Thursday, December 03, 2020

Now THAT's the GOA I Know and Love

No, Biden’s first priority is to add 11,000,000 Democrat-leaning illegal aliens to the voting rolls. We saw what happened to California when 3,000,000 illegal aliens were given the vote in 1986.  In many major races, California Republicans don’t even have a spot on the general election ballot. [More]

It's nice to see somebody over there remembered. Now I don't feel so alone.

And now that we've seen the lead established, where are the other national and state gun groups, and all the "gunwriters" and "gunbloggers"?


  1. That's nice, but what is GOA doing to halt the presidential coup d'etat?

    What did GOA do to head it off?

    Did GOA ever endorse Trump, or did they humor their LoLibertarian members like last time and not endorse anyone?

    What have Loeffler & Perdue done to stop the presidential coup, to FORCE corrupt Kemp & his corrupt SecState to do the right thing?

    If they don't step up BIGLY, immediately and effectively to honor their oath and stop the presidential coup, I won't be helping them like someone with Battered Wife or Stockholm syndrome. They can go F themselves.

  2. Well, that's Mike Hammond.

    A Patriot!

  3. 11,000,000 is way too small a number.
    More like 30,000,000+.


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