Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Opportunities abound for New Year's gun rights resolutions

After the ball drops, who will have a better 2015, Michael Bloomberg or gun owners? That really depends on you. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes with so many options available, there is no excuse for not doing multiple somethings. Regularly.

What ISN'T Reported

The above screenshot represents emails from TSA about "recovered" firearms collected and compiled by an observant citizen/WarOnGuns Correspondent:
A casual review of TSA-reported violations shows an average of 37 loaded firearms found across the country screened and stopped by security - that from May 23 - Dec 26 2014.
If one believes the reported failure rate of TSA screening or, say even a much-less 10% fail-rate, then one would have to assume that a loaded weapon makes it into the passenger compartment of an aircraft once a day/365.
With 365 days of chance you'd think there would be CATASTROPHE in travel. Yet we know most of the seizures are accidental in nature (non-excusable) and that the ones that make it through to destination are oft times discovered in-route and reported by the passenger later upon arrival.
Because of the LACK OF CATASTROPHE, one HAS to come to the conclusion that these are honest mistakes by honest (white-hat) travellers -- despite what the boogie man infers.
The numbers on all counts may be even greater: This TSA Blog post from August shows "38 Firearms Discovered This Week (32 Loaded)." And while TSA contests reported failure percentages, the point is even more taken.

Ticking Time Bomb

It's not just ILLEGAL immigrants who will render the GOP irrelevant. [More]

Rick Oltman has been doing ground-breaking work on this very issue for years. He has some new numbers worked up that a few of us have been privy to over the last month, and he's planning on publicly releasing them soon.  They do not look good.

Everyone who has been ignoring this using the false excuse that it falls outside the "single issue" has allowed things to reach this point.

Guess What Happens Tonight at Midnight?

If gun owners continue sitting on their hands, Bloomberg will celebrate. [More

You don't think he's going to stop at Nevada, do you?

Eat Lead, Environmentalcases!

"We agree with EPA that it lacks statutory authority to regulate the type of spent bullets and shot identified in the environmental groups’ petition," Judge David Tatel wrote for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. [More]
I wouldn't relax just yet. They'll be back with something else. They always are.

We're the Only Ones Stopping Enough

Noting that nature abhors a vacuum, this may end up being an opportunity to demonstrate how people can protect themselves -- more proactively and effectively. [More]

Of course, there's this little thing called "the law" they can't be squeamish about ignoring...

[Via Florida Guy]   

You're Not?

Because some of us are, and more. A few even resort to strong words, and things like civil disobedience and preparation for  resistance that those confined to official channels find unseemly. [More]

This brings to mind tensions and the schisms that existed in an earlier time...

We're the Only Ones Federalized Enough

Securing the blessings of Liberty, Opposite Day "progressive"-style... [More]

And woe unto any department that deviates.

What do you mean "What section in the Constitution authorizes this?" Don't you know the difference between "best practices" and "unfunded mandates" (we sure hope so)?

What are you, some kind of SPLC-tagged homegrown right wing extremist hater our fusion centers ought to be keeping an eye on?

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Heavy Lifter

Yeah. Larry Hogan, he's our man!

Glad you've got everything under control there in Maryland, champ. There's nothing to do now but revel in all that hard-won freedom!

UPDATE: Yeah, forget it, Mike. Nothing to worry about there.

This Day in History: December 31

It was finally agreed between commissioners to allow all those who had made it to the British lines by 31 December 1782 to leave. Anyone who arrived after that date would be returned to their former situation (slavery). [More]

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Yale gun prohibitionist shows ‘highly developed’ aversion to inconvenient truths

To paraphrase her fellow citizen disarmament aficionado Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of the word “developed” is. In this case, it’s a buzz word for committing a familiar old prohibitionist scam, as the chart Yonkers links to unintentionally demonstrates. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes Opposite Day "progressives" doing their best to reduce a "highly developed" nation to a Third World totalitarian rat-hole.

Framing the Terms

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 ... [More]
You mean "with guns by murderers"...?

You've even got Drudge doing it:

Oh Donna

Oh Donna, Oh Donna Oh Donna, Oh Donna
I had a girl. Donna was her name.
Since she had her booger hook on the bang switch
I've never been the same.

