Friday, August 28, 2009

It All Depends on the Meaning of the Word "Detained"

When last we left The Northern Muckraker, he was getting rousted.

Now he's getting the runaround.

See, asking "Am I free to go?" and being told "Not yet" does not constitute being detained.

Everybody believes that, right?

I mean, a U.S. Marshal is going to deal with citizens squarely, right?


  1. I put up the following comment:

    Let me see, they had a choice of "they're", "their", and "there".

    I don't care who you are, that's funny right "their".

    When did functional illiteracy become a federal marshal's job requirement along with attitude?

  2. About 20 years ago, I reckon.
    The arrogance and smugness of these "people" is simply breathtaking. They have no time to be bothered with us unwashed heathen, unless, of course, they need to steal more money from us. Then you can be sure you will get plenty of attention.

  3. I didn't realize this but apparently from the detained gentleman's letter and blog, the guards that approached him are private security (although paid by our tax money, so I'm not sure there is a distinction) Anyway, when approached by a private guard on a public street the conversation should go:

    Guard: Excuse me are you videotaping?

    You: Go F*** yourself.

  4. Clearly the demeanor of this tax feed parasite is the citizens are to do as they are told, end of story.


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