating children from parents seeking to cross the border.
Thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!

I haven't been this excited about a PVF grade since Chris Koster, Bill Brown and Kirsten Gillibrand!

But don't take my word for it. Take Oregon Firearms Federation's:

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are probably right. His signs are everywhere and I hear his radio ads telling us how conservative he is and he will stand with Trump, oh against Sanctuary cities. Oops, I forgot we are a Sanctuary State.


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