Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We're the Only Ones Planting Enough

Police plant drugs on homeless black woman [Watch
I realize the video is almost three years old, but it's new to me, and I thought it deserves a place on the WarOnGuns "Only Ones" Plantation.

[Via Kevin Starrett]

How long will your stockpiles of ammunition last?

It’s a question many of us must ask ourselves... [Read]
The way I figure, if I'm not killed, long enough to get more.

A Matter of Timing

Some call it "lousy."  [Read]

As a side note, I'm tickled to see the "legitimate media" giving increased notice to Vladd Everitt.  Better that attention goes to him than to someone from a group that could be, you know, effective at actually accomplishing something.  Plus, if it drains Astorturf funding from the Bradys, we'll all get to have a good laugh when the advertising guru they brought in to replace the failure Paul Helmke finally throws in the towel--maybe we can take bets as to when...

Speaking of timing, Jeez, Dan Gross, your latest video has been up for a week and has the gravitas of your main website and social media pages promoting it, and you've only gotten 1,369 views so far...?  And naturally, comments and ratings have been disabled...

How are we to believe your "hundreds of thousands" claim when less than one percent of that even care enough to watch your whiny YouTube self-validation piece? That's some public demand you've demonstrated there!

What Works in New Jersey

That, in  itself, would be comedy gold were the results not so outrageously tyrannical. [Read]

How do you think these hive insects would respond if you asked them to apply the same positive ID requirements to voting?

Think they'd soften up and let people buy guns with a freaking utility bill as proof of eligibility?

[Via Florida Guy]

The Power of Habeus Corpus

If we are to live as a free people and avoid the clutches of oppression, it is imperative that we learn the history of this Anglo-American right... [More]
That is, unless we believe that there are certain rights we just have to give up in order to be secure... besides, if you're not doing anything wrong, what have you got to fear?


We're the Only Ones Admitting Enough

Connecticut State Police Finally Admit Open Carry is Lawful [More]
Well, that's mighty nice of these law enforcers.

Will they also admit that they have given through training on this to all of their troops, and that there is a liability for harming lawful open carriers that cannot be swept away with a blanket "following department protocols" excuse?

I'd want to see every officer sign an acknowledgement that they have read and understand this, and have it placed in their personnel files right next to the document they sign telling them that sexual harassment, misuse of computer equipment and taking home office supplies for personal use are verboten...

Video demonstrates everyday danger of magazine capacity limits

MB Studio Productions’ “High Capacity Magazine PSA” provides a chilling unfolding of events in just over two minutes that demonstrates the “need” in a powerful and compelling drama. Everything about it, from the production values, to the writing, to the performances, is top notch, and this is something that gun rights advocates need to help make go viral. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report is also today's Five Minute Activism task.  Watch this outstanding video and help make it go viral.

So Much for Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

State Rep. James Grant, R-Tampa, believes the provision could open the door to lawyers asking doctors about the gun-toting habits of their patients and, over time, use the information to build a database of gun owners who could be charged higher insurance rates. [More]
So why wouldn't gun owners throw such questions right back in their doctor's face?

I'm thinking of setting up an online seminary/downloadable diploma, where professionals who deal with confidential client information but can otherwise be compelled by law to give it up can get ordained, and lend the added protection of priest/parishioner counseling to each encounter... :-)

Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2013/04/30/4504738/proposal-to-limit-medical-malpractice.html#storylink=cpy

Greasing the Incline

But the opposite could easily be true. After requiring background checks, the government may be more reluctant to impose other restrictions on gun ownership. [More]
Then again, maybe if you domestic enemies hadn't time and again let slip your end game, this latest bit of slippery diversion might catch more with their guard down. And it's not a slope this subversive would lead us down, it's a precipice.

Immediate Access

Because waiting periods are only for Americans who want to exercise their unalienable rights... [Read]

The China Syndrome

He heard back through their broker and was informed that just 3 days before, our government made it illegal to export that equipment to US citizens. [More]
I'd like to track down the agency order for that -- it seems plausible, as ammunition manufacturing machines are specified in ITAR as being on the US Munitions List, and we've seen that the administration is doing what it can to "clarify" things with that by involving Eric Holder.

I would question the "all you need is $30" assumption. I have no idea what ITAR licensing requirements and fees would be, as well as permits, licensing, zoning and insurance requirements for wherever this neo-entrepreneur wants to set up shop, but I'd think if he were doing things properly, like he's serious about starting a viable effort, he'd have a knowledgeable lawyer advising on his business plan before he commits himself too far and finds he's dug himself into a hole.

That said, if this is more "under the radar" sabotage that we only find out about by surprise, we need to find out, we need to find out what else has been/is being done, and we need to find out if the big gun and industry groups have been caught napping or just didn't think it was worth making noise over.

But first, we need to find out if this is true.  I have a call in to someone who may be able to help.

[Via DMJ]

Bury Her Brain at Wounded Knee

She said the billboard brings to her mind one of the most horrendous examples of that, the Wounded Knee Massacre on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1890. Historical accounts say the 7th Cavalry had detained a band of Native Americans and asked them to give up their weapons. Troops began firing after a shot rang out. Death toll estimates of Native American men, women and children range from 150 to 300. [More]
So what's the problem here...? 

