Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Getting the Lead Out

I'm not sure EPA has considered the environmental impact this could have.

Easy Pickin's

Police are asking for the public's help to identify a man accused of robbing two 7-Eleven stores while armed with a long kitchen knife. [More]
Why not? It's not like Southland Corp. is going to do anything about it.

Meaning it's going to continue to happen*all*the*time.

Hell, they go out of their way to ensure such outcomes.

It seems fair to ask who are they making their stores "convenient" for?

And why should the public help people unwilling to help themselves?

[Via Ed M]

Very Possible Overtones

"Beat whitey night" and there's any question? [More]

Were the situation reversed, is there any doubt we'd be hearing "hate crime!" howls, along with high-profile exploitation by the leading race hustlers, not to mention a team of DoJ lawyers jetting out to add federal muscle to the prosecution?

And that the SPLC would be attributing it to flame-fanning by right wing extremist "hatriots"...?

Why any sane person would go there and obey this insult to their freedom, dignity and safety is beyond me:
Public safety—weapons.
The carrying or possession by any person other than a peace officer of any weapon, such as a dirk, dagger, hunting knife, buck knife, switch blade, or any knife with a blade of three inches in length or longer, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, pellet or BB gun, blackjack, billy club or any other weapon is prohibited on the fairgrounds unless authorized by the board. Failure to comply with this rule shall be cause for expulsion from the fairgrounds or being charged under Iowa Code chapter 724. Kitchen knives and others purchased at the fair must be wrapped and not concealed.
[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Not Paid Well Enough

"The guns are bought from soldiers there who claim they are not paid well," he said. [More]
So that explains why thinking you can limit guns to the "Only Ones" will never work!

Every Move You Make, Every StepYou Take, I'll Be Watching You

If anyone else did this they'd be rightly considered depraved stalkers, and just as rightly repelled.

Figures it's from those traitors (save Kozinski) in the Ninth Circuit.

[Via Tom R]

Portland Mayor Adams wants me to denounce gun group

"As a leader in the national gun use coalition, even though we might disagree on this issue, I encourage you to denounce the Oregon Firearms Federation statement." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column features some words of encouragement.

Also target some Hollywood stars with me.

Share the link?

For Fairness's Sake

But for fairness’s sake, I wanted to offer AS&E’s defense on the health front.

The company’s vice president of marketing Joe Reiss told me in an interview that any dosage received by a human from these backscatter vans would be “exceedingly small,” far smaller than a medical x-ray. He says that the vans’ dosage falls well within the health standards set by American National Standards Institute, and AS&E’s marketing materials say that the scan’s x-ray levels are equivalent to the dosage received in fifteen minutes inside a typical airplane. [More]

What, profit-motivated economic fascist Joe Reiss said it, you believe it, that settles it?

Yeah, well, I don't know that, do I? I'm not privy to their calibration validation, and I'm certainly not notified when parameters are exceeded. Plus I haven't been given an opportunity to sign an informed consent.

If anyone finds out this is being used on them, why shouldn't they treat it as an assault in progress and respond accordingly?

And why shouldn't they come up there and object in person?

For fairness's sake...?

We're the Only Ones Truthful Enough

New Orleans police officers who lie while on the job or file a false police report can be immediately fired under new regulations that will go into effect next week. [More]
Good grief. I'm wondering what job I've ever had where it was not assumed that lying would be grounds for immediate termination. Nice to see our standard bearers for official trustworthiness are finally getting around to paying this concept lip service.

In other news, non-"Only Ones" who lie to cops will be arrested and prosecuted.

[Via retrotruckman]

So Much for Being Endowed by Their Creator...

Even after the landmark Supreme Court decisions that gave individuals across the country a right to have a gun in their home for self-defense, the gun lobby still isn't happy. [More]
What a strange thing to say for people who are presuming to speak for God.

The "progressives" at Savannah Morning News said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Isn't that the way faith is supposed to work?

This Day in History: August 25

August 25, 1778 at Nail's Fort, Georgia - In August, Capt. Joseph Nail gathered most of the local settlers into Nail's Fort when the Creek Indians attacked their settlement. The fort was built on the north side of the Broad River, at Deep Creek. It was for protection against Indian attacks. [More]