Thursday, August 20, 2009

Too Many Tips

I just can't cover them all. Please understand if I haven't gotten to yours--it doesn't mean it's not as deserving of being featured as anything else--it just means there's only one of me and I have other responsibilities to attend to.

We're the Only Ones Minty Fresh Enough

They wouldn't let May out of jail for three months until tests proved the so-called drugs were candy.

While May was behind bars, the Kissimmee Police Department towed his car and auctioned it off. He lost his job and was evicted. [More]
And the "Only Ones'" War on Everything continues...

What, your life was destroyed? Hey, they were just following department protocol.

Every damned "officer" involved in this outrage should be publicly identified, held personally criminally and civilly accountable, and humiliated and shunned by all decent people.

Oh, I forgot--they can kidnap and hold us hostage for that, too.

[Via "Bill Hicks"]

A Snuffyless Mantra

Hernando Zavala gets a letter published. [More]

He tells me via email:
Just one gripe. They edited my letter ... I called it the "Daley/Pfleger" mantra. They dropped the Pfleger.
Maybe they're afraid of being "snuffed out".

We're the Only Ones Unidentifiable Enough

A 34-YEAR-OLD woman, the mother of a 12-year-old girl, has been locked up in a Virginia jail for three weeks and could remain there for at least another month. Her crime? Blogging about the police. [More]
How dare a mere subject presume to monitor the exalted "Only One" drug warriors.

Look--I'm "identifying a police officer."

[Via JPR9]

Oh, My Achey Fordy Seven!

They've since corrected it, without admitting anything, of course.

Forget "write what you know." No one in power really wants "Authorized Journalists" to know what the hell they're talking about. They're too useful using their vast reach to spread exploitable ignorance.

[Via Daniel Barnett]

Another Racist Obama Protestor

Correspondent ZGeorge points us to an MSNBC video and notes:
MSLSD crops the video of the guy in Arizona to obscure the fact that he is black and then Contessa Brewer and her crew of spit bubble blowers go on about how white people are carrying guns around presidents of "color."

A little background:

The guy carrying the gun is black - not white.

The event is no where near Obama.

The guy carrying the gun cleared this with the police department ahead of time.

Open carry of firearms in Arizona is legal.
Not surprising.

The socialists want us to believe using "socialist" to describe their socialism is a racist codeword.

This nitwit would have us believe the Obama /Joker poster originated with racists. I still haven't seen a retraction on that one.

Hey, it's not us intent on rendering "people of color" defenseless by force of the state--it's them.

And we all know how MSNBC feels about guns. The very thought sends a sensation down their legs, albeit a wet one, as opposed to a "furrowing".

We're the Only Ones Just Popping In Enough

“I instinctively slid [my gun] off my belt and placed it in the center console, and armed the alarm,” Brown said. “I didn’t want to take it in. I was only going in for a hot second.” [More]
Understandable attitude for an "Only One" with his eye trained to see potential crime scenes in his jurisdiction. We all know nothing bad ever happens in stores or their parking lots.

Besides, we also know how quickly you can get in and out of Home Depots. Who would have time to do anything in a span as brief as "a hot second"?

Oh, wait...

[Via Harvey]

Can Obama's Anti-Gun OSHA Pick Be Stopped?

As usual, the major players are all silent on voicing their position on the nominee. If past actions are any indication, they'll only enter into the controversy if dragged kicking and screaming by the grassroots, which generally means too late to change the outcome. Their apologists may point to the recent setback on Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court confirmation, and come up with all kinds of excuses why the realpolitik course is avoidance. [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes that ultimately, the answer to the title question rests with us.

Here's what it boils down to: If you and I do nothing, and accept confirmation as inevitable without lifting a finger to stop it, no, he can't be.

If you and I do something that requires very little time and effort, and then urge every gun owner we know to follow suit, there could be a chance.

If you're just coming into this discussion, it would help to read Part One and Part Two.

Also, Jennifer Freeman of Liberty Belles gives us a language lesson.

Tell a friend? And take five minutes to contact a few people?

Have you read the latest from all the Gun Rights Examiners?

This Day in History: August 20

Would it not be much more for the honor and interest of America to turn such a part of our force, against our enemy to the northward as no longer to leave it in doubt who shall have the ascendency in that quarter? [More]