Liberty News/Safer Streets Newsletter

John Longenecker has a new one. [Read]

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Appearances are Deceiving

The rules are designed to preserve the appearance of objectivity for news organizations.[More]
In other words, to fool viewers into thinking the subversive propagandist in front of the camera is a voice that can be trusted instead of a national socialist domestic enemy.

Me, I think that clause is ridiculous and  they ought to be able to give as much as they want to whomever they want.  That way, we're freed from referring to them as '"anchors" or whatever sleight of mind term they wish to apply to themselves, and can instead call them what they are: F***ing commie agitators.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Army cadets banned from carrying rifles on Remembrance Day parade because it 'glamorises' weapons...[More]
We can't save people from themselves.

[Via lots of you]

We're the Only Ones Weary Enough

Chattanooga Police Department Sergeant Jerri Weary said the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles never notified the department about the updated drive out tags so city officers have no way of knowing they and the serial numbers posted on them are legitimate. [More]


If I got one of these tickets, I'm afraid my only response would be a Bite-Me-Gram.

[Via Carl S]

We're the O Sole Mios Socially Networking Enough

Italian police officer kills daughter, 13, in furious row over her Facebook use before turning gun on himself [More]
At'sa gonna teach her to listen to her Papa!

[Via Guillermo T]

We're the Only Ones Ending Close Shaves Enough

As many as 14 armed Orange County deputies, including narcotics agents, stormed Strictly Skillz barbershop during business hours on a Saturday in August, handcuffing barbers in front of customers during a busy back-to-school weekend. [More]
Customers happy? Check.

Citizens employed and contributing to the local economy? Check.

Master infuriated because he didn't give permission? Check.

Securing the blessings of liberty, "Only Ones"-style.

Plus, it's a lot more of a sure thing they'll make it home at the end of their shift!

Those minorities holding scissors are damned lucky they didn't make any false moves. And the ones who held still while cuffed are even luckier.

[Via Defender]

Pavlovian Conditioning

What else is an "Only One" supposed to do when he sees a right wing extremist an armed citizen--if not attack? [Read]

Scare Tactics

Two employees with the same last name were part of the reason behind Friday's security scare at a NASA research center in Ohio.

The Glenn Research Center was locked down for an hour after an employee received a phone call leading him to believe a gunman was on campus.

It turned out that the phone call was part of a test of emergency management systems at another NASA center... [More]
See, if only we had things like "terror watch lists" to keep people from buying guns, stuff like this could never happen, right?

But the good thing is, not only was John Glenn a big citizen disarmament supporter, but his namesake facility is a "gun free zone"--so it's a guaranteed sure thing the scare tactic security scenario could never happen!

Hey, I wonder if they'll keep doing these "safety drills" if an employee or contractor ever reports resulting panic attacks and/or chest pains...?   Seems like a good CUM ULLA SELLA IN PUGNO TABERNA opportunity to maybe contact OSHA and see what they think--maybe sit back and enjoy watching one group of bureaucratic parasites duke it out with another...

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Getting a Leg Up on Protecting the President Enough

An assistant police inspector from Mumbai's police crime branch, which was ordered to protect U.S. President Barack Obama during his visit to India, accidentally shot himself in the leg near the hotel where the president is staying. [More]
Anybody know how to say "Lee Paige Award" in Hindi?

[Via Yuri Orlov]

What Government Giveth...

On September 27, 2010, Lorenzo denied Detmer's application saying "I see no justification for a full carry permit." [More]
What is this "permit" of which he speaks?

Personally, I see no justification for giving credence to what this presumptuous tyrant wanna-be punk and the idiotic county mandarins think.  But as long as people are going to go about this nicely, I guess Alan Gura stands as good a chance of challenging their despicable arrogance as anyone.

We're the Only Ones Possessive Enough

A repo man says he ended up arrested for doing his job. He told WFTV Friday, the problem came when he tried to repossess a car from a police officer.

Joe Ortiz said he had repossession papers in hand when he rang the door bell and the officer came out, yelling at him. When Rockledge police arrived, he was waiting on the street with no other witnesses.

Five months later, he was arrested for trespassing. [More]
No doubt the cop who thinks he doesn't have to pay for property, and those who enforced this elite double standard, are just a few bad apples...?

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Minimally Possible Enough

Dozens of protesters took to the streets Friday, some breaking windows and knocking down fences, after a white former transit officer was sentenced to the minimum possible prison sentence of two years for fatally shooting an unarmed black man on a California train platform. [More]
Left wing establishment vs. left wing test subjects...And here I thought the big threat to law and civil order came from the right...

[Via lots of you, who sent lots of different accounts]

Did SPLC just make it dangerous to have a ‘conservative’ bumper sticker?

Because with all the conflation, what message will be enough to trigger a protective reaction?
“I am an American National”?  “Death to the New World Order”?

How about “Oath Keepers”?  Or “III”?  Or “We are everywhere’?

How about “I’m the NRA”?  Or “Chose Life”? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks "just who you callin' 'extremist,' extremist?"

Do something extreme and share the link?

This Day in History: November 8

The ship was built in the Thames River at Norwich, and upon its completion on November 8, 1778 was towed to New London for its final outfitting. Under the command of Captain Seth Harding, the frigate Confederacy began its short life as an American ship. [More]