Wednesday, October 06, 2021

A Plan Comes Together

 A survey shows that U.S. adults, especially millennials, increasingly endorse Marxist views such as the rejection of private property and traditional morality... [More]

Considering what they've been immersed in from the start, I'm surprised they're not all raving Bolsheviks.

Truth and rationality have a quality all their own and I'm not ready to throw the towel in on them yet.

A determined minority 'n all that...

[Via Mack H]


  1. This belongs here:
    Awaiting moderation
    Dan commented on "Thank a Prohibitionist"
    2 hours ago
    The idiots rejecting the notion of "private property" are the ones too lazy or stupid to work for and acquire such property. The solution to their stupidity is to educate forcibly taking the property they DO their phones....telling them their property is not an exception. Nothing converts a socialist to capitalism faster than having their rules for others applied to them.

    [Again, the comment link is BELOW the post. The link above the title is for the post above it.]

  2. There is no requirement that anyone participate in our evil capitalist system. Anyone may opt out at any time. And many do. Some have what they think are good reasons. Some had the decision made for them. You can find them camped out on the sidewalks and/or carrying small hand made signs at busy intersections throughout the 50 States.


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