Thursday, February 13, 2020

He Went to Jared

“It’s a takeover of the president’s immigration agenda by the special interests who benefit from illegal immigration.” [More]
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, are we?

If this pans out, I will fully expect my other fear to materialize:
If he’s willing to betray us now when he needs us, what won’t he dare sign when he's secured a second term and no longer does?
[Via Mack H]

If We Can't Disarm You We'll Settle for Having You Killed

In short, should someone reveal they are a gun owner in NJ, they face possible issues with losing their job, being ostracized by family and friends, and now, the repercussions could be much worse. We live in a time where “swatting” is a thing…and the ERPOs leave a “legal” avenue for gun confiscation, which is ripe for abuse. [More]
Hell, we have national gun grab groups advocating doing just that.


2020 Candidate Evaluations [More]
It would help if "gun issues" were defined.

For instance, how about the most critical one?

Hit List

Software, making daily tasks easier… what could possibly go wrong? [More]
Any bets we'll eventually hear a story about a cloudburst?

Oath Takers, Stay in Your Lane

Police chief should stick to enforcing laws  [More]
Yeah, since when has "I was only following orders" not been the gold standard for official absolution?

It's not like Rebeka Clusterf...uh...Kusterbeck's an apparatchik or anything. I'm sure she and the Democrats she supports are equally outraged by immigration "sanctuary" scofflaws...

[Via Mack H]

The Voting Dead

Liberal Groups and High-Powered Lawyers Swarm Detroit to Keep Dead Voters on Rolls [More]
Keep it up and we'll have more dead than the useful idiots ever thought possible. But at least we'll no longer have to worry about voter fraud.

[Via Michael G]


In a 30-second promo for MSNBC’s Lean Forward campaign, Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry advocates that society end the “private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” and instead institute a “collective notion” that kids “are our children,” they belong to the community. [More]
Just so we understand she also expects someone else to pay for it.

[Via Michael G]

Casus Belli

“Under the compact, Virginia agrees to award its electoral votes to the presidential ticket that receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia,” a bill summary states. [More]
So a citizen could legitimately make a case of taxation without representation? Not to mention representation without taxation...?

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Unknown Reasons...

“For unknown reasons, individuals unaffiliated with her or the party emerged from a vehicle that night and began shooting at the restaurant.” [More]
Well if that isn't a good reason to shutter a productive employer with no hearing to improve the neighborhood, nothing is.  While we're at it, how about another gun law?

[Via Michael G]

Meme, Myself and I

That's what he's all about, no? [More]

I feel like any minute somebody's gonna tell me this is meant to be satire...

[Via Michael G]

Let Me Be Frank

“Frankly there is just too many white people in here, and this is a space for people of color.” [More]
Frankly, there ARE just too many people being admitted to universities who don't even belong in the fifth damn grade.

[Via Michael G]

Just Like in New Jersey!

A state lawmaker has introduced a bill that would ban pumping your own gas starting next year. [More]
I guess anyone dumb enough to vote for Camille Lilly is too dumb to be trusted performing so complex a task. Besides, think of all the wealth that can be "redistributed" by requiring paid attendants and forcing everybody to pay more at the pump for it!

I'm waiting for the first shooting that begins "Motherf****r scratched my car!"

I don't suppose anyone's looking into who is greasing Camille's palm?

[Via bondmen]

Too Much, Magic Bus

The Ferguson-Florissant School District is working to improve safety on school buses after a parent got on a school bus and pulled a gun. [More]

Or the boobs just making noise because they have no idea?

We could always ask for more money and blame NRA...

[Via bondmen]

The 'G' Word

Siri Is Now Refusing To Say The Word "Gun" [More]
It's OK -- she'll still spy on you, and isn't that what Siri and Alexa users really want?

[Via bondmen]

Über Alles

“The driver won’t let us out." [More]
Couldn't do anything about that, could you, champ?

[Via Roger J]

We're the Only Ones Unhelpful Enough

Chased by threatening Antifa mob, videographer runs into unsympathetic cop: 'We're not gonna come out and save you.' 'You better come up with a different plan, like maybe go somewhere else, dude' [More]
So the police aren't there to protect you?  Where the hell's that eTrade baby when you really need him.

In fairness, what does restoring order so people can go about their lawful activities unmolested have to do with making it home at the end of your shift?

[Via Roger J]

And Don't Return This Time

After Philippines scraps US defence pact, Rodrigo Duterte eyes Russian arms [More]
Good. I wouldn't die for them so I can't expect any other American to. Let it be the Russki's headache, including when everything goes to hell and all of a sudden they want to flood us with "refugees."

[Via Steve T

Meanwhile, Back at the Soviet Show Trial

Roger Stone jury foreperson's anti-Trump social media posts surface after she defends DOJ prosecutors *
I see what inspires some to load up tumbrils.

