Wednesday, October 31, 2018

That's a Pretty Big 'But'

"Our state director is Indian American, but he does an amazing job. Our director of all constituent services, she's African American. But she does an even more incredible job than you could ever imagine." [More]
And in spite of it all!

I'd ask Hillary to weigh in, but she thinks they all look alike.

One thing about Democrats-- the expect 'em to all vote alike.

This is CNN

That's some neutron star density cognitive dissonance Don's got going there.  Unless he doesn't consider us "people," which, considering the history of collectivists, is a definite possibility...

We're the Only Ones Packing Enough

Brooklyn Official Says He Will Carry a Gun Whenever He Enters a House of Worship [More]
You, not so much.

What did Mr. Mason say about "officials"...?

Just One More Push...

Total immigration to U.S. ties all-time record [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

The Yawning Divide

Sorry, it's behind a paywall. [More]

The upshot: Most white women with liberal arts degrees vote in a way to increase the likelihood of being physically and mentally dominated by foreign invaders. And you're a hater.


[Via Mack H]

Cast Away

FedEx drops NRA deal by snail-mail [More]
I guess the #BloodyFedExmas hashtags were overwhelming.

The ideological/economic cleansing continues.

Me, I'm waiting for the NRA-endorsed life insurance companies to drop us.

Son of a Botch

The New York Times Botches America’s History With The Gun [More]
No they did not.

They know full well what they're doing.

Meanwhile, Over at the 'All Gun Owners are Law-Abiding Until They're Not' Meme...

Undercover Video: AZ Sen Candidate Kyrsten Sinema Claims Arizonians Will ‘Actually Shoot You’ if You Mention Gun Bans [More]
Not to worry-- her calculated decision to keep her public distance from a bill that's not going anywhere anyway is all the proof we need that hysterical right-wingers are over-reacting.

[Via Mack H]

We Are the Borg

Survey Finds Students Afraid to Disagree on Politics With Increasingly Vocal Profs - “slightly larger majority feared expressing themselves because of differences with classmates” [More]
You will be assimilated.

[Via Michael G]

There's an App for That

New App Lets You 'Sue Anyone By Pressing a Button' [More]
I'm just waiting for the rulings to be handed down by "progressive"-programmed AI.

[Via Michael G]

Well, I'm Glad That's Settled

United Nations: Trump Must Allow Caravan Migrants into America [More]
Have a drink from the Ohio, boys!

[Via Michael G]

Just Drop It Right Here

Children Born to Illegal Aliens Do Not Have Birthright Citizenship [More]
Somebody want to tell Paul Ryan...?

[Via Mack H]

Because Nothing Says 'Safety' Like Defenselessness

Responding to Inane Arguments Against Armed Guards [More]
I'll see your guards and raise you citizens.

[Via Mack H]

Connect the Dots. Lalalalala...

SPLC Ties Trump to the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting, Even Though Shooter Hated Trump... [More]
And as long as they're the ones that brought up South Africa, who is it "motivated by pure hate" again?

[Via Michael G]

Who Will Grope the Gropers?

Travelers from all over the world are said to have been targeted by airport security staff who allegedly plant live ammunition in luggage in order to extort money. [More]
"Commonsense gun safety laws" and government control: What could go wrong?

[Via bondmen]

Did I Mention They've Sure Got Rhythm?

Hillary joke on blacks: 'They all look alike' [More]
But if  "conservatives" point out the hypocrisy of giving her a pass over something Democrats would demand Republican heads for, black-oriented sentiment shapers like NewsOne spread out the blame and deride "right wing trolls."

In related news, still no word on NBC canning Ted Danson...

Good for Me But Not for Thee

Yellen says rising deficit is unsustainable: 'If I had a magic wand, I would raise taxes' [More]
She won't be audited, but you, bend and spread 'em.

What's unsustainable is the rapacious demand for control of everything.

Ethnic Cleansing for a 'Progressive' Future

In a week, American voters can do to white nationalists what they fear most. Show them they’re being replaced. [More]
Way to tone down that rhetoric!