[Via cydl]

If They're That Dangerous, What Are They Doing Out?

Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. [Read]

I wonder if the proponents of this would also support putting these names on a Do Not Vote list...?

[Via Florida Guy]

How California Encourages Gun Crimes

Ignorance plays a part as an enabler, but at the top of the power structure, they know exactly what they're doing. [Read]

What the general public needs to understand is "why."

Also, if I were to use the term "gun crimes," I'd put it in quotes.

That said, there's a lot of good info here.

How Can You Tell Carolyn Maloney is Lying?

Stronger gun control laws would have prevented the accused Boston bombers from getting firearms and could prevent future terror attacks, according to a New York Democratic lawmaker. [More]
And she said it with a straight face.

And there are actually useful idiots who believe her!

And Jordy Yager ... well, we know about Jordy Yager...

Me Mind on Fire -- Me Soul on Fire -- Feeling Hot Hot Hot

Maybe you ought to have this playing in the background as you read about the latest bit of incendiary hot air emanating from the smoldering Red, Barbara Lee...[More]

Why Yes, I WOULD Agree

When she says she's crazy, I believe her. [Watch]

She certainly does act the part, right down to the compulsive face-scratching as she becomes more and more agitated. What a fanatic.

I pity the fool who lives with this harridan, unless he agrees with her, in which case, he's got just what he deserves.

That is one haunted, unhappy woman.  I understand they're doing marvelous things these days with lithium.

"Ratings have been disabled for this video."


[Via EF]

Monday, April 29, 2013

Obama’s 'hatred' of new media understandable but selective

That said, Obama’s hatred for new media is one-sided, that is, he only hates that which does not promote or defend him, or that which he cannot control. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes an exclusive table with reserved seating, where privileged attendees nonetheless begrudge non-invitees from foraging for themselves. 


Andrea Shea King looks at the latest way Alinsky's Rule 5 shows it cuts both ways. [Read]

At Last We Can Agree!

"There is no point whatsoever for gun control advocates to engage in discussion with the NRA or its allies at any level." [More]
Seeing as how my rights aren't up for debate, I'm fine with that. Especially since, if we accept those terms as stated, all discussion in the legislature will immediately cease.

About Last Night...

...on Armed American Radio:
Stephanie Samford of the NRA. Author of the riveting book, Guns Across the Border-Mike Detty, details his incredible story of being a confidential informant selling guns to Mexican cartels at the request of the ATF and David Codrea joins the discussion. Michael Martin describes the USCCA Affiliate Training program and Human Events-Guns and Patriots Editor, Neil McCabe talks DC politics.
Mike's interview occupied all of Hour 2, and I think it's one of the best segments I've ever participated in.

Music to My Ears

Pennsylvania music store owner fatally shoots intruder, police say [More

[Via William T]

The Clouseau Approach

I suspect everyone and I suspect no one.  But just to be safe... [Read]

Let Freedom Roar

Oath Keepers reminds us that the finish line is fast approaching. [More]

The Manchinian Candidate

This [deleted] needs to be targeted for political extinction. [Read]

I don't care if a doctrinaire anti-gun zealot is running against him, he needs to be very publicly rejected as an object lesson for others.  If he's not, the lesson they will learn is there is no cost for betrayal, and no amount of BS the "no line in the sand/lesser of two evils" crowd won't put up with.

[Via DMJ]

Howl of the RINO

I'd love to know who they were so I could yell at the top of my lungs back at them. [Watch]

[Via Neil W]

Constitution Watch

Just a reminder that this is a great resource to bookmark and be apprised of new gun-related federal bills as they're introduced. [Read]

I see recent updates includes bills on "undetectable guns," a lying title from that despicable RINO Peter King, an attempt by Charlie Rangel to unchain ATF, an explosive proposition and more...

While you're over there, don't forget to tab on over to see the latest from the GREs.

A Way Forward

Yes, there is. [Read]

But I don't think those who expect us to back up are going to like it.

That Championship Feeling

Gov. Cuomo is offering $65,000 in federal cash to New York state-shooting ranges so that they can expand — a move some gun advocates believe is an attempt to mend fences after pushing for tighter gun control. [More]
Brilliant move. The last time an anti-gun politician redistributed some plunder for a gun range, it earned him credit for being "a true champion of the Second Amendment."

Do the Right Thing

So much for reporting crimes to the police... [Read]

[Via Florida Guy]

The Top 25

Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. [Read]

[Via Florida Guy]

To Ourselves and Our Posterity

The California Assembly passed a bill on Thursday that would make the state the first in the nation to allow non-citizens who are in the country legally to serve on jury duty. [More]
Why discriminate with the "legally" qualifier? Hasn't our top law enforcement official told us the full enfranchisement of Undocumented Democrats is a "matter of civil and human rights"?

For that matter, with the miracle of the internet, why require them to be in this country at all?  Outsourcing has worked so well for everything else, and so many shirk the call of duty that I'm sure we can find some Third Worlders to do the job Americans won't do in both the jury and ballot boxes, and more cheaply at that...

