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About "The Only Ones"
The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only government enforcers are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly (but not exclusively) when they're involved in gun-related incidents.
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Read this letter and see the contempt Larry Hincker, associate vice president for university relations at Virginia Tech, publicly heaps on the suggestion that students may need to defend themselves.
Well Hincker, do you suppose all those swat teams were in Denver assaulting peaceful people and their wives at banks?
After all, that's much safer than going up against a murderous gunman who has proven he will kill. Tell us again, just to be clear, how safe your students are will all that police protection. I mean just so we know how to die within the fucking rules.
You have to love the logic of stupid people.(Larry Hincker) re:"Wiles tells us that he didn't feel safe with the hundreds of highly trained officers armed with high powered rifles encircling the building and protecting him. He even implies that he needed his sidearm to protect himself against the officers" Someone needs to tell this mental midget that all the guns in the world won't do a damn thing if they are guarding outside and you're stuck inside with a lunatic. And we wonder why college and university students are as screwed up as the are. Just look at their educators.
Did anyone see that gas bag Geraldo Che Guavera on Fox last night? He referred to fully automatic assault weapons twice and he even had the balls to have a student pull up a picture of a folding stock 9mm sub machine gun on his laptop and hold it up to the camera for the world to see. I am so f***ing mad right now I can't see straight. We know this waste of skin used two 9mm semi auto pistols, yet this "objective reporter" will sit there spewing his lies to an ill-informed public and exploit these dead young adults to further the Brady Bunch agenda. That by itself makes me mad and is not entirely unexpected but what I find intolerable is that not one commentator or interviewee will address the actual problem. They dance around like puppets to avoid asking the question, "Why wasn't there one person with the guts to fight back?" I'm asking myself, why wasn't there anyone in that building willing to lay down his/her life for their fellow man? Why wasn't there an instructor that was willing to defend his/her students? Right now there are 18 -20 year olds overseas willing to take out a terrorist, hand to hand if need be, shooting at his buddies with an AK-47. I've heard arm chair quarterbacks all morning speculating on this scenario and that without once asking, "What if someone would have been armed?" We'll David, you, me, and your readers know exactly what would happen if some of those students had been armed. I hope that the tough questions will be asked and the relevant answers placed before the people and the politicians responsible for creating this target rich environment. Now I'm off to the range to blow off some steam. Thanks for giving me a place to vent. MOLON LABE
I asked the question of "Why wasn't someone armed?" myself. Likewise, I've asked why we've conditioned people not to fight. We need to emulate those like on Flight 93. Sometimes passive submissions isn't the answer when the only thing the criminal wants to take is your life.
Though I of course believe that students that want to be armed should have been armed (whether it is permitted or not) and had there been an armed victim the murders could have been cut short.......
Does anyone wonder why in a class of twenty or thrity people with murder the clear intent of the gunman, no group of people stand up to overpower the murderer?
Have we (U.S. Citizens) become soooo gutless and clueless and wussified that the men, the boys, the people on the scene do not rise up and attack the attacker?
As stated above, U.S. Soldiers are risking their lives elsewhere fighting hand to hand if need be. Why did not one person fight back - even without weapons? If they were going to be targets why not fight back? Where were the Men protecting the women? Where was anybody or any group that said "F--k this asshole - charge him - he can't get us all. Is bravery and chivalry and sacrifice dead in the U.S?
The question has to be asked. Regrettably, to ask the question is to answer it.
If we are ever called on to defend our constitution and our country we are in trouble.
Also... can I say that the president is responsible for the shooter being in the U.S.? The president never met an alien that he thought should not be in our country - he is responsible for flooding us with aliens, destroying our borders - this shooting is on his dance card.
The ineptness of this administrator's response is astounding. Here we have a student willing to risk his life to save others, and he is ridiculed and insulted. Would that pansy of an official ever take a risk to save another person's life?
Where are America's men? Hiding, defenseless, and afraid of their own shadows.
Before you point fingers under assumptions, there very well may have been many students who attempted to stop the guy, and were cut down in the attempt.