I guess some people can't resist the "allure" of publicity. Pity. I can think of so many credible armed women who actually merit it.

If anybody knows this gal, bring her up to speed, OK?

At least she's got more cojones than Tony from Maidstone, UK.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Need a Last Minute Tax Deduction?

Even if you don't... [More]

When I think of all the good they could do, how many contribute nothing, and of those who do, how many are bamboozled by useless, and sometimes even counter-productive diversionary programs...

A Familiar Problem

If LEOs aren’t being taught that in their classes, they are being misled and put on the street without the proper training. That’s malfeasance on the part of the chief LEO. [More]
And on the part of the AG if you make him aware of it...

We Come from the Land of the Ice and Snow

To fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming! [More]

Probably too late though, at least for this passive generation...

[Via Florida Guy]   

[UPDATE: I notice my "More" link takes a while to load and may fail--nothing can be done--resource limits being exceeded for the website due to high traffic.]

First Do No Harm

Instead of engaging physicians to fix these issues, Obamacare welcomes them as the straws stirring a toxic drink of paternalism and unsustainable deference to people who have no legitimate intellectual or moral claim to the work they’re being asked to do. [More]
Vik Khanna looks at what should be considered actionable malpractice issues.

Just the Facts, Ma'am

Oh bother. Those can be so ... so inconvenient! [More]

[Via Michael G]

Shock and Awe

I don't know of any enemy that would want to face that... [More]

An Extremist Group of Racists

You know, establishment Republicans... [More]

SPLC said it, I believe it, that settles it.

See, by making this a story in the first place, the "progressives" have a well-timed meme to exploit.  And if tepid Boehner pals are "far right," why what must that make those of us even more "uncompromising"?

What do you mean we should look at some of the race-based groups Democrats pander to? Don't you know that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds?

"Can't" or "Won't"?

Besides, I thought Jeh Johnson told us they'd earned the right to be citizens... [More]

"Progressive" Peace

Tom H. Hastings is PeaceVoice Director and teaches in the Conflict Resolution program at Portland State University in Oregon. [More]
That must be why he proposes starting a civil war and has created such turmoil, generating no shortage of responsive comments telling him what an idiot he is.

"Progressive"/Opposite Day...His monopoly of violence "peace" is the peace of the grave, where voices are stilled.

There is one point I don't see made: Repealing the Second Amendment would have no legitimate bearing on the right to keep and bear arms, and even the courts recognize that. He's getting everyone arguing over the wrong question.

There's a reason for that...

State of the Union

Say, gang, I've got a swell idea: Let's have such people vote on our rights!

This Day in History: December 30

With the Decree of Trenton on December 30, 1782, the confederation government officially decided that the region belonged to Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania ruled that the Connecticut settlers ("Yankees") were not citizens of the Commonwealth, could not vote, and were to give up their property claims. [More]

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Distinguished Character

Kurt notes the most distinguishing feature about this cause and effect-challenged character is his irrationality -- that and he's a hate-filled moron. No wonder he's a darling of "progressive" academia! [More]

Update: Workman's take.

Gun year in review picks top stories for 2014

Look for the phenomenon to grow as more gun owners take notice and decide the most effective activism may be to repurpose Nancy Reagan’s “Just say no” slogan. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the most significant stories may be the ones most have overlooked.

The Theory of Relativity

The fruit doesn't fall all that far from the tree sometimes. [More]

What an ignorant, entitled, militant b!+ch that "outraged" relative sounds like. I wish I knew who she was so I could help direct deserved contempt her way.

When young reptile Adric put a gun to another human being's head and forced him to his knees, he forfeited any claim to life and liberty. It's not hard to hear where he got his "ethics" from.

[Via Florida Guy]   

The One Thing Needful

We have the means to secure our own liberty and property and lives. We have but to recognize it. [More]
Vanderboegh is masterful in this first installment of a promised series.

The needful thing now is for you to read it and then share it.

Also: Where should Mike go next to deliver this message and more?