Oh, and just guess how this domestic enemy bill author Wieckowski is on guns.


[Via several of you]

Same Old Agenda

They didn't invite John Lott. [Read]

What more do we need to know?

[Via Michael G]

In a Nutshell

Another problem for gun control advocates: There would be no lasting record of the sale. [More]
How much more clearly do they need to scream it?

Sound and fury notwithstanding, they're not interested in background checks, they're interested in creating records that will enable registration. 

Plus Vladd says it's "unworkable," so there.

[Via Peter B]

The Key Word is "Personal"


To the Yes Men and the dithering Know-Nothings:

May your chains set lightly, and your lingerie not bunch up on you.

Nah, not really.

Choke on your cud.


How the next civil war will be fought. [More

Everybody's helping him keep the lights on, right?


Perhaps one day it will be more widely understood that the limits are more attributable to poor individual choices than to "inequities," and that "venerable" is as venerable does. [Read]

Until then, the turmoil will continue.

Comparatively Speaking

You think you're looking at Iraq instead of Philadelphia... [More]
Actually for a comparable period of the last recorded homicide tabulation for Iraq in 2008 by Gun Policy.org, Iraq's rate was 2.0 per 100,000 and Philly's was over 10 times that.

What do you expect, when top law enforcement allows gun criminals to flout the law with impunity because they are the gun criminals?

What this story is really doing, of course, is ginning up public hysteria against "AK47-style" firearms. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

“Guns Across The Border” Gives Insider Account Of ATF “Gunwalking”

I posted an announcement about the book, my review of it and tonight's related Armed American Radio program interview over at AmmoLand. [Read]

Tonight on Armed American Radio:

The program airs from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern, adjusted for your time zone. Go to the Armed American Radio website to find a station near you or to listen live via the internet.

Host Mark Walters' guests will include Stephanie Sanford from NRA and Neil McCabe from Human Events: Guns and Patriots, as well as a special hour at 9 to interview Mike Detty, author of "Guns Across the Border" (along with yours truly).

UPDATE:  Cool new feature--I'm watching Mark and Seanto over at RadioFactor.net!

Putin agrees with anti-gun U.S. ‘monopoly of violence’ promoters

His opposition to an armed citizenry, in spite of the demonstrable failure of his own citizen disarmament edicts as an effective public safety policy, may be best explained by another motivation. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the "public safety" excuse isn't cutting it, so the motivation must lie elsewhere.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Amnesty bill threat to gun owners shows need for organized involvement

Activist Russ Howard welcomes GOA’s alert as a desperately needed sea-change adjustment to the single-issue model that prevails in the gun rights community, just in time for a chance to defeat the “Gang of 10’s” comprehensive open-immigration bill. “This could be like a call from the governor 10 minutes before execution. What would we do without GOA and the other steadfast groups like Grassroots North Carolina and Oregon Firearms Federation?” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes single issues are affected by other single issues, and there are more productive ways to champion them than by politely asking domestic enemies to please stop.

Friday, April 26, 2013

‘Guns across the Border’ tells inside story of Operation Wide Receiver CI

What you can expect is to join him as he hosts cartel gun buyers in his living room as ATF agents monitor things from outside the house. If you followed Fast and Furious, you can expect to see a familiar face. You can expect to see screw-ups and betrayals. And, if you’re like me, you can expect to find yourself sometimes wanting to shout at Mike through the pages and ask him what the hell he was thinking to ever get involved in such a mess, let alone volunteer for it. That’s when you’ll know he’s done his job as a writer, and not only immersed his readers in the settings of his narrative, but gotten us to care. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report reviews a new book that will flesh things out for those of you who have been keeping informed on all things "gunwalker," and will open up a whole new chapter for those who haven't.

More Holes in It than Albert Hall

This story keeps changing more than the one about Lanza. [Read]

[Via Mack H]

An Impossibility

"Reasonable discussion" with someone who thinks laying claim to what is yours without your consent is reasonable... [Read]

Plus, Bracken gives an etiquette lesson.  Backs straight and hold those pinkies out, gentlemen!

A Public Menace

When pressure cookers are outlawed... [Read]

[Via Mack H]

I'm Melting! MELL-TIIING!!

I love watching these creatures turn on each other. [Read]

[Via Florida Guy]

"Maverick" is His Name

John McCain Says He’ll Help Bring Gun Control “Back” [More
Somebody must have flipped over the Red Queen.

[Via Neil W]

A Charlotte Democrat

A North Carolina lawmaker says he was caught off guard by the angry responses he got to a bill that would require the owners of pit bulls, mastiffs and Rottweilers and other large breeds to undergo criminal background checks. [More

Jeez, Rodney. I expect you'll have some more surprises coming if you keep pushing your agenda on people who aren't in the market for a control freak collectivist overlord.

[Via Florida Guy]

A Good First Step

AMMO Act would limit ammo buying, storing for non-Pentagon departments and agencies [More
OK by me. Just keep in mind the unintended consequence will be it will also limit stores that can be liberated.

