Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Thank a Prohibitionist

 But murder is different. The three biggest drivers of murder are domestic violence, gang violence and the illicit drug trade. It’s pretty clear how the pandemic might have exacerbated domestic violence. And neither gangs nor the illegal drug trade is going to close shop because of a pandemic or government-ordered lockdown. Addicts don’t stop needing fixes. Indeed, the United States saw a massive increase in overdose deaths in 2020, suggesting a spike in demand for illicit drugs. Meanwhile, as cops fell ill with covid-19, cities also saw reduced enforcement and police presence in high-drug-trafficking areas. It also seems safe to say the supply chain disruptions that affected just about every other market in 2020 also impacted the illegal drug market. [More]

Just wait 'til all guns go black market. We ain't seen nothin' yet!

[Via Jess]

1 comment:

  1. Meanwhile, as cops fell ill with covid-19, cities also saw reduced enforcement and police presence in high-drug-trafficking areas.

    Interesting side-step. That sentence implies that "reduced enforcement and police presence" was due entirely to the virus, and the "Defund the Police" movement had nothing to do with it.


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