Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Biting the Hand That Fed Him

 Eddie Gallagher Announces Pipe Hitter Foundation will Return Donations if Requested for Lt. Col. Scheller’s Campaign  [More]

And his wish is coming true.

The fatal tactical error Scheller made is in not realizing that Trump is an avatar for the people who voted for him because they believe in the agenda he campaigned on, so he in essence attacked them. For a guy who rails against divisiveness, that wasn't very productive.

[Via bondmen]


  1. I believe the colonel is a naive knuckle head. he could have turned down Trump jr & maga leaning folks tactfully because of the baggage it carries. the way he did do it though was dumb. waisted a lot of support for his cause to shine a light on corruption. unless he is taking it for the team like North did

  2. How many "attaboys" are wiped out by one "ah shit?"

    All of them.

    And it can take forever and a day for the side effects to shake out.


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