Thursday, April 30, 2015

Facebook gun threat against white cops points to more ‘progressive’ paradoxes

“I've thought about shooting every white cop I see in the head until I’m either caught by the police or killed by them. Ha!!!! I think I can pull it off,” she elaborated. “Might kill at least fifteen tomorrow. I’m plotting now. They reading this sh** too right now. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes if any of this made sense, this country wouldn't be ready to explode.



Not that most Republicans aren't weasels, but show me a Democrat who, in the end, won't back Obama's or Hillary's or whomever's hand...

Such a Deal!

Me, I'm with the "no compromisers." [More]

And the new paradigm "I will not comply" crowd.

The one thing I don't see many bringing up--how accepting the deal will take heat off endangered Democrats offering it.

Even if Mr. Heat Isn't Important thinks that's "stupid."

[Via cydl]

SPLC-Designated Radical Extremists Fail to Cause Anti-Government Havoc at Sugar Pine Mine

In other words, Oath Keepers acted, as anyone who actually knows them would expect, with professionalism, compassion and competent action, and saved an AP reporter's life. [More]

I wonder if "Authorized Journalist" coverage will reflect a new understanding of what these men are truly about.

I wonder if there will be coverage.  You know, besides "reports" with headlines like "Oath Keepers Come Out to Heckle Oregon Residents Who Want Armed Gathering to Disband" and "Residents say armed mine supporters sully Josephine County's reputation."

You know, coverage like this.

Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You

The fundamental transformation continues, Insha'Allah... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

What Pedro Knows

Pedro Morillas is the name appearing at the bottom of an Everytown email linking to this page.

Of course Pedro and the Bloombergians know NRA hardly endorses "guns for anyone, anywhere -- no questions asked." They know NRA has been taken to task many times by hard core gun rights advocates for compromises and deviations from "shall not be infringed."  Lying doesn't bother them because they know they can get away with it -- the useful idiots they are exploiting will neither know better nor care if they did.

Here's something else Pedro knows, something that appears to have "eluded" NRA and SAF/CCRKBA and every other gun organization with the exception of GOA --how "amnesty" and a "pathway to citizenship" will enable "progressives" to establish unchallengeable electoral majorities, to include "gun control" legislation and sympathetic court confirmations:
Pedro and Everytown and the "progressive" Obamanoids are neither fooled nor slowed down for a minute by the phony "single issue" excuse used by the establishment gun groups for avoiding engaging on the most important threat affecting the continued legislative and judicial disposition toward the right to keep and bear arms. They know the issues are inseparable, and are designed to achieve a single goal. As a matter of fact, they're counting on the "gun lobby" continuing to suck up to the Republican establishment, and especially pleased when they see how many bloviating ignoramus gun owners defend the fraudulent separation.

Forget "single issue." Think "single goal."

Not that I think anyone besides a few of us marginalized malcontents will, and even fewer will do anything about. Pedro knows he can count on  abdication, denial and apathy.  And based on results, I don't disagree with him.

Coming Soon to a Polling Place Near You

Hey, if you don't like things the way they are, votar para cambiar la ley. [Mas]

[Via Michael G]

Mesmerized and In Thrall

Why does "You don't need to be recording this" come off like "These aren't the droids you're looking for"? [More]

This Day in History: April 30

The great aim on the other side is to open Trade and Intercourse, Mine the Removal of all the British Forces and to put the Citizens of New York in immediate possession of their City, Port and Harbour, these must go hand in hand, when both are accomplished, I shall begin to think We are at Peace; Trade will find its Way even blindfold. [More]

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Novelist’s violent wishes exemplify ‘progressive’ paradox on guns and more

“People keep saying, 'We need to have a conversation about race,’” Morrison said. “This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back. And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, 'Is it over?’, I will say yes.” [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes nothing quite says "repression" like one of Obama's Presidential Freedom Medal recipients.

The Illusion of Safety

Since when does reality matter to gun-grabbing judicial activists? [More]

I talked about this subversive dolt Reagan appointee here.

