Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Steve Lee...

It's Australian for "Fudd".
Some of the guns are so dangerous that they are banned in Australia, meaning Mr Lee had to travel to Cambodia to film much of the clip... Mr Lee said that while he was happy about his overseas success, he would not like the issue of gun control in Australia to go the way of the US debate. "You have got to abide by the law, and there are some people out there who shouldn't be able to use guns. [But] I like guns, and I use guns in the bush" [More]
Yeah, that really appeased the opposition, there, didn't it, mate?


[Via Steven L]


  1. Ah yes, the Third Way.

    We can do that, too.

    I support commonsensegunrestrictions, which is why I think all citizens should be able to produce, buy, sell, keep, carry and modify any personal weapon they wish, without restriction, without taxation, and without requirement of notice to any government, government-funded entity, or government "regulated" institution.

  2. Frankly, I never liked the song. The accent through it off. Being a Texas boy hearing country and folk music my whole life it just does not fit hearing him sing like that at all.

    It would figure he would be some anti-gun/freedom type. He wanted to make a buck by being outlandish, and considering the Angle-World's thoughts on firearms what could be more outlandish then playing tourist in Indo-China with firearms. It also plays into their hands by being in such a nation. They see that and immediately correlate the ease of which he can fire an RPG with why that region of the world has deplorable conditions.

  3. "Some of the guns are so dangerous that they are banned in Australia,"

    Compared to the "Safe Guns"?

    Does this guy even think?

    I'm all for obeying the law, but we have the channels to CHANGE bad laws for a reason.


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