Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Hallowed Halls of Learning

Rather than being the bastions of tolerance and diversity they portray themselves as, our institutions of higher learning have proven themselves rigidly anti-defense to the point of hysteria.
Nothing WarOnGuns regulars don't know...

"The Hallowed Halls of Learning," my Rights Watch column for the March 2008 issue of GUNS Magazine, is now online.

They're Awake

Is anybody still awake at the White House?

Here's another opinion piece that's, on the whole, pretty good, but I believe still misses a point.

I just don't see this as a "blunder."

I see it as a deliberate and premeditated act of sabotage.

Hard to Believe

Is it really that hard to believe that the Administration would lurch to the left on the issue of guns?
Good article on the whole.

I'm to the point where there's not much anyone could tell me about the "Vote Freedom First President" that I'd find hard to believe.

Everyone looking for some kind of genius glass-half-full strategy in this is either an apparatchik or whistling past the graveyard.

Apparently for some, the truth is what's hard to believe.

[Via Mack]

CeaseFire PA Director's Watch: 01/23/08

I've been feeling kind of alone in trying to get appropriate recognition for achievement, so I figured the college paper might be interested...

A Question for the Pragmatists

Now that Fred has bowed out, some gun owners are predictably scrambling to the Mitt and McCain camps.

Noting that the "Vote Freedom First President" narrowly won both elections only with the strong support of gun owners, does anyone think either of the Republican front runners can pull it off without that strong support?

This Day in History: January 23

You must be fully sensible of the Hardship imposed upon Individuals, and how detrimental it must be to the Public, to have her Farmers and Tradesmen frequently called into the Field as Militia-men, whereby a total Stop is put to Arts & Agriculture, without which We can not possibly long subsist. But great as this Inconvenience is, We must put up with it, or submit to a greater, the total Loss of our Liberties, untill our regular Continental Army can be brought into the Field.