Ten Little Senators

And then there were none? I'm trying to give a damn here... [More]

For instance, the sooner Mark Kirk gets the boot, the better we'll all be.

[Via pamnsc]

Captain's Log

About that first one -- In general, and admitting I don't know the specifics, I can't say that would be my first reaction. My armchair gut instinct, if I really thought it was truly my business and an intervention was needed, would be to call over and make it known I was acting as a witness and calling the police before escalating everything to the tripwire level. Maybe I'm being naive here, and perhaps the situation truly warranted such a forceful response, and maybe my aversion to making a gun the first resort instead of the last will be something I or my family would come to regret...

The Content of His Character

A south suburban man who, according to prosecutors, posted on Facebook earlier this month that he wanted to “kill as many cops and unarmed white kids as possible” and kept a makeshift shooting range in his basement was ordered held in lieu of no bail in Cook County court on Saturday. [More]
But there's a wrinkle:
But the owner of the home told the station that gun belonged to her and that Woodfin does not pose a threat to the community ... "He was speaking his mind," Beatrice Franklin told the station.
See, he was "outraged." And I'm sure commensurate understanding would be extended if a white person posted about killing "as many ... unarmed black kids as possible."

Even if the gun is hers, the fingerprints of a "prohibited person" on it would make for a case. Thing is, if we're going to have consistent justice and not prove out the "progressive" charge of racism in selective prosecutions, isn't there someone else who's left plenty of evidence of gun-handling while under "disability"?

[Via Michael O]

We are the Federales

"Checks and balances? We ain't got no checks and balances. We don't need no checks and balances. I don't have to acknowledge any stinkin' checks and balances!" [More]

"Progressives"/Opposite Day: Figures her niche is fraud and false claims.

This Day in History: December 29

The Idea of many of the Military being interested in the Independency of Vermont in consequence of their having taken Grants of Lands under them I believe is without foundation. There was a Period when the Disposition of Congress, founded on political Expedience, appeared so favorable to the Independence of that District, as to have induced some Gentlemen of the Army to apply to the usurped Government for Grants: But when it was discovered that they were intriguing with the common Enemy, the more respectable Characters withdrew their Applications and relinquished all kind of Connections with them and even those who did not go so far I immagine conceive themselves as perfectly secure under our late Acts. [More]

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Tonight on Armed American Radio

The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern (adjust for your locale). Click here to find a list of stations nationwide, or here to listen via live streaming.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Fix is In

And the wet warmth spreads. [More]

So what are establishment Republicans telling us to eat again?

Have a nice steaming helping. Don't smell, taste or chew, just swallow.

You know what would go down good with this? Some Kool-Aid!

[Via Jess]

Friday, December 26, 2014

When in Mumbai

It makes sense, if you think about it, to not offend people in their own home, and to be sensitive to customs and mores that may be unfamiliar or alien to us but are natural and simply good manners to the culture in which we place ourselves. If we find we cannot abide by such customs, unless part of a compelled government presence, in which case prudence should preside, no one is forcing us to go there. [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes cultural diversity hardly demands traditionally-recognized rights of Americans be abridged to satisfy the demands of foreigners yearning for more despotic rule, just like in the old home tyranny that spawned them.

GOP felon Grimm shows true gun-grabber colors

"I want to make America safer, and safer for our children," he opportunistically declared a month after Newtown, when he called for “renewing a national ban on assault weapons ‘as part of the healing process.’" Who he thought would be healed by a betrayal offensive to millions of gun owners was left unstated. Also unclear is if he had in mind a carve-out for former FBI agents, the same way federal law exempts them from concealed firearm prohibitions. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes head case thugs are the same treacherous bullies no matter which party they belong to.

A Capitol Christmas

I see why Cathy Lanier doesn't want us to have guns! [More]

Another Vigilante Gun Death!

According to police, three juvenile males from Middletown approached two adult males outside the Dayton Mall around 10:00 a.m. Saturday. They say one of the juveniles produced a gun and demanded merchandise from the adult males. Police say one of the males, who had a valid concealed carry weapon permit, pulled out a gun of his own and shot the teen who had the gun. That teen, identified as Jawaad Jabbar, 16, died from a single gunshot wound. [More]
If only they would disarm you and me!
“It is tragic that someone lost their lives over tennis shoes, possibly,” said Sgt. Phares.
That's hardly the reason, Sarge.  And as far as tragedy goes, neutralizing such a liability may actually register as a net gain.

