Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can administration rely on Guatemalan STD defense against ‘Gunwalker’ claims?

People are appropriately charged with attempted murder for such perverse acts. What degenerates thought up such a plan, and what ends could possibly justify the twisted means?

And what degenerates approved it?[More]
This evening's sordid Gun Rights Examiner solicitation is just a quickie--but it's every bit as nasty as paid encounters taking as long as, say, an incestuous OIG report...

That'll Teach 'em to Not Do the Impossible!

I would watch bureaucrats in the woodchipper on Pay-per-View. [Read]

Left Out Again

Hey, I made fun of you losers, too.  Can't I get a break? [Read]

I guess--in their haste to "out" bloggers who prefer using a screen name that they'd rather forget one of their own getting caught being a cowardly troll...that and not call attention to their out-of-control control spokesman...

Still, I am glad to see they linked to Kurt's piece. I wonder if they realize that every time they do, not only does an angel get its wings, but Kurt gets page view remuneration...?

Why not make that page of Kurt's go viral--not just to give the guy a well-deserved tip, but also to let CSGV know that it's all because of them...?

We're the Only Ones Sure Fire Enough

"I was attempting to squeeze the light mechanism when my weapon fired and the suspect fell to the ground," the unidentified Plano, Texas, officer said in an affidavit. [More]
Why the hell is this incompetent menace to society unidentified?

And why isn't he being sued instead of SureFire?

What's to Debate?

Whether to retreat and leave infants and toddlers to the mercy of a deranged abuser? [Read]

Yo, "Authorized Journalist" Mike Clary of the Sun Sentinel: What the hell's wrong with you?

And no, I don't see this as an "Only Ones" story.  The defending gun owner had no official advantages here over what are available to the rest of us. And as for the attacker being unarmed, the phrase "beaten to death" exists for a reason, and according to this account, several warnings were given.

That seems perfectly consistent with CUM ULLA SELLA...

What's the Opposite of "Viva Las Vegas"?

The Metro cover-up machine immediately claimed Erik had “pulled his gun,” prompting Mosher to fire. Not true. Erik was killed, because he had a BlackBerry smartphone in his hand, and Mosher mistook it for a gun. Although he had only been on the Metro force five years, Officer Mosher had now shot and killed two people. [More]
What, no statement of outrage from "true champion of the Second Amendment" Harry Reid?

That local "civil authority" has to be publicly cajoled with the threat of bringing down Eric Holder's deliberately indifferent DOJ shows no real will or intent--no surprises there. Expect nothing unless they feel they don't dare ignore the outrage.

There is one thing the City Fathers and those they service will not ignore if they perceive it will affect their bottom line--making paying suck...uh...customers aware of the treatment they could expect from the local "Only Ones."

I'd love to see a concerted effort to make stuff like this go viral (and if Google Translator doesn't cut it, let me know the correct way and I'll change it):
I don't imagine it would take too much of a negative publicity campaign to induce them to act with self-interest.  I wish I could afford to offer a prize--I'd hold a poster contest.

Indian leopard attack shows anti-human nature of ‘gun control’

So why did Indian citizens have to wait for the authorities to show up after the maulings had occurred? Why must they instead engage in hand-to-hand combat and resort to “sticks and iron rods” or helpless, abject terror against savage, predatory beasts—including those who walk on two legs?[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report tells what it takes to be at the top of the food chain--a lesson those in government who insist on a monopoly of violence have learned well.

This Day in History: January 10

In response, he wrote a scathing letter which resulted in his formal dismissal from the Continental Army on January 10, 1780. [More]