[Via Florida Guy]

There's Got to Be an Explanation

Like, perhaps Mother Jones is a subversive propaganda outlet for lying-ass, conflating Marxist domestic enemies... [Read]

[Via bondmen]

Me, I Want a Hula-Hoop

This is some "progress report." I just did a quick scan and couldn't find the word "perjury." [More]

More's the pity. Because that's just what Hillary committed.

I sure wish the Repubs would strap 'em on and act like they want to win this thing. The whole thing.   Except their "leadership" is part of the Big Lie, aren't they?

I went to their website to see if this report is posted there, and the big news of the day seems to be the Helium Administration & Stewardship Act. I immediately pictured Boehner, McConnell and Cantor sitting around sucking on balloons and then talking and giggling like Alvin, Simon Theodore.

[Via Andrea Shea King]

It's All About Control

If not firearms, how about fireworks control? [More
Why not controls for gasoline, too?

These unAmerican ungulates continue to reveal how desperately ridiculous they are. And as typical of their ilk, they fail to consider Founding intent for American Independence:
It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

The "Right People"

He called for the U.S. to ... provide weapons to the "right people." [More
I thought they already did that, and the result was a dead ambassador. So, Bened...I mean, John: Will you run the same background checks on them you seem bound and determined to impose on me?

And as for using chemical weapons, why do I keep thinking of all those poor suffering dead children at Waco, actually more than at Newtown for those intent on playing a numbers game...?

Here's a novel idea: If the U.S. wants to insert itself militarily in Syria, there's a Constitutional provision for doing that.

What does Dear Leader say about us when matters of life and death are being considered...? We deserve a vote...? Because we deserve to know exactly what out elected representatives have enabled...?

Was His Face Red!

What do a race-obsessed, gun-grabbing Mennonite academic and a communist apparatchik have in common? [Read

Besides the same body and a penchant for genocide-enabling fanaticism...?

The Outlaw Patriot

What an outstanding graphic!

Despite the trials he's had to endure, I can tell you for a fact the facial expression reflects who this man is. Anger gets expressed at times because it has to be, but at his core you're looking at someone who has not forgotten that faith, love and good cheer are the ultimate fruits of Liberty, and what make the struggle worth it.

I'd love to see this portrait go viral. Beyond the internet:  Print out copies and post them in public places.  Don't give any further explanation -- those with curiosity have enough information just with the picture to find out more, plus if enough of us do this, the buzz of who this guy is and what it's all about would only attract more notice.

To that end, I posted a pdf file you can download/print and then cut out and start posting.  It would be great to get these SMUGGLED into places like the U.S. Capitol, New York or other City Halls, your State House, court houses, airports, you name it--any place the state holds itself supreme...it's not like a pocketful of guerrilla marketing pieces of paper would register in the security scans, and even if they did, so what?

Join the Smuggler Revolution!

Despised by the Despicable

CSGV's Josh Horwitz attacks Mike and Kurt. [Read]

I'm jealous -- no mention of yours truly, and last time they made one, their main complaint against me seemed to be that I'm "white."

Reading Kurt's piece just after making today's history post, below, brought a thought to the fore, and that is how history is written by the victors. British Maj. Coffin and his superiors certainly wouldn't have referred to the Continental dragoons that routed them as "Patriots."  They were considered traitors, in open rebellion against the King and his government.

Compare that to what the hive insect collectivists say about those who don't buy into their "monopoly of violence" fetish.  Is there any doubt which side Horwitz and his cadre of authority worshipers would have taken back when?

This Day in History: April 26

As they drew alongside the woods, the Patriots poured shot after shot into them, killing and wounding half of them. [More]

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Report cites ATF inconsistencies but leaves gun dealers at risk for revocation

“Total Administrative Actions are up nearly 300 percent from 2004-2011,” he states. “Wait until you see 2012-2013!” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at yet another way the administration can put the squeeze on guns.

Tracking Down Reports

In Watertown, they were confiscating guns from residents. [More]
That wouldn't surprise me--in fact, it was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw they were doing warrantless house sweeps.  That said,  if the rumor is also ...uh...warrantless, then it doesn't do us any good to spread it.

And that said, we can't track it down if we don't hear about it.

So it's a conversation we need to have, just let's do it with the clear understanding that we need to validate it before accepting it as cold, hard fact.

So let's validate.



[Via M III]

Every Picture Tells a Story

...that no one in "legitimate media" want you to hear. [Read]

Outside the Idiot Box Thinking

The state legislature awards the franchises to the cable companies, and Baker, a former state senator, hopes there's some leverage there. [More]

Meanwhile, Over at the Most Transparent Administration in History...

If it's a meeting of anti-gun activists, I don't get why they had to keep the press out... [Read]

The important thing to note is they have to sneak.


Oregon Firearms Federation gives the bird's-eye lowdown on this latest bit of offensive nonsense from those who believe their purpose in life is to tell others what they'll allow and what they'll forbid. [Read

David Remnick Has a Big But

I don’t want to politicize an act of terrorism, but... [More]
In other words:
I want to politicize the f*** out of an act of terrorism.
What did Rahm say?

