Wednesday, October 06, 2021

And We're ALL Domestic Terrorists Now

 MSNBC intelligence analyst Malcolm Nance said Monday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that the Republican Party was becoming an “armed insurgency.” [More]

You have to remember that for "progressives" every day is Opposite Day before that "intelligence analyst" bit makes sense.

Keep pushing, useful idiots, and I see a self-fulfilling prophecy taking shape.

[Via bondmen]


  1. You have to ask yourself just how useful these "useful idiots" will be long term.

    1. They managed to eke out a tie in the Senate, and currently hold a 3 seat majority in the House of Representatives.

    2. The worn out inhabitant in the White House "won by millions of votes", but the overwhelming majority of his victory margin in the meaningless popular vote was in New York and California and didn't really add to his electoral total. In places where it mattered, he won the key swing states by come 42,000 votes.

    3. Somehow, their addled brains turned those squeakers into a mandate for revamping nearly 100% of our Republic as if somehow it had become their Democracy overnight.

    4. And here's the proverbial money shot, they expect to pull off this transformation without encountering the first bit of push back.

    5. Not only do they think its OK for a registered sex offender with male to get naked and follow a lady and her daughter into a ladies only spa with his male parts on full display, they now think its OK to videotape a sitting U S Senator as she goes into the ladies room and takes care of her business.

    Where the idiocy will rear its ugly head, as the Law of Unintended Consequences says it inevitably will, will be when some fool tries to repeat that last stunt and takes a round right through their smartphone.

  2. Bradley A Graham10/07/2021 11:27 PM

    If the government makes you a criminal strive to become the best criminal possible.


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