Friday, November 13, 2009

A Fellow Defender

I, as a fellow gun owner and Second Amendment defender, enjoy what you are trying to do... [More]
That must be why he thinks bearing arms should not include long ones?

There's a vigorous discussion going on over at Daniel White's place.

Also, Howard Nemerov will be on NRA News at 10:20 EST tonight to discuss this.

Me, I'm going to grill some steaks and then enjoy this wonderful spell of global warming we're having with a backyard fire, cigar and a wee bit 'o scotch.

Enabling All the Right Moves

We saw all the right moves here.

Per the news account:
Sgt. Lori Lavorato said police received a report of a woman possibly being abducted after an argument at a Target store along Merle Hay Road.
Loki1776 shows us how this was all made possible:

Guns in the Wrong Hands

William Grigg talks about the "Only Ones." [More]

As we've seen, some (that would be his defense attorney) say the officer has been "overcharged."

[Via Tina T]

We're the Only Ones "Breath of Fresh Air" Enough

Offenders can expect little sympathy from Master Sgt. Isaiah Vega of the Illinois State Police.

“Driving is a privilege, and drivers should take every precaution,” he said. Hanging anything from the rear-view-mirror “could be a dangerous if not deadly error,” Vega said. [More]
Isaiah said it, I believe it, that settles it. How wonderful we have someone authorized to tell us what our rights are. Let's hope this attitude never results in "little sympathy" for him.

And lest you think the term "Only Ones" applies only to humans, take heart--the ISP has expanded the concept to include state-approved windshield obstructions:
The only exceptions are government-issued items such as I-PASS boxes and parking stickers.
Funny. If this is coming from the ISP, I wonder why I don't see an exception to hang a rat-tailed comb from the mirror...?

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Top 10 Enough

Chicagoans likely will never see the names of the 662 Chicago Police officers with 10 or more complaints against them. [More]
Because the purpose of government is to secure the Blessings of "Only One" status. And the more "Only" they are, the more Blessings they get.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via The Bitter Clinger]

Fudd of the Year Finalists

Two men enter, one man leaves. Except I won't acknowledge either of these morons as a man--not in the sense of a whole one.

Who's the Fudd with the biggest "but"?

Willard Rabert?
I have been a hunter for over 50 years. Yet, I have never owned a pistol and have no intentions of owning one or an assault rifle. On the Internet, I found 361,000 automatic weapons for sale. Why are so many needed?
Or this weed (sorry, link requires a password, so I only have the KABA summary):
I'm a strong Second Amendment rights person. I stand against fire arms registration and government control and confiscation of our guns. But I strongly feel that the firearm manufacturers of our country are making a big mistake in producing the AR-15 sporting rifles.
Hobbies. Yeah, that's what people are willing to fight for.

[Via The Bitter Clinger and KABA Newslinks]

Food Fight!

“My children have to appear in court,” Erica Russell, the mother of two eighth-grade girls who spent eight hours in jail, said Tuesday. “They were handcuffed, slammed in a wagon, had their mug shots taken and treated like real criminals.” [More]
I'm sorry, Erica. What exactly did you think they're being conditioned to be treated like?

I'll bet'cha you've been conditioned too, and just don't know it. I mean, you're from Chicago...Quick: What would you think if you saw a citizen carrying a gun?


The fight is not about food.

[Via Zachary G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

"I thought it was my duty to hand it in and get it off the streets." [More]
No, your first duty is to be a free man and defy tyranny.

Let this be a lesson to all. Those who would condemn you to the Gulag camp for possessing a gun are your enemies, and the enemies of all decent people who would be free.

[Via many of you-- thanks.]

We're the Only Ones Binding Enough

Authorities said 46-year-old Henry L. Hollins is accused of handcuffing a woman at gunpoint June 30 and taking her in his squad car to a warehouse. He then undressed and raped her while she remained shackled...[More]
If true, perhaps this explains why New Orleans "Only Ones" wanted to disarm everybody...

Why do I hear Eliza Doolittle singing "Just you wait, 'enry 'ollins, just you wait..."?

[Via Matt S]

Furious Mike 'n the Imam

"If we were aware of his full background," an aide said, "it would have been done differently." [More]
Let me get this straight--you can't be armed because genius here thinks it's his job to keep us safe.

This reminds me of a The Three Stooges episode, you know, where they're oblivious to a lion or a gorilla or some such following them until they turn around and see it...

I guess my main man Siraj here doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Be great to see Bloomie & Co. running around screaming "Woobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoob..."


Anybody else sick of all the public assculation displays in the wake of the recent "workplace violence"? Meanwhile, we need to keep demonizing these guys...

Nice Beaver!

Thank you. I just had it stuffed.* [More]

Looks like the rodent shares my opinion of "Authorized Journalists."


Self-Defense is More than Physical

Through a practice he calls “Practical Emotional Self-Defense (PESD),” Dean discusses how to deal with people from the annoying to the dangerous. Naturally, the right to armed defense factors into the latter. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column is actually a book review that has been a pleasant--and surprising--find for me.

Also see what Andrew Napolitano is setting out to explore, learn about judicial subversion in Ohio, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?

This Day in History: November 13

I mentioned, that it was not our interest to expedite the passage of the prisoners to England. [More]