By Any Other Name

Shots fired into Volusia County Republican Party satellite office, police say [More]
Just to be clear: Moron Clockboy 2.0 trying to mail duds is a terrorist. Democrat "active shooters" are "vandals."

[Via Mack H]

Giving Out Shots

I’ve been inoculated against the “gun violence epidemic.” [More]
It may not be a total cure, but it's a hell of a prophylactic.

[Via Mack H]

Like Whitey on Ice

James “Whitey” Bulger was killed Tuesday in a West Virginia prison, multiple outlets reported, ending the life of Boston’s most notorious mobster. [More]
So even when they have total control over you, the government can't protect you?

Preemptive Strike

A circuit judge has given a boost to more than 30 local governments challenging a 2011 state law that threatens stiff penalties for city or county officials who approve gun restrictions. [More]
So there's no one the gun groups or our "friends" in politics can think of to run against the guy?

So Much for Following 'Commonsense Gun Safety Laws'

The suit claims Allen Ivanov and his father, Dimitri Ivanov, examined the gun and read the manual together. It also alleges that his mother contacted Cabela’s before the shooting in an attempt to have the gun returned, but a Cabela’s employee told her the store would not accept the weapon. [More]
Yeah, news flash: It wasn't her property, so there is no lawful way for her to transfer a firearm she does not own.

The damned ambulance-chasing attorney ought to be sanctioned for this. Cabela's propbably can't counter-sue because of optics, but here's hoping they get attorney fees and court costs awarded to discourage this kind of unethical and subversive lawfare.

We're the Only Ones Marked Men Enough

Wichita police officer hopes letting cops show tattoos will help with recruitment [More]
Nothing says identifying with the community you serve like earning your ink.

[Via bondmen]

Another Shocking Discovery

Concealed Carry Does NOT Increase Violent Crime [More]
You mean people who make special efforts to follow rules are less likely to break them?

Aw, go on...

[Via Rough and Ready]

I'm Shocked. Shocked...

Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting apparently took place in another gun-free zone [More]
So predators prefer the defenseless?

Who knew?

[Via Felix B]

Paradise Lost

Montana town bans guns entirely in public places [More]
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
'Till it's gone?

That and Californication.

[Via Henry Bowman]

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures?

Many counties around Oregon have “Second Amendment Preservation Ordinances” on the ballot. [More]
With admitted cons along with the pros...

Send These, the Homeless, Tempest-Tost to Me

Violence Erupts: Caravan Migrant Killed At Mexican Border; Police Deny Responsibility - Authorities say migrants carrying "guns and firebombs." [More]
Shannon and the Hogglet ought to go protest.

[Via Michael G]

Murphy's Law

How Murphy plans to restrict guns (and ammo) after Pittsburgh [More]
To repurpose some Pete Seeger subversion:

We were neck deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.

[Via Jess]

The Real 'First Responder'

What Medical Training Should I Get For Concealed Carry? [More]
It seems sound and worthwhile from a medical point of view, that is, it's consistent with my limited understanding. It could be life-saving if someone you care about needs such help.

I'd like to hear the legal point of view about helping an assailant survive to continue being adversarial by disputing your statement to authorities and then suing you. It sounds cold but if we're talking preparedness, post-DGU liability is also something to prepare for.

Here's How It Works

Here’s how it works: cops send Google specific coordinates and timezones within which crimes were committed. Then Google is asked to provide information on all users within those locations at those times, most likely including data on many innocent people. Those users could be Android phone owners, anyone running Google Maps or any individual running Google services on their cell, not just criminal suspects. [More]
Hey, if you're not doing anything wrong, what's the problem with the state keeping tabs on your whereabouts? Or listening in...?

How's that "temporary safety" thing working out?

[Via Michael G]

The Garden State Path

In episode 2 of the Out of Order Gun Rights Podcast Mark Cheeseman and I discuss taking Justifiable Need to the Supreme court [Listen]
It's a cinch appeasement hasn't worked.

9 Out of 10 Celebritards Agree

“That we place such high value on the uninformed opinions of celebrities is one problem, but the bigger problem is when we act on these uninformed opinions and it puts ourselves or others in danger.” [More]
You don't say.

