Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What does Obama mean by ‘held accountable’?

“Screwed up”...?

Gee, that fits right in with “botched operation.”

It was all just a mistake, you see, “bad judgment”—committed by low-level bunglers in a “bottom-up” operation. And that fits right in with the Administration’s top-down talking points being propagated by their political and media apologists. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary explains how a con game works.

That'll Stop It!

You know, another law... [Read]

Maybe we also ought to install these at ATF Field Division offices--just to be sure:

When Frozen Armadillos are Outlawed...

And it was one of those assault armadillos, not the legitimate sporting kind allowed by common sense armadillo control laws (that the paranoid armadillo lobby tells us is some kind of slippery slope to ban them altogether) so we can feel safe--for the children... [Read]

What did I miss?

[Via Steve T]

Dying for 32

The Human Target admits the only thing that saved him was "luck"-- a condition he would impose on the rest of us under force of state arms. [Read and watch]

Congrats to Yih-Chau Chang for introducing some balance.

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

If you live in the area, be aware and be prepared. [Read]

What a shame. The poor animals never asked for this.

But neither did we, and it is what it is.

[Via OFCC email alert]

Critical: Defend Sen Russell Pearce from recall election. Donate, volunteer, forward‏

From Russ Howard, via email:
Russell Pearce is the Arizona Senator you've heard about, author of Arizona's "controversial" law to help identify and deport illegal aliens.  The open border national suicide crowd has qualified a gravely serious November 8 recall election against Pearce.  Regardless of which state you reside in, every loyal American citizen must act immediately and generously to help him defeat it or the consequences will be dire.  If you don't know who Pearce is, the pro-invasion media will make sure you and every other America knows his name if he loses the recall in a couple weeks.  If you don't realize that Pearce is not America's highest profile champion of immigration sanity, you will if he loses the recall.

This is the technique Californians Against Corruption and Citizens Against Corruption used against anti-gun Senate President David Roberti.  In 1994 after years of planning, organization and struggle, CAC qualified a recall election against Roberti.  It was the first legislative recall to qualify in California since 1914 -- after more than 100 failed qualification attempts over the intervening 80 years.  Though Roberti did not succumb directly to the recall, he was forced to outspend CAC 100 to 1 to do it, breaking his campaign piggy bank and with it a significant portion of the state Democratic Party's warchest.  It cost a number of Democrats their seats due to Roberti spending campaign money that should've been distributed to other Democrats, permanently wrecked Roberti's career as an elected politician, completely stopped gun control schemes in California for several years, and sent a powerful message nationwide that gun rights are not worth infringing.

If Russell Pearce is recalled, the chance of recovering the USA from invasion and "reconquista" may be doomed.  We will have to accept the coup d'etat and eat amnesty after amnesty as legislators and candidates abandon the issue and pander to the invasion lobby.  Where the hell are NumbersUSA and the other immigration sanity groups on this?  Why haven't they activated their national lists for donations and volunteers?  Instead they're dead silent, despite the fact that any citizen in any state can donate to any candidate in any other state, and volunteer for phone calling.

If Russell Pearce is recalled, the only hope is to retaliate with recalls against vulnerable invasion lobby waterboys, but it may be too late.  FYI, I have no connection to the Pearce campaign other than donating an hour ago and writing you this note.

If you're like me, you're tired, you have a limited budget, you already donated to other campaigns, and you have many other demands on your time.  Still, I can't urge you enough to donate and volunteer anyway, and spread the word to anyone else you think will do the same.  I know it may seem exaggerated to write this, but here goes:  The future of the USA, or lack thereof, may ride on this election.  If you don't see that now, I hope you don't have to see it on Nov 8.

Pearce, fyi, was a leader in getting Constitutional Carry passed in AZ, as well as championing the right to keep and bear arms in public buildings.

We demand politicians do the right thing, even if it means risking their careers.  When they do, and they're predictably attacked for it with everything the left can muster, do we expect them to stand alone?

As Russ asks, donate, volunteer, forward...

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise

When assault compost aerators are outlawed, only outlaws will have assault compost aerators. [Read]

Actually, that could make one hell of a weapon.  So many everyday objects can. If Mr. Vincent truly was threatening people with it, they would have been justified in repelling him with superior ones.

At least morally, as opposed to "legally"...

[Via Steve T]


It can take years. [Watch]

One thing the regressives never seem to discuss: what happens to their kind when they're no longer useful...