Tuesday, November 24, 2020

FOIA Request Asks ATF and Secret Service About Hunter Biden Gun Investigation

Freedom of Information Act Requests sent Monday by attorney Stephen Stamboulieh on behalf of this correspondent ask the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the United States Secret Service, to produce documentation regarding both agencies’ participation in investigating the disappearance of a firearm belonging to Hunter Biden, son of media-designated (but as yet uncertified) “president-elect” Joe Biden. [More]

We talked about this at the start of the month. Now it's the agencies' turn to talk -- or show everyone they won't, and that the law is selectively applied.

Daily Defense


 I'll have some breaking and exclusive news to share.

Some Believable Election Fraud Allegations


It's good to hear it from someone who sounds rational because as I've been saying, I have increasing concerns about Team Rudy and fear the most accurate read I'm getting on that is from the left.

Long Marching Orders

China Issues Instructions for ‘Incoming Biden Administration’ [More]

Just so you know who's calling the shots...

[Via Jess]

Hogan's Zeroes

 Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, Anti-Trump Hero, Paid for Flawed Coronavirus Tests from South Korea [More]

Got enough for everybody in the Big Tent

[Via Jess]

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, Larry says no, you don't.

[Via Michael G]

Who Am I to Disagree?

 Your Political Leaders Hate You And Think You’re Stupid [More]

Democrats (and most "Republicans") have every right to feel that way.

[Via Michael G]

One Rule to Ring the Mall and in the Darkness Bind Them

 Man shot several times outside Beachwood Place mall...there have been at least five shootings at the mall in the last three years. [More]

 Thank goodness the code of conduct kept this one outside!

Brookfield Properties? What a coincidence: We were just talking about them!

[Via gj54]


 The Justice Department hired economist John Lott, who is known for his research claiming that widespread gun ownership reduces crime, according to Politico. [More]

That's kind of presupposing Sidney Powell can actually come through on her promise to go "biblical," don't you think?

Just Give Them What They Want

 What this evil, grinning monster wanted was to kill people. [More]

That he was arrested is all the proof we need that being confronted with a gun convinced him to stop.

[Via Michael G]

Kids and Guns

 "March for Our Lives" used to actually mean that, instead of being a ridiculous slogan celebrating pussification indoctrination. What more proof is needed that the assumption was the citizenry would be armed?  Think of a time when Congress actually gave them guns, and without locks. [Watch]

[Via Michael G]

The Great Leap Backward

 Young people raised with a "biased, disfigured teaching of our own history" will be "receptive to Chinese propaganda," according to Peterson. [More]

Because we know how honest Chicoms are about their own history.

[Via Michael G]

Department of Homeland Insecurity

 Biden selects architect of DACA to lead DHS [More]

I wonder if he'll get bonuses for each new Democrat.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Permissive Enough

 Moyer was indicted along with two officers from the Sheriff’s Office, according to a release from the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office. The officers were charged with soliciting bribes for issuing concealed carry permits. [More]

We just got done talking about bad Apples.

Oh look-- he also gave money to Schumer:

I don't suppose the buck stops anywhere near Laurie's desk? And if anyone will ever ask the right questions.

[Via bondmen]

As Good a Scapegoat as Any

Coronavirus pandemic blamed for rise in violent crimes across the U.S. [More]

Yeah, I just can't stop myself. You?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Dismantled Enough

 Many of the officers were volunteers, some with dark sides.  [More]

You know, "a few bad apples."

[Via bondmen]

Looks Like He Just Got Replaced

 On Monday, Nagdy's life was cut short. He was shot and killed shortly before 12:30 a.m. in the 2100 block of Crittenden Drive, becoming the latest victim in a record year of gun violence in Louisville that has disproportionately affected young Black men. [More]

I don't suppose we could ask about who disproportionately affected him? No protests over that?

And if he was "irreplaceable," does that mean everybody will go home now?

[Via bondmen]

They Used to Call It 'Blaxploitation'

Moms Demand Action tricking African American gun club into PR stunt [More]

More racist hypocrisy from those who live by it...

What's telling is what they don't say.

