An Outreach to the Antis

Perhaps we can find some common ground here?

You realize that this will show up on this?

Ah forget it. You're probably proud of the damn thing.

[Via Mack H]

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

The title of Eugene's post, “We Affirm, But Only Because We Are Unable to Write a Principled Opinion Reversing,” sucked me in. You've got to admit, it's a great line. The post is about a Wisconsin decision concerning whether the a defendant must be informed that his plea will result in the loss of his Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. [More]
Wouldn't it be better if we made know...a surprise?

[Via cycjec]

Idol Worship in the Keystone State

Gun god: The House pays homage by blessing a lethal bill [More]

After all, why would we paranoid gun god worshipers mistrust "Only Ones" who oppose self-defense--for our own good, we are to believe? What type of primitive rejects the One true god of the State?
That line of thinking represents the very worst instincts of the tinfoil malcontents.

Yes, much more rational to listen to wise, civilized and spiritual "Authorized Journalists" who have great experience in matters dealing with exorcising street demons.

They do, don't they?

Bearly an Expert in His Field

The HSUS Calls for End to NJ Bear Hunt [More]
Of course they do. And I'll bet they even have a "study" to back up their demands.

I win!
New study shows that conflicts with bears have been steadily decreasing
One thing about that study author and his methods, though:
Firstly, the plan promotes a report by Dr. Edward Tavss that centers on the field of wildlife management even as Tavss admits that his area of expertise is bio-chemistry. It's similar to a foot doctor reporting on matters of the heart while portraying to his patients that he has the expertise of a cardiologist. Furthermore, the report lacks peer review, a process used by scholars to ensure the integrity of published work related to a particular field of study. The issue here is the absence of credibility.

Say, Doc, I'm getting this whirring noise every time I accelerate--do you think it's the transmission or maybe just a belt?

Throw the Book at Him?

Isn't it time we banned deadly assault books?

Even a scary public menace like Vanderboegh expresses concern.

On closer inspection, I think the guy is just trying to cover for somebody...:)

Who Needs Zeros...

...when all you need to close things down at a harbor is an M-80? [Read]

If the antis act as they typically do, we'll see this used to go after the tame "Safe and Sane" fountains and the like that some California cities allow over Independence Day...over the hysterical objections of twitchy, tight-@$$ed anti-freedom zealots.

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones with a Vindictive Underbelly Enough

His description of being taken in handcuffs to a psychiatric ward that night suggests the nation's largest police force could have a vindictive underbelly. He claims that cops risk retribution when they try, as he did, to blow the whistle on supervisors' faking of crime statistics to make the stats look better. [More]
Now that can't be true--as I understand it, it's always only "a few bad apples." Especially in Furious Mike Paradise.

[Via Kevin S]

Should you have a legal duty to retreat from an intruder or attacker?

Over four times more representatives than the hissy-fitters can muster assess that's what their constituents want. And it's the mean old NRA's fault. Bitterly clinging to our prohibitions and controls, are we?

Still, the prize for clueless on this one goes to the astoundingly misnamed Patriot-News Editorial Board...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes those who attack our rights would rather we withdraw than fight.

I'd appreciate your help sharing the link.

This Day in History: October 11

Washington was aware of that shortcoming and from his headquarters in Fredericksburg (Patterson, New York) he had the following order issued to the army on October 11, 1778...[More]