Crimes of Opportunity...

...that advance the Party line... [More]

Mike explains how things work to the next generation.

Les Misérables

Thank goodness the system works! [More]

And remember: Enforce existing gun laws!

Oregon ivory ban bill puts gun and knife owners in undefined legal danger

Bill author Haas could not define how you measure volume-based content on a gun (or on a piano), nor was a "legal" way for documenting an item predating 1976 specified. Again Haas deferred, saying that would be "up to law enforcement." [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes just because an incompetently-written ban contains laughable absurdities doesn't mean citizens found in violation will see the humor.

We're the Only Ones Not Ready for Our Close-Up Enough

A 25-foot buffer? So if you illegally confront me or someone I'm with or near, and I turn my recorder on, you can bust me for it? And use an escalating continuum of force up to lethal and have it officially justified...? [More]

[Via Mack H]

Who Will Guard the Guards?

TX Gov. Abbott directs Jade Helm monitoring. [More]

[Via Lane]

No, Of Course He Doesn't Mean Christian Bakers Can Start Burning Things

Non-violence is a type of political performance designed to raise awareness and win over sympathy of those with privilege. When those on the outside of struggle—the white, the wealthy, the straight, the able-bodied, the masculine—have demonstrated repeatedly that they do not care, are not invested, are not going to step in the line of fire to defend the oppressed, this is a futile political strategy. It not only fails to meet the needs of the community, but actually puts oppressed people in further danger of violence. [More] 
See, just as only whites can be racists, only those WITHOUT "privilege," as subjectively defined by domestic enemies, can legitimately engage in acts of violence, looting and arson, plus justify them as "self-defense."

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Baltimore riots highlight ‘progressive’ paradox on guns and police

High-profile shootings of black males continue to occur in cities where “progressive” Democrats run things. Yet in spite of that, they embrace “gun control,” that is, a system where police are the “only ones” trusted to keep and bear arms. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks what can be done when the "Only Ones" have no intention of protecting you, and notes an answer from a generation past.

We're the Only Ones Consistent Enough

"...the police subject these individuals to intrusive searches unless they can prove their innocence. Our case law considers such a policy consistent with the Fourth Amendment..." [More]
At least they're consistent...

[Via Mack H]

So Much Conflation-- So Little Truth

The Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists drag out Vanderboegh as the menace we should all be horrified over. [More]

[Via bondmen]

Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings

“If a ban on semi-automatic guns and large-capacity magazines reduces the perceived risk from a mass shooting, and makes the public feel safer as a result, that’s a substantial benefit.” [More]
The subversive dolt who wrote that asinine opinion is a Reagan appointee.

If that surprises anyone, they haven't been paying attention.

Rise of the Machines

The 'continuous guidance of a small-caliber bullet to target' seems to be tailor made for a robot army controlled by artificial intelligence. [More]
The times, they are a-changin'.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Good Morning Baltimore

I can see this as a "social justice" statue.
Coming soon to an urban area near you. [Watch]

[Via Kid Sister]

American Association of Restrained Persons?

The original... curiously discouraging people from sharing...

With subtitling... (It sure sounds like they're on to something)...

Lotta chatter out there.

It's always important not to leap to illusions. And that this would be a selected forum for sending out subliminal messages makes no sense. That said, if there's any kind of official explanation that does make sense, I'm not finding it.

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Problem the Board was Trying to Address

After all, the problem the board was trying to address is the inability of undocumented immigrants and others to obtain identification cards. [More]
In other words, they weren't trying to address the real problem.

[Via Michael G]


Tell me this site doesn't lend itself to parody... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Personal is Political

I can't help but wonder about the sympathies of the vacuous, privileged d!ckheads who would pay for something like this. [More]

A Mad Entitlement

Far be it from me to cast aspersions on the ethics professional skills of a paid anti-self-defense hack Ph.D.-holding Hahvahd Professah, but looking at how he conducted this “study” and presents his data reminds me of an old Mad Magazine cartoon where a pollster guarantees a politician results that he’ll like. [More
If they weren't worried, they wouldn't try to get people to swallow such mad lies.