[Via William T]

Help Wanted: Inquire Within

Y'know, Adolf hasn't had work in a long time--maybe he should apply...

Message Received

“They should have killed two white cops instead of the Hispanic and Asian if the guy really wanted to send a message,” Payamps allegedly said. [More]
He probably meant to, but was just as dumb as you, moron.


If I ever did this to one of my kids, I'd expect them to be righteously furious with me. [More]

The Party of the Rich

Wealthy donors sided with Democrats in midterms [More]
"Progressives." Opposite Day.

If you saw a mob with pitchforks going after Steve Hanauer, would you help?  Him, I mean...

The Noble Savage

Last week, 200 men from the tribe, called Mashco-Piro, raided the village of Monte Salvado armed with bows and arrows. [More]
It's hardly a surprise that they could get away with that, terrifying the villagers and necessitating their evacuation. And naturally, the culprit, at least according to "progressives," is a modern standard of living:
Some ... point to climate change, which has led to steeper drops in temperature.
Remember, we're dealing with Opposite Day. Of course "global warming" results in "steeper drops."

If only we were all mandated to a Gaia-friendly lifestyle. Guns aren't the only technology our superiors need to control and withhold from us, you know.

First French oyster herpes and now this. What more proof do we need?

Say, maybe we could transplant the tribe here, what with diversity being our greatest strength and all. If you thought "The Beverly Hillbillies" offered comic culture clash opportunities, wait 'til the networks pick up "The Mashcochussans" pilot!

It Depends on the Meaning of the Word "Great"

You keep telling yourself that, Piccoli. [More]

I stopped treating Newsmax as a serious provider of alternative "conservative" views when I learned Chris Ruddy is pals with Bill Clinton. A more likely alternative, if the guy's not a total Kool-Aid-drinking idiot, is we're dealing with Democrat moles with a mission to have the GOP advance the most objectionable "front runner" possible.

UPDATE: OK, go read Workman, but I'm having nothing to do with directing anyone to Newsmax.

I See Dead People

ATF’s internal Public Affairs Talking Points show the agency was using Fast and Furious to help justify new gun control regulations–without telling the public that ATF was actually facilitating the delivery of weapons to Mexican drug cartels. [More]
Aw, go on.

Everyone in media who's anyone knows it was “an ill-fated Obama administration program that tried in vain to track firearms across the Mexican border to drug kingpins.”

Why, do you realize what it would mean if the government deliberately enabled situations where unknown numbers and people would be killed in order to advance "common sense gun safety laws" and enhance "progressive" political power?

Update: Mike shares his thoughts.


Somehow, if reptiles like the Gorn win... [More]

...I doubt they'll be merciful or quick.

Not that the Federation has given me much cause to root for them...

Opposite Day "progressives"-- aren't they the ones who disparage true egalitarian power sharing and advocate for a state monopoly of violence?

Let He Who is Without a Clue Cast the First Vote

Oh, look, a man of gods. [More]

Hey, who am I to dispute an adoring "spiritual adviser"? Like the "Good Book" says, people who live in glass hou... uh... don't count your chickens before they ha... uh... early to bed and early to rise?

Still, people exclusively applying his amnesty-bestowing "strangers" reference to Exodus may not be considering the whole "fulfillment" thingy.  Deuteronomy 28:43 may also be part of the plan.

Hey, by his fruits ye shall know him.

I've Got a Secret

I know I linked to Kurt's latest in my abbreviated Christmas slowdown post, but everything was understandably slow yesterday, and this merits being read and spread. [More]

Workman had a new one, too, and if by "subtle" he means the media doing everything it can with its megaphone to undermine freedom and bolster a police state, yeah...

