Wednesday, November 13, 2019

War of Words

Terry McAuliffe Calls Laura Ingraham Racist for Stating the Obvious, Ignores Northam’s KKK Photo [More]
Truth is truth.

That most "conservatives" and no "gun group" will admit it points more to cowardice and allowing themselves to be cowed by the collectivists than anything else. In the end, they are selling out everyone who believes in them.

I freely admit to being a culturist and an ideologist inasmuch as some cultures and ideologies have proven themselves to be superior at advancing freedom, knowledge, technology, prosperity and human happiness than others, and those are the ones to emulate and build upon, not overburden and drag down.

[Via Mack H]

The Magic Proletariatdom

Disney+ slaps content warning for 'outdated cultural depictions' on classic animated movies [More]
Not good enough. They want to be "progressive," demand they go all the way.

And tear down that damned offensive statue!

Imagine the Whole Country Being Run Like This

A Denver Business Is Fined For Not Picking Up Other People’s Poop [More]
It would all go here.

I would think that any business trying to clean up this stuff without regulation-compliant handling and disposal procedures would be subject to fines and prosecution, which could mean the city bureaucrats are requiring the business owner to self-incriminate.

I see the victim is into Rand, Heinlein, Niven and Pournelle, so that makes him worthy of support in my book.

[Via Michael G]

The Best Laid Schemes o' Mice an' Men

Sal Salman: “We can defiantly include millimeter wave technology to detect concealed weapons. We are only scratching the surface with artificial intelligence. There is a long away to go.” [More]
Actually, he said "definitely," but look who we're dealing with.

But that's the real danger, and not just from a Fourth Amendment standpoint (and I would think linings could obscure things anyway). How about before everybody kneejerk follows Big Tech to wherever it and the politicians it feeds lead us, we do clinical, peer-reviewed trials that can address documented concerns and reliably account for decades of exposure across the spectrum of human (and other biological) development?

And in the meantime:

So go ahead, make this guy a billionaire and vote in another school levy to bring in a tech solution that won't actually stop anything-- for that you need to go Old School, which means determined defenders with eyes and guns.

Sanscrit Scribe Still at Large

Wheaton College is investigating two incidents involving swastikas on campus. [More]
And we all know only hate-filled whites are capable of drawing them.

[Via Michael G]

The Other Three Percent

The 39-year-old is now one of America’s firearms super-owners – part of the 3% of American adults who collectively own 130m firearms, half of the nation’s total stock of civilian guns. [More]
I don't believe there's a way they can actually know that. It looks to me like this is being propagated to spread the meme that there really aren't that many gun owners so more disarmament edicts will breeze on through.

I do wonder how many "super owners" are "super advocates."

[Via Dave Licht]

Who will Guard the Guard?

According to a Miami-Dade police report, Cabrera-Cruz was working as a security guard at a business on Southwest 184th Street near Southwest 110th Avenue and didn't have a holster for the gun he was given by his employer. Police said Cabrera-Cruz was inspecting the gun "to familiarize himself with the weapon" when he accidentally fired one round into the victim's back while she was sitting at a casino-style slot machine. [More]
I'll take care of my own security if you don't mind -- or if you do.

[Via bondmen]


In other words, instead of demanding additional gun control, DOJ is enforcing laws already on the books.  [More]
Yeah, enforce existing Intolerable Acts!
Attorney General Barr has a record of Second Amendment support...

That this is the prevailing attitude within the "pro-gun" community says much.

[Via bondmen]

So Much for Equal Protection Under the Law

Gun Rights Restoration: A Federal & State Review - $195.00 [More]
If you can't even afford the class, how the hell are you supposed to be able to afford a lawyer?

[Via Felix B]

By Hook or By Crook

Swing State Flags 24,000 ILLEGAL Registrations In ONE County [Watch]
The information appears paralleled in this report, which in turn references a recent Public Interest Legal Foundation report and a Feb. Sun-Sentinel article.

Feel free to dig further because I won't have time, but I will say that nothing outrageous I hear about Palm Beach County will surprise me.

In a sane and world, you'd think this would be dominating the headlines and the speeches from the floor of Congress.

[Via Jess]

A Bit of Fatherly Advice

'It was funny 'cause I pulled a gun out on him. I shouldn't say that, but I was only joking! I was joking!' Irv insisted while appearing on TMZ Live on Monday. [More]
Haha. Good one. I'm sure Col. Cooper would have laughed. And his lawyers would have gotten him off  if "the gun went off."

Did he also check his daughter's hymen?

His "net worth" brings to mind a modified Mencken quote.

We're the Only Ones Resigned Enough

"The chief is a liberal snowflake who cares more about public image than his officers," wrote one officer in the survey comments back in May. "The chief is not interested in what's best for officers or those he leads nearly as much as he is interested in satisfying the public, and notably, the small pockets of the anti-PD public," wrote another. [More]
Ah, the old "lift a finger"/"double-tap" contempt for the herd.

I don't suppose identifying those badged psychopaths would serve any public interest...?  Nah, it would probably just piss off the copsuckers:

[Via Neil W]

We're the Only Ones Healing and Self-Reflecting Enough

A South Carolina sheriff accused of punching a woman in the face at his home has said he is taking a leave of absence to heal and self-reflect. [More]
Yeah, nothing quite gets those calming alpha waves oscillating for me like remembering physically weaker people I've pummeled, and I'm just an amateur.

Funny -- the story doesn't say if his guns were confiscated.

[Via Dave Licht]

That'll Show 'em!

Thousands of Second Amendment-supporters attended the Richmond Gun Show... [More]
So what?

And even if they do get involved, how has (and will) "leadership" deliberately ignoring the single greatest threat translated into anything more than continued losing?

Communionist Manifesto

US Catholic bishops received a challenging to-do list Monday as they opened their national assembly - notably to support immigrants and refugees, extend the campaign to curtail clergy sex abuse and work harder to combat gun violence. [More]
So they want Congress to make laws supporting the establishment of their religious beliefs...?

Ever since Francis told his atheist pal that Jesus was just a man and never physically resurrected, I'm wondering just what their religious beliefs really are...

You Can't Confront Something You Won't Admit To

As Democrats triumph in Virginia, pro-gun groups confront ‘worst scenario’ [More]
No, in fact, none of them will even recognize it.

[Via Mack H]

The 'Progressive' Solution to All That Discord

Republicans must become Democrats. [More]

So says The Atlantic.

Then we can all be BFFs!

Just disregard how we'll treat you after you've capitulated on key agenda points.

What kind of name is "Yoni"?

Anyone Who Can't be Trusted with a Hot Bucket of Diarrhea...

He was sent by a judge to a residential facility for people with mental health issues, but was released in August... [More]
Yeah, ummm...

Coming Soon, to a Porous Border Near You

Two people diagnosed with pneumonic plague in China - Authorities working to contain outbreak of disease that is worse than bubonic plague [More]
That's it -- no more raw marmot kidneys for me, at least until this blows over.