This Day in History: April 28

Some of my own Slaves, and those of Mr Lund Washington who lives at my House may probably be in N. York: but I am unable to give you their Descriptions—their Names, being so easily changed will be fruitless to give you—If by chance you should come at the knowlege of any of them, I will be much obliged by your securing them, so that I may obtain them again. [More]

Monday, April 27, 2015

Heading Into the Home Stretch

Oregon gun owners: Are you doing everything you can? [More]

Coming Soon to a State Near You

If you think this is just a Nevada problem and it will never affect you, think again. [More]

You can get more backstory here.

It Depends on What the Meaning of the Word "Staunch" Is

Two staunch gun-rights advocates, Republican Sens. Stan Bingham of Davidson County and Jeff Tarte of Mecklenburg County, questioned Virginia's practice of granting concealed carry permits to applicants who pass an online test.​ [More]
Get this, you frauds: We don't have to pass any stinking test, online or otherwise, to exercise an unalienable right.

What the hell is wrong with you two?

[Via Mack H]

"Klan Spokesman" Memorial Water District Director Carries on Disarmament Tradition

“Right now, it’s policy that weapons aren't allowed in the parks,” Wright said. “To allow someone to carry one on their hip and walk around the park with it, no, that’s just a recipe for disaster, in my opinion.” [More]
Yeah, just like all the disasters cooked up by good people responsibly claiming their rights in parks that aren't run by anal retentive control freaks. Principled gun owners aren't interested in your opinion, tax parasite. If you really want to impose it on them, guess who is going to prevail.

Funny thing about the "Who was Pat Harrison? Click here to find out!" link at the bottom of the PHWD main page: The sanitized tribute doesn't mention a thing about the career Democrat being the "Voice for [the] Klan."

That's a group that agreed with Allen Wright about the right of all people to keep and bear arms being "a recipe for disaster," at least for those who wanted to be able to exclude those they wished to dominate.

Seems to me ol' Allen is inviting some "I will not comply" activists to demonstrate the new paradigm and invite him to show us how serious he is about enforcing his stupid and offensive "rules"...

A Numbers Game

What do you mean the emperor doesn't want us to examine his clothes? [More]

Good Question?

"If they agree with what the speaker is trying to accomplish and you don't support the speaker, why should they support you?" asked Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., a Boehner ally. [More
Oh, I don't know, Tom. It's not like you weasels took an oath or anything...

So wtf is this?

[Via bondmen]

A Friend in Need

"Restoring Liberty" needs patrons and sponsors to stay on the air. [More]

It's a real sign of the times, that programs like this must struggle mightily to survive while Mama June and Pumpkin evidently have no problem attracting an audience. That anyone outside of their immediate family has even heard of those freaks makes me think the pH Factor has reached the point of no return.

The Science is Settled

If by "science" you mean "agenda-driven propaganda," and if by "settled" you mean all challenges will be suppressed and disparaged, then yeah, there's nothing further to talk about. [More]

Some of us aren't interested in debating with liars anyway.

Defense of slavery decisions points to ultimate need for armed citizenry

That’s why the growing new paradigm represented by the “I will not comply” movement represents such a threat to those who would rule. Because ultimately, when the system results in tyranny, an armed people retain the power to nullify bad enforcement just as informed jurors have the power to nullify bad edicts. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes we can either lock ourselves into rigid policy compliance über alles, or we can recall why we have that policy in the first place (to secure the Blessings of Liberty) and act accordingly to make sure that obligation is fulfilled.

Expert Advice

Liston Matthews profiles someone actually qualified to comment on "common sense gun safety." [More]

Gosh, it's not a pediatrician with no actual firearm training credentials. What a surprise.

Grieving Parents Wanted, Inquire Within

Things are never as they seem with gungrabbers. [More]

Why is failure to disclose that relationship in legal filings not considered a fraud upon the court, to be factored into the award?