[Via Florida Guy]

One Question

In re Mark Pryor: Why would NRA give money to someone with a "C" rating? [Read]

A Higher Education

An NYU psychology student turned his Manhattan dorm room into an air rifle factory and was arrested on illegal weapons possession raps Monday, law enforcement sources told the Post. [More]
And what have we all learned from this?

Gee, Where Have We Seen THIS Before?

In short The House has full authority to resolve this, but you refuse to use it. [More

[Via Scott J]

A Personal Matter

"I personally think we need a cooling-off period." [More]
You may just guarantee several with that attitude. And since when is what you personally think a claim on the rights of others?  I don't suppose confining it to how you personally conduct yourself and leave everybody else the hell alone is an option with you?

Let's see, we had a bunch of murders in a "gun-free" zone, so the solution is to make sure they stay that way, at least for people inclined to obey such edicts.

The New Negligence

You know, not being able to read minds... [Read]

Just Another Newtown Away

Some of us have been saying this all along. [Read]

That's why "our leaders" dancing around proposing compromises on meaningless BS, when they should be screaming from the rooftops about the blame lying squarely on phony "gun free zones," are so maddening.

Yes, there will be another Newtown.  In a "gun-free zone." Which, naturally, this article makes no mention of, despite giving plenty of ink to the gun-grabbers and their certain prescription for catastrophe.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Obama Phone

A message of gratitude... [View]

I'd love to see somebody remix this to replace "banana" with "Obama." 

Until then, there's always this...

When Radio-Controlled Toy Car Parts are Outlawed...

Seems as good a product as any to require registration, licensing, thumbprints and background checks for, for all the good it'll do... [Read]

[Via bondmen]

Special Interests

US imam calls on Muslims in US to wage jihad...Cairo-born Elsayed is a citizen of the United States. The mosque’s name, al-Hijrah, refers to the Islamic strategy of using migrants to gradually expand Islam into new territories. [More]
He's actually "a dual citizen of Egypt and the US," and that leads to a bit of a conflict, especially since in order to make that happen, he raised his hand and repeated this:
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
It hardly appears like he's holding up his part of the bargain.

It's fair to ask whose interests it serves to not just welcome such enemies into the fold, but to encourage more.  It's also fair to ask why no one seems interested in invoking the denaturalization provisions of   INA § 340(a), 8 U.S.C. § 1451 (a)  "if the person procured naturalization 'by concealment of a material fact or by willful misrepresentation.'"

Ah well, I'm sure the political leaders and their shadow backers have only the best interests of "our democracy" in mind as they re-engineer the Republic, to include disarming you and me for our own good.

This Day in History: April 25

On this day in 1781, British General Lord Charles Cornwallis retreats to Wilmington, North Carolina, after being defeated at Guilford Courthouse by 4,500 Continental Army soldiers and militia under the command of American Major General Nathanael Greene. [More]

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Capital Idea

Interestingly, the father of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza, an executive at GE Capital. [More]
Yeah, that is interesting.

It's also interesting that they didn't reject any portion of that stimulus money that might have come from shaking down gun owners.

Here's something else that's interesting: They didn't give their stockholders time to react.

Good thing we know this kind of management works.

[Via several of you]

The World of Tomorrow

The Multnomah County Commissioners are planning to pass an anti-gun ordinance this Thursday at 9:30 AM. [More]
Let me guess: In the world of the day after tomorrow, I'll be able to report that Kevin was accompanied by dozens of outraged Oregon gun owners, and the ones that couldn't make it at least helped him with gas money.

What They Mean By Change

Bring it on, traitor. [Read]

[Via several of you]

What's this Kid Trying to Do?

Start a riot? [Read]

I still want to know who the @$$h0!e teacher is.

[Via Florida Guy]

The "Only Ones" Loophole

Tsarnaev Brothers Killed MIT Officer Because They Needed A Gun [More]
There oughtta be a law!

Besides all this.

[Via bondmen]

In Their Community

In the wake of Congress’ inability to pass a gun-control bill, a broad coalition of African American pastors has announced a new nationwide campaign designed to curb the appetite for people to use handguns that they say has led to the preaching of far too many funerals in their community. [More]
Let me get this straight: They say the problem is in their community, so their solution is to impose restrictions in communities nationwide where individuals may be enjoying their freedoms and handling their responsibilities as volitional beings just fine, thank you...?

Gee willikers, what ever happened to "What works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne"?

Taking the Initiative

The City Council on Tuesday voted 6-1 to direct staff to develop a plan to "draft initiatives on gun control" and "support gun control laws." [More]
In violation of California state preemption, mind you, but since when has following the law ever stopped those who would pass and enforce laws against you? 

[Via Dave Licht]


Makes as much sense this time as it did last time the swindlers used it...

[Via Michael G]

Beantown Postmortem

The Captain's Journal has some observations and introduces us to a confused soul who doesn't know the difference between the militia and the standing army. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Corrective Enough

If 13 is "a few bad apples," how many were in that particular barrel? [Read]

[Via several of you]

It's a Madhouse! A Ma-adhouse!

America’s Insane Asylum for Jihadists, Hustlers and Frauds [More
And big bro was on the "terror watch list" plus had a domestic violence rap, and Mom was a shoplifter who fled the country with an outstanding warrant! 

