Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Speaking of Voter Suppression...

 Gov. Gretchen Whitmer vetoed several GOP voting bills Sunday she says aimed to suppress the right to vote. Republicans backing the bills assert the legislation would have protected election integrity. [More]

One person's will = Opposite Day "progressive" democracy!

[Via Michael G]


  1. "Some people, including former Sen. Patrick Colbeck, have claimed the electronic poll book was connected to the internet in some Michigan precincts in the 2020 presidential election. Whitmer says no such defect exists and the bills address a non-existent problem."
    Doesn't seem to stop them when they want to outlaw "undetectable plastic guns" or "Teflon bullets that slice through body armor."

  2. "... would have protected election integrity."

    At the age of 7 my future wife was about to win a footrace in her Alice Springs, (AU) elementary school when the girl next to her tripped her and yelled "I won!"

    My future wife protested, "But you tripped me!"

    The other girl said "Yes I did, and that's why I won."

    As long as both of our political parties want to maintain that "tripping option", we will have, at best, only the illusion of election integrity.


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