Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Mistakes were Made?

A man convicted of shooting a U.S. Border Patrol agent nine years ago in a case that exposed a botched federal gun operation known as “Fast and Furious”... [More]
Still giving cover, I see...

Maybe they can now flesh out Phase 2?

Coming Soon, to a Resettlement Refuge Near You

One of the fastest growing criminal networks in Europe is now the Nigerian mafia, which is spreading its criminal activities across the continent. It consists of rival groups such as Black Axe, Vikings and Maphite. Most recently, authorities in Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Malta conducted an international operation directed at two of the major Nigerian mafia groups. Police accused the gangs of human-trafficking, drug trafficking, robbery, extortion, sexual violence and prostitution. [More]
Time for a neighborhood welcome party! Because as Madame Speaker reminds us:

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Going with the Flow Enough

I'm thinking this could be greatly simplified with a decision symbol asking "Constitutional?" and a "Go Get 'em, Tiger!" process symbol on the "No" line...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Not Pursuing Enough

"If I'm A Criminal, It’s Open Season": Atlanta Police To Stop Chasing Criminals [More]
Yet another reason why those inclined to be "law-abiding" are easier to go after.

[Via bondmen]

The Best Laid Schemes o' Mice an' Men Gang aft Agley

Lori Lightfoot urged Chicago police to close out 2019 with fewer than 500 murders [More
Alas and alack:
Happy New Year, Chicago Style: 513 Homicides in 2019 (and That’s an Improvement)
Maybe this year Charlie can drag the ol' AT4 out sooner and really make an impact.

Forget it, Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

Cause for Celebration?

Record gun sales checks in 2019, NICS at all-time high: FBI [More]

Man, that's a lot of prior restraint rights violations!

[Via bondmen]

Well, His Work Here Is Done

Donald Trump Jr. poses with AR-15 rifle featuring images of Hillary Clinton behind bars... [More]
Yeah, well, I wish Don Jr. would do something substantive, like talk to the old man and to the public about "bump stocks" and Guardian and red flags, and the gun purchase age and where the hell rights come from and...

I'm getting pretty tired of shallow gestures with no real commitment earning enthusiastic praise from the easily-impressed. It's past time this guy used his bully pulpit to give us more than self-aggrandizing symbolism.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Foreign Interference in Elections...

When anyone can register without showing proof of citizenship and in fact while showing a valid passport for another country, it’s a bad law. One that disenfranchises citizens by diluting their vote. [More]

So naturally, the evil liars say there is no voter fraud and claim requiring voter ID disenfranchises minority voters, meaning they not only cheat legitimate voters, they call them racist to boot.

[Via Michael G]

What I Fear as Well

No matter what the VCDL intends, this fringe element will become the national media image of the entire event. And trust me, these morons and bad actors will show up in Richmond. [More

I'm in the process of drafting  Firearms News article on this very subject and will make sure to link to this piece.

[Via Roger J]

Curses, Foiled Again!

Without needing to even consider the issue of gun rights, federal courts are recognizing that boycotts enforced by government power can menace free speech and free association. The amusing part is that the public officials themselves are helping to provide the basis for these rulings by tweeting and speechifying about how much damage they intend to do the NRA. [More]

And the unamusing part is it shows what little regard these monsters -- and that's what they are -- have for basic rights, and what we can expect if they ever secure an unchallengeable monopoly of violence.

[Via Michael G]

By Invitation Only

Because it is invited testimony only, we can all expect the same red shirts and gun haters only, to testify on taking away your rights. They can forbid you from testifying, but they cannot keep you out of the hearing. [More] 

So "Republican" Judiciary Committee member Boquist won't extend an invitation out of spite or what?

What about Vice-Chair Kim Thatcher?

Go, Go Giffords!

NJ gave Texas church gunman plea deal that wiped out gun felony [More

Not that a prohibition would have really made a difference, but the point is, they say it would...