When are people going to wake up and realize the only true solution is to impose more "gun control" on you and me?

[Via Andrea Shea King]

An Explosive Propostion

Chris Woodard expects it to fizzle out.  Still, we need to keep our eyes on these things, because wildfire infernos can be touched off with a tiny spark. [Read]

Proposed HIPAA privacy rule on gun background checks open for comments

That the Obama administration is hostile to the concept of an armed citizenry is a given. That the president was bitterly disappointed by failure of the Senate to pass any new legislation was observable. That his administration pledged “under the radar” efforts and that his Vice President has been telling supporters to expect Executive Orders are documented. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks what YOU think about the Obama administration wanting to remove privacy barriers to effect more "gun control."

Don't tell me, tell them. And tell a friend.

This Day in History: April 24

Phillips and Arnold launch attack on Petersburg, Virginia [More]

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Lessons of Boston...

...are lost on comment poster Bob Stone, who evidently has no line in the sand, which is really kind of pathetic when you think about it.  No wonder he feels compelled to disparage those who do. [Read]

New York Times rejects Bloomberg group’s demand to correct pro-gun op-ed

“MAIG requested that the Times run a correction of my Friday op-ed,” Kopel explained. “My NYT editor, after reviewing my detailed explanation of the legal issues, declined to issue a correction. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes hell has officially frozen over.

Newtown father tells rally anti-gunners don’t speak for all residents

“I’d just like to say that there are a lot of law-abiding gun owners in Newtown who are sick and very darned tired of politicians using the tragedy in our town to promote a political agenda,” Stevens declared, addressing some of them, including Governor Dannell Malloy, Senator Chris Murphy, whom Stevens called “a putz,” and President Barack Obama. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there's another side to the story that no "Authorized Journalists" or politicians seem to be interested in telling.

A Valuable Education

And what did we learn today, boys and girls? [Read]

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

The Company We Keep

Look, I have no idea who Peaches Geldof is or why anybody thinks she should be famous. [Read]

For that matter, whatever outstanding contributions Jay-Z has made to the advancement of art and culture have also somehow escaped me.

Take what I'm going to say next under the context that I don't wear my religious convictions on my sleeve here -- that's not what his place is for.  That said, reading that he's tied in with a Satanic cult that claims international elites in its membership ought to be something that makes us take notice.


Well look who ol' Jay and his globalist wife Beyonce had over for dinner with lots of other well-heeled elites, and who admitted he considers Beyonce a role model for his girls and feels a sense of kinship with Jay-Z.

Accept or reject the theological implications of this as you will.  Whether you believe or not, I'm going to operate under the assumption that THEY know perfectly well what they're doing and why.

And I'm also going to note that these are the elites who want people like me disarmed.

Quisling...Paging Mr. Quisling...

As the conversation continues, NSSF will continue to work to find real solutions to FixNICS. [More]
Real solutions? What, you mean by repealing it?

Evidently not:
A background check is only as good as the records in the database. FBI NICS databases are currently incomplete because many states have not provided all records that establish someone is prohibited from owning a firearm under current law, especially including mental health adjudications and involuntary commitments orders. Including these missing records will help ensure more accurate and complete background checks.

And the Constitutional authority for this is...?


These are the brains behind the "we have to give up something" poison circulating in the gun activist community. Reject them -- ultimately, they will prove immaterial to freedom.

They simply cannot conceive that a critical mass is sick and tired of Judenrat counsel and will not back up another inch. That's because we realize that the masters they are trying to please are evil, and the only reason they want "gun controls" is to disarm the citizenry, one surrendered beachhead at a time.

If you don't make them fight for every damn inch, if you don't make them bleed and give them pause, they'll just keep coming.  How does it make sense to make us weaker and them stronger when we know that unless they are stopped, a day  of reckoning will come?

Some of us, who don't work in Beltway offices and hobnob with power players, reject the notion that this has anything at all to do with "shooting sports."

Some of us -- and I suppose we'll ultimately find out if we have a critical mass --  have had it with collaborators who presume to horse-trade with our birthrights.  If they want to go to the dance and speak only for themselves, fine, and may their chains set lightly.

Just leave those of us who don't the hell alone.

Is There Anything About These People...

...that isn't ultimately based on fraud? [Read]

I wrestle with the idea of capital punishment.  Stuff like this makes me gravitate toward Spartacus-style roadside crucifixions.

We're the Only Ones Not Working Enough

What does it tell you about a system that feels it can get away with this? [More]

And again, whose power base is this?

We're the Only Ones All-Seeing Enough

Cold Spring Police Chief Phil Jones says it’s the best development in school safety he’s seen. [More]
And he's been looking for 10 years!

Tell you what, Chief: You take the white board and I'll take Lanza's Bushmaster, and let's do a YouTube review.

Because that's what your idiotic endorsement and calculated denial of the obvious implies you want the rest of us to do.

God, the legitimate media/authorized journalists are such gushing tools.

And I love all the snotty proto-Caliphate subjects of the Queen commenting on this story with their ridiculous primitive superstition that the solution is to become just like them.