[Via Michael G]

Some Things We Just Can't Think About

Afzal reportedly has an extensive police record of violent assaults, including eight previous arrests. [More]
I don't suppose it would be acceptable thought to point out he's a  Pakistani "immigrant," and to wonder what he's still doing here...?

No, I'm deathly afraid I will be branded hateful and xenophobic and forever exiled via ideological and economic cleansing courtesy of the "progressive" / corporate axis. So I'd best stifle those thoughts if I know what's good for me.

You'd better, too.

[Via Mack H]

They Thus Got Their Optics

Plausible speculations on Clock Boy 2.0... [More]

What did the "authorities" know, when did they know it, and what part did they play?

[Via WRSA]

Smart Political Move

Exclusive: Trump targeting birthright citizenship with executive order [More]
I like the way he feigns "How did you hear about this?" surprise.  Tell me he didn't make sure they knew through back channels.

I'd expect this to be ruled against by any number of federal judges and then take a long time to wend its way through the courts, but you know he expects that too. Announcing this now is a way to energize the base right before the elections.

Will it pay off at the polls? If it doesn't, the alternative will require more than most can imagine.

I also expect to see any number of "moderate" Republicans badmouthing this all over the "news," as if that will make "progressives" speak more kindly of them when it counts.


[Via Mack H]

The Purge

CLUB CARNAGE Riverside shooting – seven people shot in Sevilla nightclub near Los Angeles during ‘First Purge’ Halloween party [More]
Everybody see "I heard automatic gunshots, there was like 10 in a row”?

And remember:
California has enacted the strongest firearm laws in the nation and consistently ranks #1 on the Brady Campaign’s annual state scorecard. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

Thank You Captain Obvious!

A first-of-its-kind study published last year in the journal Injury Epidemiology found that owners who carry guns outside their homes and store them in their cars — or just own multiple weapons — are more prone to have their guns stolen. [More]
Damn rape victims!

In other news, jewelers are more likely to have gems stolen. 

I don't suppose there's room anywhere in that "study" to exploit the term "developed nations"...?

[Via Mack H]

Please Help Identify This Racist Democrat Thug

Funny. "Progressives don't seem all that concerned with this fascist white man assaulting a black man celebrating his right to freely express political sentiments. [Watch]

I wish we knew where this occurred to further narrow down the search to expose this racist thug by name and employer.

Why is only the so-called "alt/right"  -- and an outlet smeared as "racist" and banned from "social media" for it  -- where we're seeing all the outrage?

Kevin Bacon Still Hamming it Up for Citizen Disarmament

Fast forward to the present and Bacon is back, appearing with gun-grab fanatic Julianne Moore, rich socialist Susan Sarandon, free speech ban devotee  Michael J. Fox (and other “stars” I’ve never heard of) in a Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown-funded “Make a Plan to Vote” video. [More]
Interesting, all it takes to influence your average Democrat.

The Pussification of Males

Tyrell said school surveillance video captured the shooting that appeared to have stemmed from a fight between the students. [More]
I remember sorting things out after school a few times when I was but a lad with much to learn. The thought of bringing a weapon to a dust-up would have never occurred to any of us. It would have brought deserved contempt and scorn from our peers. We boys were striving to attain what today is disparaged (by those who will never know male honor) as "toxic masculinity."


Why would you proudly be standard-bearers for countries you wanted asylum from?

Made to Be Broken

Suspect remains at large in Oak Park Mall shooting [More]
Don't people read any more?

[Via Steve T

All the News That's Fit to Suppress

NBC Sat On Information That Undermined Brett Kavanaugh Accusers [More]
Well yeah. What does anybody think they're here for?

He should consider himself lucky they didn't plant incendiary devices in his car.

[Via Jess]

The Law is What We Say It Is

Thankfully, after only deliberating for a very short time over lunch, the jurors came back with a verdict of not guilty. However, Mr. Wright has likely incurred tens of thousands of dollars of attorney fees and costs fighting for his freedom – all because ATF decided that it would invent a new interpretation of the law and it did so without notifying the Industry or the public. Let that sink in for a couple minutes… [More]
And how many would not have the means to defend themselves, meaning their lives would have been destroyed?