This Day in History: December 26

In compliance with the request of the Civil Authority and Select Men of the Town of Fairfield communicated in your Letter of the 23d of Novr I have sent the Infantry of Sheldon’s Legion under the Orders of Major Tallmadge to take Quarters in that place. [More]

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Gun Rights Examiner wishes Second Amendment advocates a Merry Christmas

My Christmas wish for you is that you have as much love in your life as I have been fortunate to find in mine. It surely beats all the riches in the world. [More]

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Slowing Down for Christmas

I'm kicking things into low gear.  This potentially expanding list is going to have to suffice until I rev things up again. In the mean time, sorry for those of you giving me tips via email and social media -- Thanks, but I just can't get to 'em. The part of my office that's behind me as I type reminds me it's time to focus on other things.
  • From Mike: The ease with which civil wars can start. Uncomfortable musings on Christmas Eve, 2014.
  • From Workman: Tomorrow, a day for reflection about troubling times and what’s ahead
  • From Kurt: Secretive "Gun Control" Cabal Threatens Liberty by its Agenda, and by its Methods

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Order in Dobyns case highlights government motion that even confuses judge

Noting it’s not even clear if a notice of appeal relates to a Federal Circuit Court order or to prior Federal Claims Court orders, Judge Allegra ordered the government “on or before January 5, 2015 [to] file [an explanatory] memorandum (not to exceed 30 pages)." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes... uh ... I'm not sure what it notes.  If the judge doesn't understand what the government is talking about, how the hell are the rest of us supposed to figure things out?

Christmas Cheer

If you have a favorite gun rights group or individual, now's the time to send them a donation or voluntary subscription to help them help you.

No, I'm not talking me. I'm talking someone who takes money. All I ever ask from those who get value here is to share my article links so I don't have to decide between feeding the children or having another cigar.

Just What We Need

Another Bush in the White House. [More]

No, I'm not talkin' that.  What I mean is, in her words, what difference does it make?

Captain's (Yule) Log

Herschel is getting ready for  Christmas and so am I, so instead of taking time listing and formatting individual blog post links, I'm just including one for his site, and letting you know there are new posts on the pistol stabilizer brace nonsense, an idiot "progressive" gun dealer dispensing medical advice who thinks they just go off, Mexico getting ready to implode under the corruption and incompetence of its "leaders" (coming soon to a Republic near you), and "Notes." [More]

Opting Out

Refusal as a weapon... [More]

It's the next phase.

We're the Only Ones Unsharing Enough

The purpose of this presentation is to make you better aware of the numerous improvised weapons and ingenious hiding places that have been created and are in use by today’s criminals. [More]
All kinds of stuff besides information they don't want us to have. Us mundanes who pay for everything have no need to know.

FYI, for whatever reason, this document does not load in some browsers for me. If you can't get it in yours, try another.

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Entrusted Enough

Channeling Kurt's latest about who should be "entrusted" with a Bushmaster, WarOnGuns Correspondent Mack H asks if you would entrust these guys.

What If?

As long as people are not threatening others, there cannot be edicts prohibiting it. The power to do that would be more dangerous than the gatherings being hypothesized. [More]

And if the right is abused, deal with the abusers.

The real question might be who in government thought it would be a good idea to diversify this way, and why?  Measures to verify foreigners entering the country/coming to live here are not hostile hardly seem hateful or even controversial.

Tangentially related:

A Special Bond

British actor Idris Elba could be the first black James Bond, according to more leaked e-mails from Sony Pictures. [More]
I wonder if this is going to cause any problems.

Don't worry. The "progressives" aren't done with fundamental transformations.

Not that I give a damn.

Monday, December 22, 2014

DeWine reverses decision to ignore improved law enforcement training

It is admittedly unknown if such training, had it been seriously adopted and conducted, would have mattered in the Crawford and Rice cases, or if the specific circumstances leading to their shootings would have shown Ohio law regarding openly carrying arms to be irrelevant. Would it have made a difference if DeWine (and Cordray and Rogers before him) had acted on the documented warnings? That is a question for attorneys for family survivors to pursue, and if they do, it will be up to courts to decide. [More]
Today's Gun Rights examiner report notes another reversal from a guy who seems to specialize in them whenever they're the political thing to do. Noting the truism about "progressives" and Opposite Day, is it any wonder the Brady Campaign praised this fraud as a "principled statesman" -- until he figured out which side the votes were on?