[Via Florida Guy]

Special Needs

In other words, Obama's power base is particularly violent and untrustworthy. [Read]

But what about equal protection?

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

The Wrong Question

Exigent Circumstances-what if it was your AO being searched? [More]
My immediate reaction was a "Gravity's Rainbow" moment.

Until we resolve who is doing the searching in "my AO" under Article. I. Section. 8., we haven't addressed the most fundamental problem. And until we do that, the standing army will feel unconstrained from doing any damn thing they please.

[Via bondmen]

Gang of Ten

It's funny because it's true. [View]

[Via RH]

We're the Only Ones Inciting Enough

"His conduct in school almost incited a riot," Harper said. [More]
We talked about this last week

What can you say in light of this latest? This idiot lying chief, the unnamed teacher, the school administrators... there's just no way to unravel this knot of their making.

I'm afraid the only solution is the one Alexander came up with.

For the children.

[Via several of you]

We're the Only Ones Informative Enough

It's tough to pick the main villain here.  [More]

I don't want to have anything to do with any of these creeps, let alone beg any of them for permission to exercise what is mine, none of their damned business in the first place, and as we see, abused when we voluntarily let them make it theirs.

Speaking of Corruption

Yeah, well "democracy" corrupts the Republic. [Read]

They won't be satisfied with anything less than total power. Anything that stands in the way of that, any obstacle, impediment or, importantly, individual, must be crushed.

Sacrificing the Fourth

Andrea Shea King weighs in. [Read]

What's pretty much unfathomable to me is how many cud chewers out there are just fine with this, and believe all the "Heroes of the Fatherland" crap being fed to them by the overlords.  Anyone who scoffs and says "It can't happen here" is simply a fool, that is, assuming they actually believe it. The kind who says it and knows it's a lie is something else.

A photo has been circulating around the internet over the past few days, taken from a window where one of the Sardaukar in an APC is aiming his rifle at the picture taker, who is simply capturing the street scene taking place outside his residence, evidently now a potentially capital crime.

There's no small amount of irony when you juxtapose that chilling, intolerable scene against the words of Dear Leader:

Whatever they thought they could ultimately achieve, they’ve already failed. They failed because the people of Boston refused to be intimidated. They failed because as Americans we refuse to be terrorized.—Barack Obama

Every damn thing these people say is an Orwellian lie designed to enslave you. Everything.

This Day in History: April 23

Fish Kill from its relative situation to West Point and the Army which has gnerally operated below it, has been the tempory deposit [struck: of most] of the surplus stores, necessary to be carried to or from the field, or West point, or damag’d stores which have commonly been sent to that place on the first instance and afterwards:  to the places where they would be best repaird.  Besids which there is a small Armory which executes the light repairs and prevents much expence of transportation. [More]

Monday, April 22, 2013

After Senate setback, Obama quietly moving forward with gun regulation

A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Final Rule published today in the Federal Register and a news release issued Friday by the Department of Health and Human Services, followed up with a notice to be published tomorrow, are two developments all but ignored by the mainstream press even though Vice President Joe Biden announced last week that the administration would be using executive orders to advance “gun control” goals following a Senate battle that could not muster the votes to do so legislatively.[More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes all administration efforts aren't done with great fanfare. Some, they would just as soon keep "under the radar."

Help disappoint them?

What's the Problem Here?

Ortiz got away with it. So why fire this poor slob, aside from the fact that both he and his co-reader have the onscreen speech and presentation skills of novice middle-schoolers...?

So, Julius: I do lots of radio. Mind if I tell Bloomberg, Feinstein and Schumer exactly what I think of them and do you promise not to penalize the host or the station?  I guarantee it will be "from the heart," since that seems to be your requirement.

Or by not serving your agenda, would that make my speech more objectionable?

This Is Exactly What I'm Talking About

Kurt tells us of a pro-gun senator who did the right thing, and is now enduring a barrage of hateful messages sent to her Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Meanwhile, "our side" makes excuses not to even consider the power of social media, let alone use it.

So what's she supposed to think if she's getting called "traitor" and "c**t" and being told she has Newtown blood on her hands UNDER A COORDINATED MESSAGING CAMPAIGN and she's not seeing but a handful of gun owners come to her defense?

What the hell is she supposed to think?

Reese Witherspoon arrest shows privileged hypocrisy of anti-gun elitists

Unlike with drunk driving laws, which punish for after-the-fact violations, Witherspoon was one of a handful of privileged Hollywood dilettantes joining Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ‘demand a plan” to place prior restraints on sober and responsible gun owners, essentially to control those who have already exhibited self control as a response to those who do not. That Witherspoon recognizes this weakness in herself may provide a key as to why she fears others may also share in her character defects, and does not trust them to act responsibly on their own. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at another elitist reprobate who can't -- or won't -- control herself, so she naturally insists that the rest of us be controlled.

Revolution Radio

I'll be on with Jim and Trav again today at 2 p.m. Eastern, that is, less than an hour from now.

