Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Venn Diagram

Wait Just a Damn Minute: Italian Mortality Figures are WITH, not FROM CoronaCold-19 [More]
So if a person who would have otherwise recovered dies in a car accident...?

[Via DvD]

This Won't Affect My Wine Club Shipments, Will It?

NRA to cut salaries, brace for layoffs as coronavirus disrupts fundraising, internal memo states [More]
In times like these we need to focus on priorities.

[H/T SPW-DUF Digest]

A Voice of Sanity

El Cajon Mayor wants gun stores to stay open during statewide shutdown [More]
I wouldn't lose any sleep seeing that idiot interviewer in a situation where he needs to reconsider just what it is he'd classify as a "luxury item."

I note Mayor Wells says the feds consider gun stores part of "the defense industrial base."

I see "ammunition plants," but that's not the same as retail stores-- anybody know if there is an official plan that could be used to challenge state and local shutdown orders?

[H/T SPW-DUF Digest]

Dear Employees,

Request for Action to Avoid Breakdown in NICS Background Check System [More]
I wouldn't mind breaking the whole thing down.

Of course, that depends on being able to tell Barr, Wray, and Lombardo to get lost and being able to make it stick. That's the day to work toward.

Mad as Hell...

...and not going to take it anymore. [Watch]

The guy knows how to talk.

People are getting fed up. And more are waking up. And what they want is incompatible with what the Democrats want.

What's that line from Outlander Highlander (Oops)?

[Via Kevin M]

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Fast and Furious: The Government Lied and People Died [Watch]
Among the guests is Wesley Felix, whose uncle's dilemma with ATF I wrote about here.

I do have a few concerns this raises that I need to reiterate:

Fast and Furious was not "totally botched" unless you consider getting caught the botched part. ATF could not have screwed up on tracking the guns because they never tried to track them to the buyers. Once they crossed over the border, the only way to find out what happened to them would be to find them at crime scenes, where they could then be used, along with the predictable dead bodies, to "pad statistics."

Fast and Furious was the name assigned to the Phoenix operation. Yes, there were other gun operations, many taking place under the Project Gunrunner banner, but to refer to them all as "Fast and Furious" is simply not accurate. I have covered the earlier Wide ReceiverCastaway, and operations in places as diverse as Milwaukee, Wichita, Portland...

I followed false leads and found some that weren't, but the sources were too afraid to talk.

My bottom line: All I can "vouch" for on Fast and Furious is what Mike and I reported. I'm aware there are other "theories," including about cartel deals and those relying on the testimony of criminals trying to mitigate their punishments -- I'm not discounting any of the reports, but merely saying anything  I haven't worked on is outside the scope of what I have found and been told by vetted sources that have been proven credible to me.

I'm still trying to uncover facts that the government is reluctant to give up, disappointing in light of the way the Trump administration made promises it has never kept. My suspicion is no headway will be made unless and until there is a solid Republican majority, and even then I have to note that they didn't really hold anyone accountable when they had the House and the Senate, and the executive branch has done nothing but obstruct.

Wish List Pile-On

Congressional Democrats apparently count on the media to conceal the reason for the failure of the relief package on the floor of the Senate this week. The absurdly irrelevant provisions that Dems seek to incorporate to further the progressive takeover of the United States are meant to remain a deep secret. The current crisis — it’s not meant to go to waste, in the usual reckoning of the thought leaders of the Democratic Party. [More]
If they ran an emergency room, the patient would die on the operating table while they hold out for a transgender arts rider.

[Via Michael G]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Gun Safety' Is

[T]he much vaunted "Moms for Gun Safety"-type groups are providing no gun safety help whatsoever. [More]
Ignorance is strength, right, Mr. Orwell?

The Thing That Wouldn't Leave

Emergency state powers during an epidemic — and what happens after it’s over [More]
I dunno. What happened after 9/11?

[Via Michael G]

Take the Fish Tank Cleaner Challenge!

Sad as their predicament is, the only “advice” to be gleaned from the couple’s behavior is “don’t be a unimaginable moron.” [More]
Now that we've dispensed with that bit of nonsense, can we all get back to licking airliner toilet seats?

[Via Michael G]

Just the Nonessentials

Tony Evers to order nonessential businesses to close statewide in response to COVID-19 pandemic [More]
Anybody see what we're all here for?

[Via Mike F]


Just the Essentials

Guns and ammunition sellers allowed to operate, exempted in law from ‘nonessential’ business shutdown [More]
So the Silver State hasn't gone full Clark County yet...

[Via Jess]

That 'Can't Do' Attitude

CDC Lied to Trump, HHS Secretary About Ability to Make Wuhan Coronavirus Test [More]
Well, they earned their reputation lying about guns, so who's really surprised that liars lie about everything?

[Via Michael G]

Came and Took It

I guess Dallas County doesn't consider that which is "necessary to the security of a free State" to be "essential." [More]

Fudds can't argue that's how they get their food? And that reminds me-- anybody see which states have closed down the ability to get hunting tags?

[Via Jess]

A Plan Comes Together

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Denies Appeal of Gun Store Closures, All Shops Ordered Closed on Monday [More]
And the dissenters were all Democrats...?

[Via Felix B]

It's Only 'Common Sense'

The following recreation and entertainment businesses are considered non-essential and must close to the public beginning at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, March 24, 2020: ... indoor shooting ranges ... [More]
It's not like we want you newbies to learn how to safely shoot those guns you just bought...

[Via Roger J]

The Obvious Solution

Mexico Worries About Catching WuFlu From US! [More]
I just flashed on Spanky from "The Little Rascals" saying, "Say gang, I've got a swell idea!"

Keeping It Classy

What professional position has this c-word ever held where Mommy's connections and influence were not factors?

[Via Michael G]


I guess @Jack wants to make it look like he's fair and balanced.

Having Fouled Their Nests...

Hoping to escape coronavirus, city dwellers are fleeing to California's deserts and mountains [More]
There's a lesson in there somewhere...

A Sense of Entitlement

A woman arrested for assaulting her boyfriend shouted “I have the coronavirus” before intentionally coughing in the face of a paramedic who she sprayed with “copious amounts of saliva,” police charge ... The man said he was lying in bed with Holmes, 38, when she “told the victim she wanted to have sex,” according to a probable cause affidavit. The victim recalled that he declined to engage with Holmes “since she is leaving him to get back with her ex-husband.” [More]
What a nice woman. Any chance she might be a Republican?

And There was War in Heaven

Former Staffers Sue Bloomberg Campaign, Alleging They Were Promised Pay Through Nov. [More]
In fairness, the ones he shared pizza with might be contagious.

East is East and West is West

Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety [More]
And they cite examples from Democrat havens of tolerance and inclusion like  "San Francisco ... Manhattan ... San Fernando Valley ... New York City ... Washington, D.C. ... Rockville, MD ... Syracuse, NY..."

Boy, us flyover rubes sure are racist.

They Call It 'Distributive Justice'

Think of it as "social justice" (you know, Marxist "to each according to his need" central planning diktats) with a death penalty for those the state determines to purge, which is generally how such things end for those deemed "useless eaters."

The newsraper of record article requires signing up. If you just want the death panel authorization without editorial comment, the 2015 anticipatory document spells it out on page 42.

[Via @retrosinestro]