Sorry, No

The plan was to repeat the failed "Operation Wide Receiver" under Bush that had actual real tracking devices installed in the weapons, and was shut down when the bad guys discovered them and removed them. But obama and holder conspired to do the same WITHOUT tracking devices to lay the blame on the American gun owners as being a bunch of illegal gun runners to Mexico and use that as an excuse for more restrictive gun laws or outright registration and confiscation. That is why obama claimed EP to hide the truth that he ordered holder to run the gun running scheme. They are still hiding the truth and we may never get the "smoking gun" (pun intended) that would convict the both of them. [More]
I don't know where you're getting your information from, but much of it simply ain’t so. I have written many times about Wide Receiver and Mike Detty, the CI who was at the heart of the operation, which a search will bear out. Direct quotes from Mike: “While there were a couple times during Wide Receiver that tracking devices were placed on cars there was not a single weapon that was outfitted with any kind of tracking instrument.” [AND] “It had nothing to do with Bush or even DOJ...”

I wish I knew how this stuff got started, and why the truth is so hard to get out there -- no doubt because "legitimate news media" has no interest in using their megaphone to do so on certain topics.

Please Enter Your Email (Required)

Looks good on the surface. [More]

I'd feel better if I knew who was doing the requiring, and why:

Will I ever get an answer?

Look, I'm not accusing these people of anything--they may be the greatest thing since sliced bread. But why so hidden? And why wouldn't I prefer to deal with someone who is not?

Because there are a lot of people out there hitching their fortunes to the work and the worries of others -- why not make sure those diverting resources that could be effectively applied elsewhere are actually using them to advance the interests they imply?

Squatters Rights?

I thought there were laws against this... [More]

Anybody conversant in cybersquatting precedents?

Here's the WhoIs scoop:
Registrant Name: Jeffrey Reberry
Registrant Organization: THIS - DOMAIN - IS - FOR - SALE
Registrant Street: 2635 Walnut Street
Registrant City: Denver
Registrant State/Province: Colorado
Registrant Postal Code: 80205
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.3034785206
Registrant Email:
I also found LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as a home address and phone number that appear relevant but have not been confirmed.

In the mean time, you can contact them here and inquire about their "Service You Can Trust" claim.  I'm hoping someone with the ability to record phone calls can place one to their 1-303-893-0552 number and ask about the morality of this, and then post it on YouTube. Be great if they reached ol' Jeffrey himself. It looks like CO is a one-party consent state...

UPDATE: I'll let you know if they reply.

The Following

Well that's a surprise:

So will this be for many.

Who knows? Maybe something will resonate and a voice with more power will amplify...

We're the Only Ones Organized Enough

How Police Unions and Arbitrators Keep Abusive Cops on the Street -- Officers fired for misconduct often appeal the decision and get reinstated by obscure judges in secretive proceedings. [More]
The Atlantic, huh?

So they have a good track record for opposing a state monopoly of violence and encouraging true egalitarian power sharing?


[Via Neil W]

Just Following His Dad's Advice

Once they created a crisis, they didn't let it go to waste. [More]

Am I overly-suspicious in wondering if there may be more to this story?

[Via Jess]

A Falsehood by Any Other Name Would Stink as Bad

Still, the Brady Bunch implies that 3000 small children’s lives could be saved if parents would “just ask” about guns. The implication is intentional and it is untrue. In other words, it is a lie. [More]
Yeah. That's what they do.

Oh, Good Grief

I guess after the socks and hat, they figure they can get a critical mass of supporters to swallow anything.

For Your Evening Entertainment

He’s a hunter. He’s a target shooter. [More]
He's a Fudd, throwing the rest of us under the bus.

NSSF. Figures.

Not that NRA is any better.

Picture Perfect

As long as the rules allow for personal photos instead of studio head shot portraits, why not? [More]

There's a telling comment:
With gutter cultures involved you have to set limits...
Isn't that the whole rationale behind "gun control"?