The Way Things Oughtta Be

Not the non-existent trigger discipline, but just the taken-for-granted acceptance of guns as normal things to encounter and even learn from in everyday life... [Watch]

And then the politically correct "progressive pussies took over, to where what was good for GM was no longer good for the country...

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones All-Seeing Enough

Why would you need a gun to proactively defend yourself when we have a pretty good chance or chronicling your murder if it happens in front of one of our cameras? [More]

What? Me, the great Chief Dotson, carry a camera instead of a gun?  Are you nuts?  Besides, I'm a highly-trained snowflake.

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Vested Enough

Immediate response:
Let's see if they say anything:

[Via William T]

Hold On To Your Lily White Butts

You don't dare substitute "black asses," because that would make you a racist. That's because minorities don't have power. [More]

We're the Only Ones Hungry Enough

And remember, when second count, the police are just munches away. [More]

[Via Neil W]

I Never Thought of Klaatu in Quite That Way Before

Burrito, anyone? [More]

(Although with his sovereignty-abolishing Space UN "authority" and Gort being an Only One drone and all, it makes sense...)

‘Kapo’ von Furstenberg gives Giffords ‘gun control’ award at UN

Von Furstenberg is a curious, but not unexpected admirer of a state monopoly of violence. Having married into an aristocratic German family and enjoying the title of “Princess” until her divorce, she is the Belgian-born daughter of European Jews, her mother being an Auschwitz concentration camp Holocaust survivor. As such, one would think that she would have special sensitivity to the terrible consequences of disarming citizens. Instead, from her position of sheltered insider privilege, she has chosen to be what my late friend and founder of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Aaron Zelman, called “bagel-brained,” and what I have termed being a “kapo for Kristallnacht.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner notes elite privileged "progressives" really aren't all that egalitarian when it comes to true power sharing with the people. Plus they're @$$holes.

We're the Only Ones Dialoguing Enough

“This is a city where we work very hard with the current administration to enter into dialogue with the community”... [More]
Yeah, assuming we don't crush your larynx...

Funny, how, based on results, Baltimoron voters are generally so adamant on police being the "Only Ones" who can be trusted with guns...

Opposite Day "progressive" funny, not "ha-ha" funny...

[Via Jess]

Oregon Alert

Lies Rule The Capitol, Recalls Begin [More]
Involvement needed now.

Life Support Needed

April 30 crossover deadline looms, threatening to KILL ALL PRO-GUN BILLS in state legislature… [More]
You know what will keep them alive...?

We're the Only Ones a Driving Force Enough

Vermont law officer charged in road-rage incident in Maine [More]
Another real-world example of why highly-trained professionals are the only ones we can trust with guns...

[Via Neil W]

We're NOT the Only Ones...

OREGON SHERIFFS Tell Gun Grabbers To Shove It [More]
As well they should.

I still wouldn't recommend telling one of these guys you were carrying without a permit...

[Via bondmen]

We've Got Hi-i-igh Hopes, We've Got Hi-i-igh Hopes

We've got high, apple pie in the sky-y-y hopes... [More]

What we need now is a Lynch-backing, amnesty-supporting "pro-gun Republican" to pin our hopes on!

At least until everything blows up and goes irretrievably to hell...

The New Bluenoses

That's what "progressives" are, you know -- prohibitionists against everything that doesn't comport with their worldview. [More]

Nuclear Fallout

I'd like to say he ain't seen nothin' yet, but with the "single issue" being used as a false front for his image with gun owners, I fear the ones who ain't seen nothin' yet are those who appreciate the magnitude of this betrayal. [More]

This Day in History: April 24

I can scarcely form an idea at this moment, when I shall be able to leave this place. the distresses of the Army for want of money—the embarrassments of Congress—and the conseqt delays, and disappointments on all sides, encompass me with difficulties; and produce—every day—some fresh source for uneasiness. But as I now see the Port opening to which I have been steering, I shall persevere till I have gained admittence. I will then leave the States to improve their present constitution, so as to make that Peace & Independency for which we have fought and obtained, a blessing to Millions yet unborn... [More]

