Tuesday, September 09, 2008

She Just Keeps Reinventing Herself

Good ol' anti-gun (for you and me) Madonna returns to her roots in this latest incarnation.

And to think that just a few short weeks ago she was a Gorn Star.


  1. Which inane song is it in which she force-rhymes

    __ ____ and Jefferson Tom,
    They didn't need the atom bomb...?

    ___ __, Harlow Jean,
    on the cover of a magazine.

    Boy, THAT's pushing back the boundaries of the lyrics writer.

    Thankfuly, it's fading from my memory. I could look it up, but why?

    What does she sound like without a quartet of herself overdubbed, anyway? Her recording engineer is her best friend.
    15 years ago, when MTV showed music videos, she danced pretty well. That doesn't make you an expert on everything. If it did, a girl auditioning for one of those reality shows would not have risen to the challenge "I bet you can't even SPELL Vegas" with V-e-a-g-s.

    For a student of Kaballah Jewish mysticism, Mad sure doesn't remember what happened to so many of its other students who thought peaceful coexistence is ALWAYS possible and guns are NEVER the solution.

  2. I believe the song is "Vogue"...and I'm kicking myself for knowing that. I'm blaming public muzak systems for that knowledge.

  3. Oh.my.GOD!

    That hideous reptilian MONSTER....

    BTW who is that with Captain Kirk?


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