Saturday, September 20, 2008

How Many Women Gang-Raped by Blacks Does it Take to Screw in a Lightbulb?

I thought the political left said we couldn't joke about this kind of stuff--that it was taboo, that there is nothing funny about rape, that racial jokes are hate speech...but I guess it's OK now, because they're not only doing it, but defending it--hell, they say they're proud of it. And we all kow how funny and insightful America's beloved comedienne, Sandra Bernhard is.

Personally, I don't think her act is anything but pure hatred coming from a person with mental issues, "her large heart, her generous talent, and her big mouth" notwithstanding . She ain't "part of who" I am.

But she does help define part of who I'm not.

Unlike the left, I think women should be able to send aggressors fleeing.

And unlike the left, I think peaceable people of all races should be able to as well.

And religions.

And "persuasions."

But what would I know, being a right wing knuckledragger?

Where's the outrage from NOW? Or from race hustlers Jesse and Al? As part of my CUM ULLA SELLA IN PUGNO TABERNA philosophy, I'd like to see the left eat one of their own over this. Or be exposed for the hypocrites they are when the target is a conservative woman.


  1. S'okay, David. We all can see what hypocrites the lefties are, including their propaganda machine, laughingly called the maimstream media.

  2. I meant "mainstream", but "maimstream" fits better.

  3. We (and I mean the rational among us) see what hypocricy the authoritarians and their supporters exhibit on almost every issue that comes up. It's what keeps us going.

  4. I have no more wish to see Palin run our lives than I want to see Hillary occupy the throne...

    Bernhard's ugly, filthy comments are even bad by radical feminist garbage standards.

    She doesn't speak for any of the women I know... or have ever known in my 62 years. That ought to help some. :) And she should certainly be cast out into the outer darkness if she's pretending to speak for Jews or anyone who cares about scripture.

    "Bitch" is much too nice a term for Bernhard.

  5. Lets take this to the next level:

    This whole mess that Wall Street is going through right now is build on lowering the standards and rules along with walking away from common sense thinking to get blacks into more home ownership. Once the bar was lowered as it was it opened the door to scams based on greed.

  6. About the left eating one of their own, don't hold your breath.

  7. Actually, I love them bitter,hateful,leftist lesbians. Reason being, they tend to be on the chunky side, and you don't have to lead 'em as much.

  8. You can drink em' pretty but you can't drink em' thin.


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