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Courant cartoonist takes personal hatred, frustration out on gun owners

Nobody thinks anything he proposes will do that, or that such goals are what he’s really after do they? Because Englehart has already revealed his end game. If it were up to him, people in Montana, Nevada and Wyoming would not be able to claim a right to own a Henry or a Colt. But don’t take my word for it -- take his. “The only way to stop this madness is to repeal the Second Amendment,” he advocated in one post. “Repeal the Second Amendment ... and the gun problem will be solved,” he proclaimed in another. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the ugliness of someone personally incapable of doing anything about his obsession except to continue behaving like a thwarted, attention-seeking juvenile.


It's what I live, it's what I breathe... [Watch]
There is nothing I can add.

Lynch Confirmed

56-43. [More]

Thank goodness "we" won that Senate majority!

The Enemy Within

I don't suppose it occurs to "progressives" that foreseeable damage will mostly be directed against them? [More]

[Via bondmen]

Ready or Not

Soon thereafter, Mitchell’s daughter Betsy told the online publication Gun Rights Examiner, “Our facility does not carry the Armatix pistol, never has, and [James Mitchell’s] comment was taken out of context … by the Washington Post.” [More]
That would be this article.

Sorry, Forbes, but not only are we not ready, neither are they. And I still have reasons to believe the thing was illegally approved on the CA "safe gun" roster.

Oh, and I was able to identify and find "Doug" in under one minute.

Casting a Chill

The law takes aim at physician-led discussions about firearm safety, discouraging physicians from routinely asking about gun ownership. [More]
For some reason
these people are
all avoiding
Vik Khanna.

I wonder why...

At the Tip of Your Fingers

Samsung Galaxy S5 Flaw Allows Hackers To Clone Fingerprints, Claim Researchers [More]
Sorry, kid. Looks like a tabletop volcano would have made for a better science fair project.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Grabbing More Than Guns

It figures this moron is also a goddamn pervert. [More]

Right. The prohibited person doesn't trust you with guns.

[Via Michael S]

And for Good Measure

West Virginia VA Hospital Switched Antipsychotic Meds with Older Drugs to Cut Costs [More]
That's just in case the not being able to handle your own finances isn't enough to get you on the "prohibited persons" list.

Did we remember to say "Thank you for your service" yet?

[Via Michael G]

Now Everybody Hold Tight on to Your Safety Weights!

I see some "A"-rated and endorsed names in that list... [More]

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: Cloture invoked, even though it didn't have to be. Here are the Republicans who made it all possible.

[Via @pamnsc]

Playing Chicken

But, instead of consoling her, Holcomb’s boss gave her the choice of paying back some of the stolen money or being fired. [More]
Naturally, corporate did what corporate does best -- damage control.

With the understanding that this happened at a franchise, those must nonetheless operate within parameters of corporate policy. Let's see if this gets answered:

[Via Jeet]

Schmoozing a Good Game

Netanyahu mouths the right words while tacitly supporting the wrong edicts. [More]

One Hundred Heads

Vanderboegh muses on poetry, history, alternative history and strategic deterrence... [More]

And They're All Well-Versed in Founding Principles

Fortunately, this has absolutely nothing to do with that "single issue." [More]

I mean, how could it?

This Day in History: April 23

Apprehending the same delay in the Conveyance of the News of Peace by Way of Canada, which you mention, I have written to Brigr Genl McLean, commandg at Niagara, giving him the Information as I had received it from Sir Guy Carleton. This Letter was inclosed to your Care more than a Week ago; I hope it has been received, & transmitted agreeable to my desire. [More]

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Oath Keepers providing security in mine dispute with BLM

“This is NOT a standoff with BLM,” the group insists. “We are NOT promoting any confrontation with BLM. This is a security operation for the protection of Constitutional Rights..." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes sometimes, what is needed, is men with resolve keeping the peace by giving those who would violate it pause.

