Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Unasked Question

It looks like a postcard sent out by alarmists - STOP ILLEGAL GUNS NOW!!!

On the back of the postcard is the name and address of the person responsible for sending it out to more than 50,000 Jersey City residents: Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy, City Hall, 280 Grove St., Jersey City, NJ 07302.

As it turns out, the postcard unfolds into a letter from Healy asking recipients to fill out the accompanying card at the bottom with their name, address, telephone number, and e-mail, and send it back to City Hall.

Healy seeking support for the "One Gun A Month" Bill currently up for a vote in the state Senate.

It looks like it was sent out by an alarmist because it was sent out by an alarmist. And while I would have been inclined to change the hook line to IF YOU'RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT CLANK YOUR CHAINS!!!, there's one bit of vital information that "Authorized Journalist" Ricardo Kaulessar overlooked in all his professional reporterizing:

Who's paying for this expensive mailing? Frank Caso indicates it's the taxpayers.

How is that legal?

UPDATE: I just sent the reporter the following email. I'll of course advise if he responds.
I didn't get a clear sense from your story on who paid for the printing and mailing--I know you quoted Frank Caso as saying it was by the taxpayers, but is it legal to conduct political canvassing/promote issue adovcacy using tax money in New Jersey?

50,000 mailers would be expensive to design, print and mail--and it sounds from the story like there's a return mail option, although whether that is prepaid or not isn't stated.

Is there any other source of funding?

Don't you agree the public has a right to know, and the story without this information is incomplete?

David Codrea

Tragedy and Hope

Gun buy-back spurs hope for safer city

Yeah, and if wishes were fishes...

Meanwhile, Over in Sarah Brady Paradise

Japanese media called for tighter gun-control laws on Sunday following a deadly shooting at a sports club, which sent shockwaves through the country in which gun crimes are emerging.

"We feel fear that (Japan) has turned out to be a gun society like the United States," the Yomiuri Shimbun said in an editorial.

Think I'd get in trouble if I made a crack about "Autholized Joulnarists" and "Onry Ones"?

Enroll or Die

A homeschooling mom in Utah has been ordered by a judge to enroll her children in a public school district within 24 hours, and have them in class tomorrow...

Where they will then be subject to abridgements if they draw pictures or speak or write in a way the state disapproves of, where "Gun Free School Zones" ensure there will be no adults to protect them, where locker, backpack, body and car searches are the order of the day, where self incrimination protections are conveniently bypassed through forced drug tests, where normal channels of legal protection are bypassed through administration and school board decisions, where cruel and unusual punishments--such as expulsion, arrest and felony charges against 10-year-olds with food knives are routinely applied, and where all sorts of other assaults against unenumerated rights take place by self-appointed "authorities" as an unchallenged matter of course.

All this while propagandizing to the little proto-inmates, drugging those who find their own path more interesting (while instructing that "drugs are bad, m'kay?"), sexualizing them against the moral foundations established by their parents and their churches, and generally doing their utmost to ensure the end product is socialized and conditioned to find any other paradigm for human living inconceivable.

What were we all celebrating the other day? Oh, yeah: Happy Bill of Rights Day!

The Larry Hincker Award

We talked about it yesterday (actually, I talked about it before that).

Robb Allen came up with a great design.

I opted for a plaque because I'm too unskilled to work with shapes. Honest, we both selected the same silhouette source independently.

I like Robb's as he actually knows what he's doing with a graphics program. But I also like the text on mine, so perhaps something could be arranged...?

Now I'll put together a nominating process, the rules loosely being someone who creates or encourages a "Gun Free Zone" and people end up getting killed.

Off the top of my head I can come up with:

The award's namesake.

The proprietors of Trolley Square.

The proprietors of Westroads Mall.

Chancellor O'Keefe.

Maybe this guy?

Send in your nominations, along with a brief summary and link to show what they did to qualify and I'll finalize the list and put up a poll where we can vote on the 2007 recipient.

Red Sky in Morning

An elementary student in Marion County was arrested Thursday after school officials found her cutting food during lunch with a knife that she brought from home, police said.

The 10-year-old girl, a student at Sunrise Elementary School in Ocala, was charged possession of a weapon on school property, which is a felony.

"Sunrise Elementary School--Where the Sun Never Sets on Learning."

I'll say. That'll teach her!

These are the contemptible kneejerk bureaucrats responsible. In true Orwellian fashion, they even have a page against bullying.

This is truly insanely evil.

Here's the principal's email address.

[Via Jeffrey H]

This Day in History: December 16

On the cold evening of December 16, 1773, a large band of patriots, disguised as Mohawk Indians, burst from the South Meeting House with the spirit of freedom burning in their eyes. The patriots headed towards Griffin's Wharf and the three ships. Quickly, quietly, and in an orderly manner, the Sons of Liberty boarded each of the tea ships. Once on board, the patriots went to work striking the chests with axes and hatchets. Thousands of spectators watched in silence. Only the sounds of ax blades splitting wood rang out from Boston Harbor. Once the crates were open, the patriots dumped the tea into the sea.