Yo, "pro-gun" President Trump and AG Sessions: Leash your damn attack dogs.

F***ers are pulling the same reversal of prior interpretations sh** on "bump stocks," with full administration approval and a green light from Fairfax.

[Via Stephen Stamboulieh]

The Voting Dead

Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge George C. Smith for the Southern District of Ohio agreed with Judicial Watch in rejecting an attempt by the AFL-CIO’s Philip Randolph Institute to reinstate 1.5 million potentially ineligible voters onto the voting rolls. Judicial Watch’s amicus curiae brief opposed this radical step because it would harm the public interest, given that so many of the reinstated registrations would be legally invalid because they are associated with voters who are living in other states or are deceased... [More]
I guess Obama was right.

[Via DvD]

Today's Five-Minute Activism

That's here.

I did.

You can read more here.

This is the future. I've complained so many time about all the graying heads I see at gun events and now we see a whole new generation pushing back against the indoctrination that has claimed so many of their peers and claiming what is rightfully theirs.

[Via Michael G]

Tales of the Bizarrro World

The Pittsburgh School Board shot down a proposal to arm the district’s nearly two dozen police officers this week. [More]
Meaning any resulting blood will be on NRA's hands, of course.

[Via Jess]

Why, Without Invaders We'd All Starve!

“Despite their significant contributions to California’s economy, farmworkers are now a priority for deportation,” Feinstein said in the statement, criticizing the administration’s crackdown. “We simply must protect the families who help put food on our tables.” [More]
I'll pay the extra nickel.

[Via Dave Licht]

Well, if You Put it THAT Way...

So far this year, guns have killed 11,984 people [More]
Dang. That's a lot of exceptions to PLCAA the lawyers ought to have a field day with.

[Via Tristan M]

The People Have Spoken

Jair Bolsonaro: Far-right candidate wins Brazil poll [More]
How could he do worse?

And best of all, "One of his flagship policies is to restore security by relaxing gun laws and suggested that 'every honest citizens' should be able to own a gun."

Leave it to the jilted far-left journos to claim such egalitarian power sharing is the sign of a dictator-in-waiting.

Don't like the results? Let the undermining begin!

[Via Dave Licht]

Stating the Obvious to All But the Willfully Blind

Jews Must Defend Themselves and Fight Their Enemies [More]
Yeah, no sh**.

Now convince the Kapos for Kristallnacht. And good luck with that.

I'm reminded of a poster from years past:

[Click to view]

And another one that would no doubt get you banned for life from "social media"...

[Via Michael G]

I'm Lovin' It

Father shoots, kills masked man who opened fire at Birmingham McDonald’s [More]
The MILMs are furious there's no innocent blood to dance in.

[Via Wynn A

CC&R Tyranny

After They Put Up a Trump Yard Sign, Their HOA Targeted Them [More]
I want nothing to do with them. And that's coming from someone who was HOA president at a condo complex many years ago because it was the best way to protect my investment from busybodies and fools.

The stories I could tell.

[Via Dave Licht]

Like Leading Cows to the Slaughter

When we look at the five major U.S. mass shootings of the 21st century, we see ... the shooter had a near-perfect “cattle pen” situation. [More]
Men were not meant to be livestock.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Punchy Enough

Attorneys Claim New Video Shows Officers Started Bar Brawl With Pagan Motorcycle Club Members [More]
So naturally:
Four members of the Pagans Motorcycle Club were all charged...
[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Paternal Enough

Once he arrived, his daughter was called to the main office. The school’s security cameras then captured Rosario grabbing the girl by the hair and beating her. According to the arrest report, he slapped her in the face, whipped her legs with a belt, and punched her in the face. [More]
If he'd do that to someone he "loves" for "disrespect," imagine what he'd do to you.

[Via bondmen]

The Number One Instinct

King reiterated what we heard from members of several crews in Chicago's West and South Sides -- guns are a live-or-die necessity. [More]
Wouldn't you just love to see David Hogg go down there and talk to them the way he talks for attention?

