Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Constitutionalist military and police group offers teachers free gun training

As demands from citizen disarmament proponents for greater defenselessness in the face of violent evil become louder and more strident, as gun owners increasingly feel their most cherished rights are under mob assault and there’s nothing to do but cover up and endure the building storm, some, those we should be following, are offering solutions, things that can be implemented soon, and without great public cost, measures that have been proven, and demonstrably, the only thing that can stop an active school invader in mid-attack. This is what gun owners can, and must embrace as the only "conversation" worth having. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at an offered solution that we ought to be pushing back in the faces of the antis with everything we've got.

Demand the Truth

Is this what the police chief is trying to squelch? [Read]

[Via abergafenni]

We're the Only Ones Eulogized Enough

In 2009, Briston was also arrested for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend, but a judge dismissed the charges on the condition that there was not enough evidence.

Briston was also fired from his job as police chief in 2003 after being convicted of stealing more than $5,000. [More]
As we gather here in remembrance we can be grateful that he set such a wonderful example of why he was more trustworthy than the rest of us...

[Via William T]

Over the Top

That's where they need help to push "Assaulted."

Per producer Kris Koenig:
We are currently on the road filming the last bits needed to complete the documentary, while watching the tragedy of last Friday and the resulting events.

At this point, we need to complete the film quickly. I'm asking you to help us start a second fundraising campaign at our website to cover the post production costs. Please encourage your readers to go to the website and make a donation today. 
That would be here.

With the renewed media war on guns being waged, we need all the counter-initiatives we can devise.  This can be a powerful one, and we need to get it out there sooner, rather than later.

If you're on Facebook, you can also help promote this there.

An Offer You Can't Refuse

Although I'm sure many, if not most of them will. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Authorizing Journalists Enough

Just wow. [Watch]

I have not had time to look into this. It almost seems like he's saying people are impersonating the Newtown PD and committing outright prosecutable fraud, and my expectation for that is it would have to be egregiously criminal.  Alternatively, he may be trying to put the kibosh on whistleblowers or on leakers who are sharing information without authorization that could jeopardize a criminal investigation. In the absence of being able to narrowly define whatever he's talking about to those potentialities, I don't know what to make of it.

[Via Salvatore]

Invincible Ignorance

Thomas Sowell tries logic and reason, not that it will work on fanatics. But he summarizes some good information for us to use. [Read]

We are all getting our message out, right?

[Via Ron W]

"The Final Straw for Me"

Yeah, well who the f*** are you, and what makes you think you have any say whatsoever on my rights? [Read]
An 18th-century amendment about militias never was meant to justify 21st-century kill technology for Bubba. Let's keep it real. Let's keep it in the 18th century. 
Oh, I see, just another one of those ignorant, provincial fools who presume themselves more cultured and wiser than us slack-jawed yokels...

Bring it on, princess.

[Via Scott J]

The Only Important Piece of Information in this Story

And the elementary school massacre in Connecticut by a gunman that left 26 victims, including 20 children, probably could not have been prevented by any specific gun-control law, he said. [More]
OK, so then why all the hand-wringing, citizen disparagement-supporting bullsh**, you simpering idiot?

"I Pray I Am Wrong"

Me too, Jim, but I believe you are right. [Read]

In addition to everything else, this post from Buckeye Firearms Association reminds me that we have state-level groups we must also be keeping up with.  My piece the other day on Oregon showed the antis in action, and confirms the post-Sandy Hook war on guns is not just being waged at the federal level.

You who have been forward observers just got field promotions.  Please use your knowledge and lead.

Amidst all the sound and fury, understand that this is nothing--we haven't even been tested yet--which makes those pre-surrendering all the more contemptible. And never forget that ultimately, the Second Amendment means what uncompromising men with guns say it does.

"Hundreds of Demonstrators"

Every photo I've seen so far looks more like "dozens." [Read]

Here's the choreography being mapped out for the impending nonstop blood dance:

There will be millions by spring...We need to keep this tragedy fresh in people minds...Now that's what I'm up for sign me up!...This is exactly what I was hoping would happen... cudos... Good...silence of the cowards...Bravo... kick. 
Yes, I know, it's just the F...I mean, DU. But this is just one small nest.

Steel yourselves, ladies and gentlemen.  We ain't seen nothin' yet.

Any gun owner who is not involved at this point has already chosen their side, and shown those probing for weakness what they're prepared to put on the line for themselves and their posterity.

New Bumper Sticker


Yeah, you're right, scumbag. You should have been punished more severely.

I have no idea who that matters listens to the juvenile crap you spew anyway. And look at this, the hypocrite hawks vodka. And has rage issues.

What a punk.

Fight back, people. Defiantly. Stop them in their tracks and knock them on their asses.  If you don't, guess who the ones hiding and retreating will be?

Neville Chamberlain Appeasement Award Semi-Finalists



And Coloseum Software (firearms inventory systems) sent this out, but promptly revoked their Facebook page after a few of us asked them if they were out of their minds. They get no props from me for apparently reversing the decision, because it hardly looks like it was based on principle:

This is actually useful, as it lets us see who in "our ranks" will cut and run at the first sign of trouble.  It gives us an indicator of where the house will be divided, and who will be happy to take our money, but then abandon us if it looks like they may get dragged into the fray.

Mr. Adams?

Polyphemus? Tell them what they'll win.

If you know of any other contestants deserving of the award, nominations are now open in "Comments."

UPDATE--I just received this email in response to sending them the link to this post:
Press Release

For Immediate Release

Media Contact
December 18, 2012

Open Apology from Coloseum Software Corp- CEO

I would like to sincerely apologize for the pledge campaign that was initiated by Coloseum Software Corp. yesterday. Our intention was not to provide an anti-gun or anti-FFL dealer message. Our intention was to unify and protect dealers against the coming storm.

When a financial crisis befell truck drivers in the 1970s, they united and went on strike, pulling over en masse and going idle. I suggested the pledge with the same spirit. I was moved to attempt to demonstrate how important we in the firearms industry are to the economy and to our nation. I humbly accept, based on the backlash that I received, that I failed to inspire those in this with me to take action. In retrospect, rather than suggest a no-sale day, I understand that perhaps I should have suggested we show our support by visiting an FFL dealer on January 25, 2013.

Thank you for taking the time to let me know about your disappointment with our announcement and for allowing me to recant the pledge. I have been in the firearms industry for 20 years. I have been a retail dealer. I am an avid shooter. We at Coloseum Software Corp. work solely for the firearms industry. Every day, we work to protect dealers and to assist them with the ATF. Coloseum Software Corp. solidly maintains its commitment to the firearms industry.

Sincerely yours,

James M. Lamonte CEO, Coloseum Software Corp.
I don't hold grudges if an apology is sincere. I would like to hope that if I let a friend down and apologized that I would be forgiven. That said, I'd expect it would take a while, as well as some deeds to back the words, before I earned back their trust.

UPDATE: Looks like Cheaper Than Dirt just decided they don't want to be our friends any more, too.  I was just discussing that on another comment thread and trying to verify it.

This Day in History: December 18

But Necessity compells me to confide in the Committee of foreign Affairs to give you the needful and particular Intelligence from this Part of the World. It is expected a Secretary for foreign Affairs will soon be established, and constantly devoted to the Business proper for such Department; which will remedy many Disadvantages we at present labour under. [More]