Distancing Themselves

The families of 11 people killed in the Newtown shooting rampage in 2012 are making it known that they have no association with a gun control group behind a Tim McGraw concert this summer. [More]
Plus I see his opening act pulled out.

Good. Maybe it'll be a bust, along with his career from now on.

And speaking of busts...

Seal the Gates

I agree. Keep everyone out. Shut the whole damn place down. [More]

And deport that Verdugo invader.
[Via Florida Guy]   

Out with the Old

Well, I don't know-- anyone who can't personally navigate through 74,000 pages of tax laws is pretty suspect in my book. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   


[L]egions of gun owners are expected to descend on the Oregon state capitol to oppose a controversial gun control measure, disguised as a “universal background check” bill that one Republican state senator has said flatly will not accomplish a thing. [More]
It's Hump Day.

Beware of Legal Adversary

If a DGU ever were necessary, and understanding that jurors are picked because of lawyer perceptions of persuadability, would prosecutors or civil lawsuit attorneys be able to make something out of this beyond mere humor? [More]

[Via Thaddeus F]

Allies Allied in Pride

And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day. [More]

These people must really hate themselves to lash out at everyone else this way.

[Via bondmen]

The Labyrinthine World

The National Rifle Association and its two arms for lobbying and campaign contributions may have systemically violated political spending law, a new report claims. [More]
We'll have to see how this one plays out. I do find it interesting it has not yet resulted in a categorical denial and an accusation that it's "bull****."

That said, there are undoubtedly enemies who will pull every arcane trick in the book, so suspending any conclusions until this one plays out more seems in order...

[Via JFC]

So Much for Shock and Awe

You'd better believe the embedded domestic enemies behind this know full well the danger of enemies losing respect and fear and replacing it with ridicule and contempt. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

Bureaucratese in Pictures

You know, securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity themselves... [More]

Heck, it's the whole reason we have government in the first place, and besides, we all know how centrally-planned and controlled agriculture helped make the old Soviet Union everything it was...

Now where were we?  Oh yes, STAND AND DELIVER!

Like Peas and Carrots

Don't feel so bad, Ben. Guess who else is descended from slave owners. [More]

This Day in History: April 22

We have received no intelligence from abroad which deserves to be noted, since your departure. The interval between the preliminary and definitive Treaties, has produced several nice and interesting questions. One is whether laws prohibiting commerce with British Ports during the war, have expired with the cessation of Hostilities. A similar one is whether the soldiers enlisted for the war are entitled to a discharge. At least half of the army under Genl. Washington are under this description and are urgent for such a construction of their engagements. [More]

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cleveland gun edicts violate law, infringe on rights and won’t stop violence

In other words, knowing full well what they are imposing will accomplish no reduction in violent crime, and in fact, violate Ohio law, they are nonetheless using the coercive force of the city to mandate citizen compliance -- or else. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes pandering political parasites desperately trying to appear relevant at the further expense of those they're already feeding off of.

Hack Attack

With all the creative malware coders out there, what could possibly go wrong? [More]

Besides, we need this for security, and it's not like good people have anything to hide.

[Via Florida Guy]   

One of the Lucky Ones

Doing her utmost to make the rest of us unlucky ones... [More]

[Via Mack H]

Brought to You By...

Dave Workman tells us what paved the way for the Uber DGU. [More]

Corruption of Blood

Trying to hide from the actions of your forebears is just silly. [More]

Show me someone who does not have unsavory ancestors. Anyone who would hold that against you is a rank hypocrite not worth worrying about. That this cartoon character is the one doing the worrying -- and that he has willing media co-conspirators, provided they can get away with it -- tells us much about real-life "progressive" character.

[Via bondmen]

Turning Off ATF

Would that there were a switch, but that's not what this is about. [Watch]

If you're an FFL, you don't just roll over for an inspector trying to make you say or do something you're not sure of, especially if there could be negative consequences. No one is saying you have to present an attitude that will be held you, but you can definitely let them know you need to bring your legal partner in on the discussion.