[Via bondmen]

Says the Guy Who Ignores 'Shall Not Be Infringed'

 "Because you don't have the right to pick laws that you think you will enforce and you don't enforce laws you don't agree with, right? [More]

Yeah, that's reserved for a higher pay grade, so "just follow orders"! 

It's telling, how hostile to rights enforcement real dictators are.

[Via Michael G]

As the Culture Terraforms

What’s wrong with open borders? Or, to be more specific, what’s wrong with “conservatives” who don’t see what’s wrong with open borders? [More]

And what's wrong with "gun rights leaders"?

[Via Michael G]

The New 'Normal'

Who thinks those engineering the changes will allow a return to the old ways? Should the default assumption be that the conditioning is happening for the reasons stated? Why? 

I'm the last one to say we should treat this like it's nothing -- which is the way opportunistic would-be rulers treat freedom when they tell us the virus is everything.

[Via Matthew L]

UPDATE: Apparently the guy took the video down and MOVED IT TO HERE. It's about COVID restrictions and how they keep moving the goalposts so we will accept more and more restrictions.

We're the Only Ones Legislative Enough

The practice is allowed for lawmakers, with some limitations, under decades-old congressional regulations. The public is barred from carrying weapons in the Capitol, its grounds and office buildings. [More]

Just so we're clear-- the "public servants" who say you can't, under penalty of up-to-lethal enforcement, reserve that "privilege" for themselves. 

What did Mr. Mason say about "public officials"?

The "lawmaker loophole," eh? I wonder how many are gun-grabbing Democrats. I wonder why they have it set up so we'll never know. And I wonder if Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene will back up her fine words about "work[ing] to end ALL gun-free zones" by introducing a bill?

What should we think?

[Via Mack H]

As I Live and Breathe

Trump Supporter Charged with Assault for Breathing on Protesters [More]

Raymond Deskins should have been. He should have had his ass kicked first. Seeing as how people have died from the virus and there's no way he can certify himself to be free of it, I wouldn't fault someone for pulling a gun on this pig. And he didn't just breathe," he intentionally forcefully exhaled and blew. I'm sure with a black background and lighting, high-speed photography would have revealed a galaxy of droplets. I'd vote to acquit someone who drove this piece of crap's nose into his skull with their elbow.

And he's quite some "conservative," convicted of workers compensation fraud, making him worse than a welfare parasite.

I know someone who almost died from this. She was in agony. I myself am at higher risk than most, due to age and previous lung-related ailments. Even if I didn't catch it, I need to check in on and help my 96-year-old mother several times a week, and being deliberately exposed like this would force me to stay away from her. 

"If these women wanted to be safe from the virus, they shouldn’t have been out protesting"? Really?

What the hell is wrong with this Jim Treacher character and with PJ media for giving such a douche a forum?

[Via Michael G]

They Don't Call It 'AntiChrist' for Nothin'

 The Human Rights Campaign Demands that the Biden Administration Deny Accreditation to Christian Colleges and Schools [More]

The original rebellion against God continues.

Who did you think these people really hate?

[Via Mack H]

Our Friends Across the Aisle

This is not “playing” people. It is war. They are trying to kill us politically, and we need to respond accordingly, to fight fire with fire. [More]

The way such things always work out is that undesirables are killed not just politically, but literally, and in great numbers. I'm trying to think of a historical instance where that was stopped with words.

It could never happen here, right?

Some of us have been calling them "racists, liars, character assassins and aspiring totalitarians," Mr. Horowitz. It's not enough. Patriotic Americans will need to summon the courage to do a lot more than that, and they need their "pundits" presenting themselves as plain speakers to speak plainly.

An observation by Mr. Henry seems appropriate here.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Smarter Enough

 The campus police chief hauled him into his office and told him he should’ve been “smarter” than to exercise his First Amendment rights without the college’s permission.  [More]

And if he had defied and resisted, guess what would have happened next.

The chief's name is Stan Livingston, by the way, and it's incomplete reporting not to tell us who deserves to have special contempt follow them around as a warning to others who "just follow orders" über alles. He and all the other wannabe tyrants are named in the complaint.

[Via Michael G]