Rise of the Machines

AI Humanoid 'Sophia' Is Granted First Ever Robot Visa, Speaks With President [More]
I thought visas were for citizens...?

You know, I'll bet you could program these things to vote Democrat.

We're the Only Ones Tricked Enough

A prostitute allegedly stole an off-duty NYPD cop’s car — with his gun on the front seat — after he left her sitting in the vehicle while stopping at an ATM in Brooklyn... [More]
Glad to see at least she's been charged.


The co-founders of Republican Women for Progress previously led Republican Women for Hillary during the 2016 elections. That group was featured on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Yahoo News, Wall Street Journal, the Hill, U.S News and World Report, and the New York Times. [More]
I'll bet they were.

Good rule of thumb: Any "Republican" they endorse is an enemy within the gates.

[Via Jess]

What's Trendy

At this writing, I don't see any hashtags trending on the MAGAb... let's just call him "Clock Boy 2.0," or the synagogue murderer. [More]

It's like most of "social media" is inhabited by short attention span ADH... oh look, did you know it was #NationalCatDay ...?

Given the Circumstances

“Given that he's the mayor of a major city, it's important to have the security detail,” McDonald said. [More]
And given that you're not, it's important we limit your personal security options.

[Via Bear]

Agreeing in Principle

First, Haldeman actively seeks out alternative viewpoints from within those in agreement about the gun sense, she added. [More]
She wants different same opinions?

[Via Bear]

Speech Threats Heightened by ‘Bomb’ Deliveries and Synagogue Murders

The intent is clear. Speech that does not advance a “progressive” narrative must be eliminated from the public discourse. And anyone who disagrees will be conflated with real haters. [More]
We'll tell you what to say and when to say it. Now hand over those guns.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Getting a Grip

Any questions on the agenda?

Incidentally, the lunatic was not a Trump supporter.

Hold fast and do not lose heart. We have been the ones warning such things will happen again and again until people get a grip on reality.

Friday, October 26, 2018

With Friends Like These

Per 5 Fast Facts, the conveniently pre-named "MAGAbomber's" Facebook page has been taken down, meaning we're now dependent on what he hear from "authorities" as filtered through the "media."

They haven't gotten to his Twitter page at this writing, and it certainly makes him look like the violent right wing nut job we've all been primed to expect. But there's a disconnect to explore before it's forever removed from independent examination.

Look at who he follows-- typically, those will be people you admire, agree with, want to keep apprised of and support. He doesn't follow any Republicans or "right wingers,"instead opting for CNN. Katy Perry, ESPN, Lena Dunham, Barack Obama...? Does that make sense to you?

I don't know how to format the following to fit in the Blogger template, but was able to get it over to Scribd in case the Twitter account is scrubbed:

Click on Following. One Drive: New link.]


UPDATE: Bear notes a voter registration disconnect. [Evidently not: "The case, however, did not make Sayoc a convicted felon or bar him from voting. He received a “withhold of adjudication,” which means the case did not technically count as a felony conviction."] To which he replies:
That refers to to the 2002 FP&L bomb threat case, which did not result in a felony conviction. I'm talking about his 2014 felony grand theft conviction

Wrangler Gets Wardrobe Credit in Latest Bloomberg Anti-Gun Video

So, Wrangler: What’s the deal? Are you donating to Everytown now, or were your products used and your company credited without your knowledge or sanction? Have you earned [gun owner] accolades? [More]
Et tu, Wrangler?

No Middle Ground

Here's what happens when 245 people try to meet in the middle.  [More]
That presupposes anyone who believes in "shall not be infringed" has a voice of influence.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Tempted Enough

Court documents say a southwest Missouri jailer who is charged with having sex with an inmate told a detective that the inmate was “tempting” him. [More]
Maybe they need to put women prisoners in burqas...

[Via bondmen]

Bully for Her

World sees video of gun pressed to child’s head; now mother rallies against bullying [More]
And that's appropriate.

I don't see anything about her rallying against you and me being armed, and if there had been a way to put that in, you can bet the KC Star would have.