[Via Sweet Baboo]

We're the Only Ones Lawful Enough

Whenever U.S. Marshals deputies and task force officers enter private residences, they do so in accordance with the laws of the United States. [More]
Can you imagine being a flack like Lynzey Donahue, making a living by making excuses for this kind of incompetent thuggery against Americans?

U.S. Marshals, eh? It might be time for another Bite-Me-Gram.

[Via Kid Sister]

"A Greater Diversity of Perspective"

The Great Zuckerberg shares his wisdom. [More]

As for putting it into practice...


I guess as long as that "diversity" is all "progressive"...

Opposite Day, you see.

His Facebook fanboys suck up to him ("Brilliant! Thank you!") almost as hard as he sucks up to totalitarians. Except for one guy, probably a crank...

You Knew THIS Was Coming

Where to even begin...


How about here?

Worse than an Embarrassment

“All I can say is Mike Lee is an embarrassment to the state of Utah,” Huntsman said in an interview, calling Lee “an extremist” for his role in the government shutdown fight... [More]
And all I can say is, Jon Huntsman is a dangerous establishment traitor, selling out his country to foreign nationals.

This Day in History: December 22

Permit me to solicit your Excellency’s passport to Maryland. [More]

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Daily Mail Fast and Furious report repeats unsubstantiated claim

How one ‘devises’ a program that completely omits the part where weapons are followed from gun stores to cartel leaders, and then expects any other result, is left unexplored by Mail Online and other "legitimate news media” apologists. How anyone can track guns without even attempting to, or botch a sting that has no mark, are questions those who spread such excuses never try to answer. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that, if by "track" you mean order agents to allow guns to fall into the hands of criminal cartels and make no attempt to follow, and then rely on finding them again next to dead bodies so you can point a finger and demand new gun bans, then yeah, that tracks with what the administration did. It's the wrong track, of course, but "real reporters" have a narrative to maintain.

A Different Set of Rules

So which is it? If they are not guilty, then I am not guilty. If Eric Holder is innocent in the present circumstance then so was Rush Limbaugh and the militia movement at the time of Oklahoma City. It is one or the other. If I am guilty then they are guilty. Or not. Pick one, you lying collectivist bastards, and own it. [More]
Thing is, Prozis know exactly what they're doing.  Still, this will prove useful at throwing their intentional lies back in their faces, not for them, but for any fair-minded readers who might otherwise be swayed.

"Common Sense Gun Safety"

Yeah kids, after all the brainwashing, be inspired to steal from your parents, turn them into the state for violation of "safe storage" laws, and handle and transport a firearm when you have no idea how to do it safely!  Just remember: With "progressives, every day is Opposite Day!

The little proto-kapo is identified in the end credits, and it turns out he's also proudly in another "Stop Gun Violence" film project -- oh, wait...

And "North Oakland Community Charter School"...? All CA gun laws were observed?

  • Gun handling by an untrained person? Check.
  • Finger in trigger guard? Check.
  • Pointing muzzle at teacher? Check.
  • Minor in possession of a gun without adult consent/supervision? Check.
  • Concealed carry without a permit? Check.
  • Violation of CA "gun free" school campus laws? Check. 
  • Theft? Check. 
  • Yeah, you're right, Rejina: You're just the person to lecture us on "common sense gun safety" laws. Just like the kind your native India imposed to enable the Mumbai massacre
[Via Connecticut Carry]

UPDATE 2: Workman weighs in.

Tonight on Armed American Radio

From host Mark Walters:
Packed lineup. Alan Gottlieb updates on his travels and latest news of defiance out of Washington State against the new law, Trent Cooper from Crossbreed Holsters gives away a concealed carry holster package including Supertuck holster, custom belt, mag carrier, you and George ["Mad Ogre" Hill] analyze the [George Zimmerman] call from last week, the distorted media coverage, etc., and anything else you want, Hour 3 sees Jim Irvine of Buckeye Firearms and Ohio's newest pro-gun expansion, and Amber Kunau.
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern (adjust for your locale). Click here to find a list of stations nationwide, or here to listen via live streaming.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Kapos for Kristallnacht

The unvarnished truth is, those Jews who abet a state monopoly of violence, and are demanding the same edicts that gave the “legal” pretext for sending Alfred Flatow to his brutal doom, are acting in much the same way as kapos, Jewish functionaries who assisted Nazi camp guards in the persecution of their people. [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes the "bagel brains" deserve to be deeply offended, and often, and by someone who knows how.