[Via Steve T

* Fox News does not allow access from Blogger links, so copy and paste to read more:

Common Cause

What arms are "common"? Amicus brief challenging California rifle ban [More]
What arms are common to those "the Militia of the several states" would be expected to engage against?

"Self-defense" only takes us so far. If the Founders had meant to say "A well armed individual being necessary to the security of a free Person," they would have said it.

Unless and until the right is understood against Founding intent, We the People will continue to be stymied by treasonous and tyrannical nonsense like:
[Via Michael G]

Mad Dash

The “dash-1” replaces most of the language of the original bill but keeps almost all of the worst provisions. [More]
Why just infringe when you can also rub it in faces?

We're the Only Ones Well Equipped Enough

Capitol Police spends more than $7K on equipment for gun-rights rally [More]
Who thinks that had anything at all to do with the fact that "Tens of thousands of [armed] gun-rights activists from around the country rallied peacefully"?

Pretty p***-poor buncha number one threat domestic terrorists, if ya asks me...

[Via Mack H]

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

"Nearly One in Three American Workers Run Out of Money Before Payday." And We're Bringing in More Workers? [More]
It's almost like there's an evil plot and they want most people to be as oblivious or deliberately indifferent as most national and state "gun groups" and "gunbloggers" to what they're doing...

Even This Idiot Gets It

Morning Joe anchor Joe Scarborough says the nation’s “demographics are a freight train” for Democrats that will “carry them into the future” electorally. [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue," right, Saviors?

[Via Andy M]

Search Me...

The text of the Fourth Amendment, after all, prohibits “unreasonable searches and seizures” (emphasis added), and here there is necessarily “reasonable suspicion” for a Terry stop to be lawful. [More]
Cherry-picking, are we? The text of the Fourth Amendment also says "no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

But hey, a majority of robed oath-breakers say it's precedent, and after all, we do live in the land of stare decisis über alles.

Could it be that ignoring the Constitution has resulted in the very types of people Mr. Adams warned us about? And the "solution" is ignoring the Constitution even more?

"Rudy did it first" is hardly justification. If Rudy jumped off a bridge, would Josh follow? Rudy has done a lot of stupid sh!+.

My Mom never accepted that excuse from me when I was a kid trying to mitigate my guilt by blaming the influence of a pal, and it's disturbing to see a lawyer and an influencer of young minds using it to defend infringements.

So Mr. Sickl... I mean, Hammer is a "conservative"...?

[Via Mack H]

As the Culture Terraforms

Legislation extending driver privileges and in-state tuition regardless of immigration status, pushed for years by advocates for Virginia immigrants, cleared both chambers of the General Assembly Tuesday. [More]
Let the terraforming begin!

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue," right, Saviors?

I mean, what effect could this possibly have on all the anti-gun stuff happening in Richmond now? Let's ask Vijay.

[Via Mack H]

It's the Ideology, Stupid

I began to notice this pernicious deviation from the Father's concepts a few years after I immigrated to the U.S.  [More]
Good man. As I have tried to make clear:
Of course, there are good immigrants and they don’t all lean Democrat. Hell, there are some great immigrants, people I strive to be worthy of knowing. There just aren't enough of them overall to offset the tide of Third World huddled masses yearning to breathe free stuff. That's because the vote-exploiting Democrats and labor-exploiting Republicans have not made the ability to assimilate to a Bill of Rights culture a priority. They haven't even made it a consideration. And if you tried to make Constitutionally-compatible ideology a precondition to admittance, an activist federal judge would loudly strike it down — even though any government action that does not “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” would rightfully and clearly be condemned by the Founders as illegitimate.

We're the Only Ones Disreputable Enough

“This has destroyed our reputation,” said Wilson. [More]
What was your first clue, detective? She really doesn't think the blue wall of silence is what everybody outside of her bubble has come to expect?

Or is the absurd excuse that her guy thought the situation was "medical" further evidence of a well-earned reputation? 

[Via Michael G]

Hotter than a Pepper Sprout

The president of Jackson State University resigned Monday following his arrest during a prostitution sting in Clinton over the weekend. [More]
I'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around (yeah?)
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson, look out Jackson town.
Sing it, Lee 'n Nancy!

[Via Michael G]

Friendly Persuasion

The professor, often reluctant to say no, begrudgingly complies, allowing her to deliver her message. [More]
If they did, their classes would be disrupted, they'd be tarred as "Nazis," the administration would cave to demands for their termination, and their chances for future employment in their field would be zilch.

Say, what's it cost for a privileged, parasitic young malcontent to go to Dartmouth these days...?

[Via Michael G]

A Deliberate Enigma

Florida man who struck Republican voter tent motivated by Trump opposition [More]
Meanwhile, the police report is redacted...

Does the lack of any substantive internet tracks left by someone so "politically motivated," and the way we are completely dependent on what authorities tell the media, concern anyone else?

Government Healthcare Works!

North Korea 'executes coronavirus patient' after he's 'seen at public baths' [More]
And universal bathcare to boot...

Go, Team Bernie!