[Via bondmen]

You Think YOU'VE Got Problems

Double-amputee vet issues scathing rebuke to millennials who say they have PTSD over 2016 election [More]
The thing is, they probably do.

[Via Jess]

Feeding the Beast

Terrorists use millions gained through food stamp fraud to fund attacks in U.S., abroad [More]
"Our" government forces us to admit and sustain our destroyers.

I feel like waving a flag or something.

[Via Michael G]

Good. Ruin the C*********s.

There's something about using "Dicks" and "sour" in the same sentence I find unsettling...

[Via William T]

Who We Ultimately Have to Thank

President Ronald Reagan nominated Holder for the position of Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in 1988... [More]
Our "bipartisanship" is our strength!

Yeah, I know, he couldn't know.

He couldn't know this or this were bad choices either, apparently.

[Via Felix B]

Paratus Trumps Fidelis

Even the Coast Guard has sharper snipers than the Marines [More]
Pretty harsh headline for Marine Times.

I wonder if anyone in command got chewed out? Or replaced?

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Withdrawn Enough

Arizona state troopers withdraw Kyrsten Sinema endorsement after members object [More]
That "leadership" thought it was a good idea says much we shouldn't need to be told by now.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Too Far Gone Enough

"At the time that a law enforcement official has to go to a weapon, to a gun, to a baton, to a taser, then they have already have to go too far by their very presence," he continued. "By the very trust that they inspire in community and in society, they are supposed to be able to bring most situations to heel." [More]
He kind of has a point for many situations documented here, but smart money says there is motive and agenda, and like the old maps said, "There be monsters."

If the "Only Ones" don't need to use weapons, how much less do you?

[Via Mack H]

Give Him a Break -- Maybe He's a Poacher...

Tester Says Hunting Shows His Support for Second Amendment, Hasn’t Obtained License Since 2012 [More]
Shooting cows doesn't count?

[Via Mack H]

Place Your Bets

I want my marker down ahead of time: if they get to the border and there’s ANY confrontation, a pregnant woman will get shot. [More]
My marker said "a child martyr or two," but OK. There's a good chance she'll be underage.

[Via Michael G]

By Popular Demand

Petition supporting Clarence Thomas gets 10 times more signatures than opposition [More]
And like with "elections," the "progressive" losers will reject the results and keep undermining things until they get that collapse they're digging for.

[Via Michael G]


The Problem With the FBI's 'Active Shooter' Data [More]
Them admitting it's imperfect, subjective and up for interpretation is our first clue.

[Via Michael G]

Walking the Line

The city attorney said the council is trying to walk the line between law-abiding gun owners in their rural community who like to hunt, target shoot and desire some protection and the council's top goal of public safety. [More]
Not that any California "gun rights" groups have ever lifted a finger to seriously address what makes this all inevitable.

"Single issue," you know.

Hate Speech is Not Free Speech

So why should "haters" be allowed to participate in the public forum? [More]

Hell, why should any stores sell to them?

Maybe we should make everybody prove their worth to us before we let them have that mark they'll need to survive...

[Via Michael G]


Jees, these "progressives" sure are ... white.

Not a brown face in the bunch. Where's all that vaunted diversity among the animaladjusted environmentalcases?

You don't think they might secretly drink milk, do you?

An Institute of Higher Uneducation

Unlearning Toxic Masculinity [More]
Why else pay these prices to Opposite Day "progressives," except to unlearn stuff?

Do that for four years and I imagine by the time you get out you won't know sh... or is that you will know...?

And forgive me for wondering if any of the teachers indoctrinators have any actual experience being, you know,  men, with all that implies if we refuse to let them hijack and pervert the word.

Standards of Proof

Chuck Todd: "No Evidence Of Any Criminals In The Central American Caravan" [More]
What does he call illegally violating the Mexican border? That alone ought to disqualify every one of these criminals from asylum. Further, there is a clear and brayed-about conspiracy to violate U.S. immigration law.

I guess if you don't want to look very hard, or at all....

How much "evidence" did he have when he was essentially calling Brett Kavanaugh a liar?

Methinks this guy knows a thing or two about lying himself.