Koch money and GOP access may discourage pairing amnesty with gun rights

NRA has avoided the issue. There have been excuses from apologists, arguing unconvincingly that allowing millions of new anti-gun voters into the mix is not part of the “single issue” mission of the association, or that somehow, the newly naturalized will discover “pro-gun” principles. The problem with that is the first premise is demonstrably wrong, and the second is based on wholly on wishful thinking, never fleshed out with more than unsubstantiated opinion. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks NRA to explain reasons that others can independently validate for not alerting Americans to a huge, building threat against RKBA.

We're the Only Ones B!+ch-Slapping Enough

"You go right ahead, but a man can't hit you in public here? Bullshit! You act like a whore, you get treated like one!" [More]
And guess who the arbiter of deciding that is?

[Via Florida Guy]   

Shew v Malloy Update

In short, our legal team clearly came out on top in this phase of the case. That does not mean that we will get a favorable decision however. Intellectual honesty on the part of the panel of judges is key at this point in order to win at this level. [More]
CCDL recounts appellate court oral arguments.

I love the fact that state attorneys were refuted using the Stevens dissent in Heller.  I do hope the point is made that "in common use at the time" meant by the military, as was argued in the Miller ruling.

New and Improved

Keep telling yourself it's not part of that "single issue," Lairds of Fairfax and your apologists. [More]

A Sane Ruling

“The government’s interest in keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill is not sufficiently related to depriving the mentally healthy, who had a distant episode of commitment, of their constitutional rights”... [More]
Plus Workman weighs in.

Palm Pistol Update

Further progress has been made since our May 2014 update. [More]
If you're unfamiliar with this, you can also read some of the earlier posts on WoG.

We're the Only Ones Accident-Prone Enough

...the officers were injured when one of their guns fired...  [More]
All by its own self.
To date police have not released the names of the officers involved.
What do you need to know that for? Besides, safety is their top priority!

[Via Brent B]

Stop the Threat - "Knockout"

From American Trigger Sports Network:
The "Knockout" game is pushed by the press around the country. Variations and implementation of new devices capture the attention of viewers. To stem the flood of copy cats and end the game, many more citizens have chosen to arm themselves. In this reenactment, the lesson is dealt swiftly and harshly.

Be Safe... Be Trained... Be Alert.

 On the Pursuit Channel
Prime Time Every Friday!
6:00pm Pacific/ 9:00pm Eastern

Encore Presentations:
Wednesday: 2:00pm Pacific/5:00pm Eastern
Thursday: 10:00pm Pacific
Friday: 1:00am Eastern
DirecTV Channel 604/ DISH Network 393

He Did It! He Missed the Barn!

“Gun violence to me is the number one problem that this region has,” said Joyce. “I think about it all day long, every day.” [More]
That's probably why you're going to be useless at coming up with any real solutions.

[Via bondmen]

It's Opposite Day, with Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan 'sick of being sexualized,' poses for two nude photoshoots [More]
Oh, look: She's also anti-gun!

What, you couldn't tell?

"Progressive" actresses. How could we make our minds up without them?

International "Smart Gun" Symposium

They ought to get some cop union reps there, and ask them if they favor mandates for their members. [More]

If I had the resources and the contacts to make it happen, I'd do a survey of the rank and file across multiple departments to get percentages of those who would favor such a requirement.  If any political law enforcement honchos are there, I'd publicly put the question to them.

Mourning Sickness

Exploited by legal scoundrels... [More]

Until judges start applying heavy frivolous lawsuit penalties, these meritless actions will continue to be used to harass.

This Day in History: December 19

The great political question which at present engages the attention of Congress, is the means of providing for the payment of the public debts, or at least establishing such funds for the regular discharge of the interest as may set their creditors at ease as to their capitals... [More]