Assuming you have one.

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

What an irresponsible, incompetent and cowardly thug. What a menace. [Watch]

That's Why They Call Them "Whores"

Top Christie ally defects to Bush [More]
Once you see they're unfaithful to their oaths, the fact that they hold no loyalties and take on new johns should come as no surprise. Not that either client deserves better...

The "Law" versus the Rule of Law

Vanderboegh posted the transcript of his Colorado Patriot's Day speech, in which he committed and incited civil disobedience by distributing smuggled magazines "for presentation to anti-gun politicians."

This Day in History: April 21

But, as their situation, by being removed to the interior of the country, is far distant from New York, which will make their march disagreeable and lengthy; we have agreed to submit it to Your Excellency’s option, whether to have them marched the whole distance through the Country, or to have them delivered at the nearest water which may be convenient for your Ships to receive them. [More]

Monday, April 20, 2015

Chicago defensive gun use refutes ‘gun safety advocate’ contentions

What’s evident is that the “gun safety advocates” would rather the driver had been unarmed and the people being fired upon undefended. That way, they would have been able to up their “gun violence” hysteria, plus they would have had fresh blood to dance in and exploit for more citizen disarmament edicts. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes more people are starting to realize the truth doesn't match the desperate gun-grabber narrative.

Hump Day in Salem

Oregon gun owners need to involve themselves in the House Rules Committee hearing on SB 941. [More]

A Major Shift

According to the Pew report, more people believe it is important to protect the rights of gun owners (52%) than to place additional controls on them (46%). The report also said support for gun control has fallen, whether you believe crime in the United States has dropped or not. [More]
That's great. Now if you could only convince Alan that the Pew folks are the same ones who show the inconvenient truth about amnesty being a danger to gun rights, so it is not consistent to accept their figures in one instance an not in another -- unless a documented case to doubt those figures can be made.

Barring that, his endorsement of Grover Norquist makes no sense. And now that he's on record supporting making politicians pay for PRIVACY violations in a recent CCRKBA alert, there goes that "single issue" excuse.

Design Flaw

The Vermont House on Friday passed a bill designed to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons and people who are dangerously mentally ill. [More]
What it actually will and won't do should come as no surprise to anyone who is not an ignorant dupe.

True Costs, "Progressive" Style

A lot of who is racking up those costs has been left out, along with how the benefits of lives saved factor in, and what the true costs would be if good people were disarmed... [More]

Do I Dare Hit "Reply"?

Besides, I figure the ones who would respond already know...

And Thank You for Your Service

“According to the Congressional Research Service, as of June 1, 2012, 99.3% of all names reported to the NICS list’s ‘mental defective’ category were provided by the Veterans Administration (VA) even though reporting requirements apply to all federal agencies,” Mr. Grassley’s letter said. [More]
OK. Next we need to ask who supported NICS as an acceptable "compromise" in the first place, and then ask who is surprised the antis are using that surrendered beachhead to launch deeper assaults?

We're the Only Ones Going Out with a Bang Enough

A psychiatrist has already testified in support of the insanity defense... [More]
It sounds like he isn't the Only One who was nuts.

Read My Lips: No New Bushes

There is no way I will vote for this subversive. I don't care who his opponent is or what the gunquislings urge. [More]

At that point the new paradigm will kick in full time.

[Via Michael G]

The Next Generation

Great educational development...[More]

Just don't forget the reasons why...

[Via Fresch Fisch]

Opposite Day "Progressives" for Hillary

Because it's all about tolerance, dignity and pride... [More]

Oh, and if you don't know what that word means, you may wish to stay blissfully ignorant.

And then we have the "progressive" feminists, submissive to a pimp, who all seem oblivious to the radical lesbian contention that male penetration is patriarchal rape (whereas strap-ons evidently represent the epitome of liberation).

I can't help but wonder if any of this could be considered a contribution in-kind...

[Via several of you]