Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Savage in the Sights

A gun expert who testified against the government when David Olofson was on trial for loaning to an acquaintance a gun that misfired now says the government is punishing him for that testimony.
It's great to see this story getting wider recognition. Dreamer that I am, I'd like to see the major papers and news networks pick up on it, too.

I don't mean to inject myself into this, which by right and need should focus on Len Savage, and I hope this doesn't sound like petty whining, but c'mon, WND:

"...a commentary in Guns Magazine said...

"...an online forum on weapons issues..."

I have a name. So does this blog. And this is like the third or fourth time in recent months you've sourced significant contributions to your articles to me without mentioning either.

I hope this doesn't discourage you guys from citing me in the future. But really, do you know a writer who doesn't want and deserve attribution for his work?

A Sonny Day in Georgia

Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue said Monday that guns should be allowed in public areas of the nation's busiest airport.
Georgia gun owners--if you like this development, let him know. Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool to influence future behaviors. Pick it up and use it.

[Via Jeffersonian]

An Update from the Olofson Family


I certainly understand and appreciate those who are looking for information on David. Please be patient. Since the last communiqué, we have been doing damage control and cleanup from the flooding we had on 6/12. We will be at it for a while, like many in the Midwest and certainly a lot more who were hit harder than us. Just as in David's case, I just cannot imagine!

But we are trying to get in place a few other details, which will follow shortly, regarding some help for David. I just received a letter from David and he indicated he is doing fine, and we should not worry. I'm sorry to tell him that after what he has been put thru, we still worry a great deal. He indicated he can receive nothing 'hard covered' and is limited to 10 pages per letter - so do not be afraid to write. I am making copies of the popular blogs he frequented, and will be forwarding them to him, so if you prefer not to write to him directly, please leave a message for him and I will get it to him.

I would ask again for all not to lose sight of, as David would say, "the price of the fight for freedom". In this particular case the atrocity of having any firearm being 'made' into a machinegun. Have you written your congressmen, FBI, Attorney General, Vice-President and President??

The thugs do not think twice about using this scheme, see War on Guns 7.10.08 from Len Savage.

Please keep David in your prayers.

Dave & Pat Olofson

McCain Votes for Assault Weapon Ban

And we're told it's "Politics 101."

Seems to me "Politics 101" is what resulted in the poor choices before us now. And rewarding that will never create any incentive for future change.

Good job bringing this to light, 45superman.

We're the Only Ones Bulldogging it Enough

"It reminded me of two bulldogs attacking a little dog.

"They chocked him down to the ground with their arm around his throat where he had trouble getting his breath, and then they handcuffed him and held him there."

"Now this is a 68-year-old farmer in knee-boots who had been up most of the night and who wasn't going to hurt a fly. His ancestors had settled the land he now lived on and he's a well respected member of the Oakville community. To see him being tackled and handcuffed and treated like this was humiliating, just sickening."
If that was my father being assaulted, I promise I would not be standing there "watching in disbelief."

[Via Joe (Stranded in Iowa)]

We're the Only Ones Camera-Shy Enough

“He says you took a picture of me. It’s illegal to take a picture of a law enforcement officer,” said Conover.
Sounds to me like the citizens of Johnson County have some reminding to do.

And it sounds like this "Only One" needs to have his portrait taken while holding up a sign with numbers on it.

[Via Cigar Rollers]

Tasteless and Offensive

The Obama campaign is condemning as “tasteless and offensive” a New Yorker magazine cover that depicts Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in a turban, fist-bumping his gun-slinging wife...

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds quickly e-mailed: “We completely agree with the Obama campaign, it’s tasteless and offensive.”
What I find tasteless and offensive is both of these candidates. Tell me these are the best leaders America can produce.

Why does the McCain camp parroting back the exact words remind me of the "Petarded" episode of Family Guy, where Peter Griffin hears television comentators use the critique "shallow and pedantic," and adopts that as his standard response to everything, including Lois' meatloaf?

[Via Mack H]

"Anthem" Expanded

Lawhobbit joins in the struggle against the Zargonian invaders by appending to Mike Vanderboegh's lyrics for "Anthem of the Zargon Hunters." It helps if you have this playing in the background as you read the lyrics.

They came from outer space
Attacking Mother Earth
To end the human race
E-vil Zargons!

Zargons landing everywhere
But we know we have to dare
Evil scum with evil schemes
They can't destroy all our dreams

We know we must be strong and brave
Our homes and lives we have to save
We have to make invasion cease
So Mother Earth will be at peace

As our unerring bullets fly,
May this forever be our cry:
Eat hot lead, you Zargon scum!
You'll wish to Earth you'd never come!

Through all the fire and the smoke
We will never give up hope
If we can win the Earth will survive
We'll keep peace alive
Death to the Zargons!

We're the Only Ones Immune Enough

Weber, who was transferred to Grand Forks, N.D., after the accident, refused to appear on the charges. Through an attorney, she claimed immunity as a federal officer and is trying to transfer the case to U.S. District Court — saying she wouldn’t be treated fairly in Cook County because of hostility toward the Border Patrol.
Yeah, that's the same crap that Lon Horiuchi pulled. Must be nice to have such a strong "immune system."

Hey, that's why they're The "Only Ones"--and you're not.

[Via George Haystack]

We're the Only Ones Hammering Them for it Enough

I am betting they opened their mouths a bit too uch [sic] on the traffic stop and these guys decided to hammer them for it.
Yeah--we'll teach you to keep your mouths shut and grovel in submission! Besides, you must have done something.

The "Only Ones" react to this.

[Via Mack H]

This Day in History: July 15

It being found advantageous to the public service, to remove sundry horn’d Cattle and Sheep, from the Ground upon which they were grazing near Chelsea, (to prevent their falling into the Enemy’s hands) it is earnestly recommended to the several Commissaries, to purchase such of them, as are fit for slaughter, of the Owners, in Order that they may suffer the least loss possible, from the unavoidable necessity of removing them from the rapacious claws of our enemies.