Friday, December 16, 2005

Well, THIS Doesn't Look Good...

Obviously, the Fourth Amendment was only intended to apply to the states.

And remember: Vote Freeedom First!

Still Looking for Lautenberg Victims

Gun Law News needs your help. If you or someone you know has relevant information "of how Lautenberg has unjustly denied people their Second Amendment rights," by all means contact them and tell them about it.

Fish Or Man Wins Appeal

And he did it "pro se, without the help of the gun rights organization based in Washington State, (although it was requested)."

Why do you think that is?

This man won a preemption battle on his own, while the "professionals" sat on the sidelines and ignored him. Had he lost, the precedent could have affected their members throughout the state. They knew this and still didn't get involved.

You might want to remember that the next time you get an urgent appeal for donations from one of the "gun rights" groups. Ask 'em why they were AWOL at Ellensburg...

[Via End the War on Freedom]

Who Needs Goebbels When You've Got The Post?

I would like to express the personal and professional thanks of 25,000 active New York City police officers for The Post's efforts to put some strength into existing gun laws," an appreciative Patrolmen's Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch wrote in a letter to The Post.

"The New York City PBA will stand shoulder to shoulder with the New York Post in its effort to force the changes in Albany that will give some judicial muscle to New York's anti-gun laws," Lynch continued. [More]
Kudos from one police state propagandist to another. I wonder how Polizeiführer Lynch's letter would sound in its original German?

I just noticed who wrote this latest Post article. And they say there are no coincidences.

Cops With 'Roid Rage

According to Koonce's attorney, Tweedy kicked and stomped on Koonce's head repeatedly, walking away and then returning to continue the blows as Koonce lay motionless, gurgling his own blood.

Koonce, now 28, suffered life-threatening injuries, including skull fractures and brain contusions. He spent two months in a coma.
Ah yes, out-of-control cops on steroids. But note how their supervisors have turned a blind eye to the obvious...I mean, are unaware of any problem. It's not like you'd tend to notice a subordinate doubling in size and roaring things like "NOW HULK MAD!!!"

It's a good thing Patrick Lynch wants to keep hollow points away from mere citizens, and wants us to die if we lift a finger against such violent apes...after all, their lives are more valuable than ours.

JBT to Serfs: Resist and Die

When we last left Patrick Lynch, he was telling us no one had any business with hollow points except those professional enough.

Here's the latest from Liberty-Lynchin' Pat:
"We need to make it clear that if someone lifts even a finger against a police officer, their life could be on the line."
Right. We all know your lives are more valuable than ours.

We sure wouldn't want any mere citizen lifting a finger against these former members of your union, would we, Pat?

Or this guy.

Or this one.

Or all of these...

I'm lifting a finger, Pat. Guess which one?

Anatomy of a Photograph

Zombietime shows us how photographs used by the MSM, and the context either presented or left out, can shape our perception of what's really going on.

[Thanks to Thaddeus Fendon]