Excellant work here David, I wonder how many authorized journalists will pick up on this.
I'm on hold with the radio station now trying to get this and the story about the quashed HB 1572 out to the masses now.
Well Hincker, do you suppose all those swat teams were in Denver assaulting peaceful people and their wives at banks?
After all, that's much safer than going up against a murderous gunman who has proven he will kill. Tell us again, just to be clear, how safe your students are will all that police protection. I mean just so we know how to die within the fucking rules.
You have to love the logic of stupid people.(Larry Hincker) re:"Wiles tells us that he didn't feel safe with the hundreds of highly trained officers armed with high powered rifles encircling the building and protecting him. He even implies that he needed his sidearm to protect himself against the officers"
Someone needs to tell this mental midget that all the guns in the world won't do a damn thing if they are guarding outside and you're stuck inside with a lunatic.
And we wonder why college and university students are as screwed up as the are. Just look at their educators.
Did anyone see that gas bag Geraldo Che Guavera on Fox last night? He referred to fully automatic assault weapons twice and he even had the balls to have a student pull up a picture of a folding stock 9mm sub machine gun on his laptop and hold it up to the camera for the world to see. I am so f***ing mad right now I can't see straight. We know this waste of skin used two 9mm semi auto pistols, yet this "objective reporter" will sit there spewing his lies to an ill-informed public and exploit these dead young adults to further the Brady Bunch agenda. That by itself makes me mad and is not entirely unexpected but what I find intolerable is that not one commentator or interviewee will address the actual problem. They dance around like puppets to avoid asking the question, "Why wasn't there one person with the guts to fight back?" I'm asking myself, why wasn't there anyone in that building willing to lay down his/her life for their fellow man? Why wasn't there an instructor that was willing to defend his/her students? Right now there are 18 -20 year olds overseas willing to take out a terrorist, hand to hand if need be, shooting at his buddies with an AK-47. I've heard arm chair quarterbacks all morning speculating on this scenario and that without once asking, "What if someone would have been armed?" We'll David, you, me, and your readers know exactly what would happen if some of those students had been armed. I hope that the tough questions will be asked and the relevant answers placed before the people and the politicians responsible for creating this target rich environment. Now I'm off to the range to blow off some steam. Thanks for giving me a place to vent. MOLON LABE
Jeff in Wisconsin
I asked the question of "Why wasn't someone armed?" myself. Likewise, I've asked why we've conditioned people not to fight. We need to emulate those like on Flight 93. Sometimes passive submissions isn't the answer when the only thing the criminal wants to take is your life.
Though I of course believe that students that want to be armed should have been armed (whether it is permitted or not) and had there been an armed victim the murders could have been cut short.......
Does anyone wonder why in a class of twenty or thrity people with murder the clear intent of the gunman, no group of people stand up to overpower the murderer?
Have we (U.S. Citizens) become soooo gutless and clueless and wussified that the men, the boys, the people on the scene do not rise up and attack the attacker?
As stated above, U.S. Soldiers are risking their lives elsewhere fighting hand to hand if need be. Why did not one person fight back - even without weapons? If they were going to be targets why not fight back? Where were the Men protecting the women? Where was anybody or any group that said "F--k this asshole - charge him - he can't get us all. Is bravery and chivalry and sacrifice dead in the U.S?
The question has to be asked. Regrettably, to ask the question is to answer it.
If we are ever called on to defend our constitution and our country we are in trouble.
Also... can I say that the president is responsible for the shooter being in the U.S.? The president never met an alien that he thought should not be in our country - he is responsible for flooding us with aliens, destroying our borders - this shooting is on his dance card.
Fight islam Now
The ineptness of this administrator's response is astounding. Here we have a student willing to risk his life to save others, and he is ridiculed and insulted. Would that pansy of an official ever take a risk to save another person's life?
Where are America's men? Hiding, defenseless, and afraid of their own shadows.
Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President for University Relations
540 231-5396
314-A Burruss (0229)
Before you point fingers under assumptions, there very well may have been many students who attempted to stop the guy, and were cut down in the attempt.
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