[Via Michael G]

Quenching the 'Ring of Fire'

The city, represented by Everytown law... [More]

Bloomberg's billions vs. concerns he could buy a thousand times over... Watch them do an end-run around PLCAA and extort a "settlement" they can crow victory over -- and then repeat the "successful" strategy.

Assuming the manufacturer and retailer are "guilty" of nothing more than the inability to read minds and know what is in the hearts of men, the industry needs to rally to their defense -- even if they are the poor relations.

Let's hope the caution against doing that doesn't hold true.

[Via Steve T

Mr. Sandmann, Bring Me a Dream

CNN has settled the lawsuit brought by Nicholas Sandmann over coverage of the incident in which Sandmann falsely was accused of trying to intimidate a Native American activist, according to local TV reports. Sandmann filed lawsuits against CNN, The Washington Post, and NBC. Initially the lawsuits were dismissed, but recently a portion of the lawsuits were reopened by the court and all three lawsuits were reactivated. [More] 
Now go for the trifecta.

And now that there's blood in the water, let the feeding frenzy begin.

And yeah, I know, everybody's probably using that title.

[Via Michael G]

A Deliberate Slap in the Face

According to House Bill 567, any indoor shooting range would be prohibited by law – UNLESS it was inside of a building owned by the state. And any business owners who decided to defy the law could be facing up to a $100,000 fine and potential civil penalties. [More
Not to worry-- they have a 90% "Only Ones" exemption!

They really do want to provoke the low-hanging fruit into doing something that will "justify" a forceful response for the media to glorify. As the planners rarely place themselves front and center, it actually works to their advantage if things ... uh ... go south.

[Via Wirecutter]

UPDATE: And if you were thinking of going outside...

I Go with 'Or What,' Myself...

1) Stop exporting American soldiers to countries that hate our guts. 2) Stop importing people from countries that hate our guts. [More]
Man, is she a hater or what?

Ever notice how our best potential representatives don't want the job?

Fire Down Below

Greta Thunberg slammed Australian politicians for their lack of bushfire action. The 17-year-old demanded action from Australian leaders on her Instagram page. Her post drew more than 1million likes, with many comments backing her views [More]
I'm trying to square all that with:
24 people have been charged over alleged deliberately-lit bushfires. 53 people have had legal actions for allegedly failing to comply with a total fire ban, and 47 people have had legal actions for allegedly discarding a lighted cigarette or match on land.
And the Muslim suspect laughs.

Specifically, I'm trying to understand how me paying higher prices to cover carbon taxes remitted to globalist environmental cases will change any of that.

Team America, World Police

As usual, Rand Paul can't bring himself to support U.S. force against an enemy ... Like his father, Paul is an isolationist libertarian, and he’s just as opposed to the deployment of the U.S. military as he is to overreach by the EPA or the IRS. [More]
I didn't see a "comments" section so readers who disagree could let the author's readers know why, and in this renewed period of "America, F*** Yeah!" you'll forgive me if I caution a bit of consideration before committing to action. Or you won't.

To categorize a nation as "an enemy" by definition means we are at war with it. I have seen no Article 1, Section 8 declaration.  I never have in my lifetime, and the results speak for themselves.

First, it's hardly "isolationist" to heed:

In Thomas Jefferson’s inaugural address he declared, “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations. Entangling alliances with none.” This was a reaffirmation of George Washington’s policy, also known as “The Washington Doctrine of Unstable Alliances”. Washington, in his farewell address, stated: “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.”

If Iran's actions and threats make a declaration of war necessary, let's see the evidence (making sure that it is more reliable than the "yellowcake uranium" scam that facilitated the unending shedding of American blood and treasure in alien lands), and then have our representatives do their duty and vote on it -- and take the personal consequences of getting it right or wrong. That means we also need to take those consequences. We do, after all, morally share in the life and death responsibilities for the actions of those we empower.

If the verdict is war, then prosecute it with all necessary ruthlessness and expediency -- abroad and at home -- to break the enemy's will and extract his unconditional surrender.