Friday, September 25, 2009

Our Love of Guns is Nutty

Why do Americans feel the need to own handguns to protect themselves from a potentially tyrannical government? Germans and Italians -- who have experienced tyranny -- don't feel this need. Why do Americans fear that law enforcement officers cannot adequately provide for public safety? [More]
You can't fix self-willed ignorance. What you can do is resist it.

Here, Peter Hansen, you dropped this.

[Via Michael G]


  1. I was thinking the same thing when I looked at the gays(guys)photo. And he proposes to ward off the horrific attacks by mindless swine, bent on rapine,theft and murder how? He must have led a very sheltered and dainty life, never reading or hearing about what actually goes on in this country. Scum like him are now in charge in DC.

  2. Another hand wringing, bed wetter, that does not live in a world of reality.

    Law Enforcement Officers provide for the public safety? Oh, puuuleeze, spare me the mindless rhetoric that the JBT's are going to protect me from ANYTHING.

    It it my responsibility to protect me and mine and anyone else in the vicinity that needs it.

    This ass clown needs to read, "Dial 911 And Die".


  3. As someone with friends and family in Spain and Argentina, it has always been very interesting to me that the prevailing view is that a firearm is a tool of the devil.
    Spain had an all out civil war just prior to WW2. Argentina has had many instances of state sponsored tyranny just in the past 30 years. Every Thursday the mothers of "The Disappeared" still march in front of the Casa Rosada (their equivalent of the White House). People needed a way to protect themselves in the economic collapse. Instead they remained sheep for the wolves at that time.
    It just baffles the mind.

  4. straightarrow9/25/2009 3:09 PM

    Now, guys, he is a retired CHEMISTRY professor. Perhaps he has a little basement chemistry going on for personal use. That could explain his insane ranting.

    I hear some of those chemical alterations can cause humans to become paranoid. Perhaps he really needs help. His is a perfect example of the need for more mental health/drug rehab facilities.

  5. Anyone seen the footage from the G20 in pissburgh?

    They're the same ones who are supposed to "protect" us yet deny us the same tools.

    I don't think so.

  6. Sorry, SA, but as David said, we can't fix this idiot. We can only resist him, and dismiss him as blatantly stupid.

  7. A Chemistry Professor plays constitutional law expert and historian, and fails miserably on both counts.

    1) The Minutemen has rifled barrels, facing British regular smooth bore muskets, hunters and farmers with technologically superior firepower and tactics. Now how does THAT fit in this argument? Hmmmm...

    2) A Free State is Free only because the People have the Power *not* the State, I don't see how anyone could live a lifetime as an American and not figure that out.

    But then as David says there is nothing can be said to fix this guy.

  8. While the Minutemen no doubt still have rifled barrels :-), I intended to type they *had* rifled barrels (historically speaking).

    And the Native tactics that gave rise to what we call guerrilla warfare now, employed by the minutemen in the cover of trees, etc, these are the superior tactics mentioned, long ahead of their time in western warefare.

    These were the People against an UNFree State (the British). I believe the good chemistry professors prefers we all would be wearing red coats today..

  9. The Germans and Italians experianced Tyranny (Along with the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Ukranians, Hungarians, etc.) because they did'nt have guns. There is no hope for Prof Hansen and I would not waste my time trying to educate him. I have met many people who had an irrational fear of guns, and consider myself fortunate in having several of them change their minds and even asisted them in their first gun purchase. I used logic and reason to convince them that any gun is at most only a tool. It can be used for evil or good depending on the owner. The only effective defense against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. First responders always arrive after the shooting has stopped. Instant responders can stop the shooter before the body count gets too high. Remember that most of us don't LOVE our guns, we LOve what they protect.
    Paul in Texas

  10. You scooped me, David. (Shame on me.)

    These lefty "nutty" professors saturate the U of Iowa campus and Iowa City. They don't call it the Socialist Republic of Johnson County for nothing.

  11. Hansen conveniently forgets the subsequent BEHEADING at the Va. Tech student cafe. The killer couldn't live without the object of his obsession, and wouldn't let her live without HIM. No one had the means to stop him as he stabbed, sliced and sawed her like a side of beef. He used ... a knife from the cafe's kitchen.
    Any gun owner could have saved a life. And then gotten expelled and arrested.
    In Farmville, Va., a Longwood University professor, her husband, daughter and a daughter's visiting friend were bludgeoned to death in their beds by a new acquaintance they met online and invited to visit. A 20-year-old "horror-core" rap "musician." Smirky little runt. Few years ago in Farmville, a mother and daughter were killed by the man of the house, with an axe.
    Handguns are the answer to so many, many questions. You can always just choose not to shoot, if you have one. If you don't have one, you can't just choose not to die.

  12. I love the comment thread!!!! Its left the tracks! Now its about where you can find ammo and how much it is! Wonderful thread drift.

  13. straightarrow9/26/2009 5:47 PM

    Crotalus, that was "tongue in cheek". Of course Hansen can't be fixed. You just can't fix stupid.

  14. Yeah, I know, SA. I just get tired of the smirking assshats who think they're so much smarter than us. I say stuff like that to remind myself that he's no one I need to listen to, except in the case of knowing our enemy.

    You're right; you can't fix that kind of stoopid. Nor that kind of ugly, either.


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