We're the Only Ones "A Man's Gotta Know His Limitations" Enough

Charles Ramsey has called in federal authorities to investigate. [More]
Yeah, it's not like he's got a whole department full of cops at his disposal or anything...I guess he just wanted to bring in people with experience.

Wonder what they'd do to an FFL if he couldn't account for one...

[Via Florida Guy]

Last Night, On Armed American Radio

Today was sidekick Seanto’s birthday as well as being AAR’s 4th year on the air. Happy birthday to Sean and AAR! Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation discusses his support for the Toomey/Manchin background check bill that failed in the senate, David Codrea analyzes the discussion and Scott Wilson of Connecticut Citizens Defense League talks CT. gun grabs and 2A politics.

This Cud's for You

Yeah, well don't let the door hit you in the @$$, "heir." [Read]

Who couldn't see this coming?

Not like there aren't plenty of other beers to choose from...

[Via Jess]

Let No One Be So Cruel

"Let no one be so cruel as to try to use the heinous acts of these two young men last week to derail the dreams and futures of millions of hardworking people," Leahy said. [More]
Besides, we're relying on our deliberate subversion to create more demand for control.  What kind of cruel person would deny us that?

[Via Geordan]

Ain't It the Truth?

And, of course, in a Post Office, a non-"Only one" would have been breaking the law. [Watch]

[Via Michael McNulty]

Health Risks from Lead-Based Ammunition

These agenda-driven eggheads really ought to forget about the damn condors and start focusing on agents and abettors of tyranny... [Read]

Oh, look who's behind this.


Still, they do make damn fine ashtrays...

[Via Portly Pirate]

"Progressive" Logic

The news that the suspects were not authorized to own firearms will likely add fuel to calls for tougher gun laws... [More]
"Gun laws" were ignored. They were useless. So we obviously need more of them.

[Via several of you]

We're the Only Ones Pushing in Our Stool Enough

I'd say "unbelievable," but then, we all know that wouldn't be true. [Read]

Just to make sure this isn't some Photoshop hoax, I did a little checking.  It's real, from 2010.

Hahaha! Those wacky Joburg "Only Ones" sure are a laff riot!

Except when they're not.

Hahaha! There they go again, those loveable goofballs!

[Via Jake S]

A Great Crowd

Or would that be "teeming multitude"? [See]

For some reason, I'm remembering that AMC began presenting reruns of "Rawhide" over the weekend...

[Via Sean Y]

Exigent Circumstances

Coming soon, to a neighborhood near you. [Watch]

I wonder (not really) if any "Legitimate Media/Authorized Journalists" are going to keep track of prosecutions resulting from these Heroes of the Fatherland finding verboten items or substances...

[Via Brian W]

Well What Did You THINK Was Going to Happen?

I just don't get the surprise.  They need to spend less time with lobbyists and deal-brokers and more time gauging the sentiment of fed-up Americans. [Read]

[Via Michael G]

Comrades are We, the Elite DHS Battallion!

Everybody sing along! [Watch]

Matt Bracken and Mark P. Ferri have a message that needs to go viral.  That means you need to help.

There's No Place Like Home

Mike just called and wanted me to tell you they just crossed the Alabama state line and should be home in under two hours.  He plans to blog this afternoon.

I hope his friends have not inundated him with emails and comments.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Tonight on Armed American Radio

Host Mark Walters' guests will include Alan Gottlieb of CCRKBA/SAF, yours truly, Michael Martin of Gander Mountain, your calls, emails and more.  The show broadcasts from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern time.

Visit the AAR website to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.

Vanderboegh urges civil disobedience, smuggling in response to gun laws

“On Thursday I smuggled a half-dozen 30 round AR-15 standard capacity magazines into Connecticut in deliberate disobedience of the new state diktat,” he "confessed," admitting that act is a "‘D’ Class felony. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a symbolic as well as a very real cranking up of resistance.

Live Streaming

Vanderboegh and Stewart Rhodes are attending a meeting in Monticello NY that is being live-streamed right now.  Oath Keepers says they will upload and post a recording tomorrow for those who miss this live. [Watch]

R.I.P. Humphrie

Farewell, little carni-pig. She went quickly while being held. Amazing, the attachments we form.

Looks Like the Bull Connor Cheeleading Society Showed Up

Comment posted here.

If this...this thing had bothered to absorb the story, including how it came to be, she would have noted an onlooking cop in the photograph accompanying this article and the explanation in the first installment that, while the rally was indeed cancelled, it noted the authorities "will allow a brief oath ceremony."

In fairness, though, civil disobedience, along with its consequences, were anticipated and pledged had  Oath Keepers been told "No," so this smug little hive insect managed to stumble across a truth, even if she's too ignorant to understand its significance.

Applying identical criteria, one can only conclude she would have overturned the Zenger jury, condemned Thoreau and hanged Parker.  Applying identical criteria, we must assume she would have sided with the slave-catchers and demanded the prosecution of Underground Railroad abetters, believed cuffing Rosa Parks was justified, and approved of King having to write that letter from the Birmingham jail.

This is what they mean by "progressive."

Wait 'til she gets a load of what some of us are willing to do if those in power, emboldened by what they perceive to be a critical mass of useful idiots, keep pushing.