Saturday, December 26, 2020

New Firearms News Article

Thursday, December 24, 2020

New AmmoLand Piece  I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the Blogger publishing tool on my phone but the above link can be copied and pasted to take you to my latest article. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

I'll Be (Away from) Home for Christmas


My wife and I will be spending Christmas away from home this year. That means The War on Guns blog is going to go silent until my return. I've turned off blog comments for the duration. Please don't send me any news tips before my return, because I just won't be able to do anything with them and it will be a wasted effort on your part.

I have two articles submitted and awaiting publication, one for AmmoLand and one for Firearms News. When they're published, I'll break my "no work when on vacation" rule and update this post/send out Facebook/Twitter notices, but that's probably the extent of what you'll see from me (and that's assuming I can figure out how to do it from my old pull-start phone). 

We have earned some time off. That said, there is so much going on right now part of me hates to leave, but the truth is, there is always so much going on, and we'll no doubt be up to our necks in it when I return.

I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas or whatever. Far be it from me to want to offend anyone.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

ATF Brace ‘Factors’ Feign ‘Understanding’ Backed Up by Future Threat

What we’re seeing is an emboldened ATF leadership ramping up those infringements in what looks for all the world like Acting Director Regina Lombardo auditioning for a permanent spot with the Harris administration (and yeah, that was intentional).  Between the braces, colluding with Team Biden and the Polymer80 raid, breaking claims of another company raided over Form 1 suppressor build parts, they are signaling that they are ready, willing, and eager to do whatever it takes to facilitate the Democrat citizen disarmament agenda. [More]

We sure are a far cry from “shall not be infringed,” are we not?

Best Not to Say a Word

 Time for a Biden-Inspired “Tragic Boating Accident” [More]

Why? Lying to the feds will get you in the slammer and on the "prohibited persons" list as fast as anything.

Don't talk to the police.

Be smart about who you do talk to. 

Don't be that "low-hanging fruit."

[Via Michael G]

Rise and Shine!

 Are the Democrats waking the sleeping giant? [More]

I wish I had more faith that anyone who could sleep through all this would be up to speed before the burning stake has been driven in his eye.

[Via Michael G]

Suggested Comments

We need you to make your voice heard! [More]

I have

I like John, but these corrupt bastards are under orders to dictate the terms of surrender and have no intention of being persuaded by reason.

[Via Mack H]

The Philosopher Kings

 Davos 2021 to feature 'Great Reset' of capitalism [More]

See anyone you elected to represent you in there?

Me neither.

What could go wrong?

[Via Agustin B]

It's Not Like the Voters Have a Need to Know

 Too Bad To Check: Did Warnock Stiff Georgia On Unemployment Taxes While Helming New Georgia Project? [More]

Funny. I can't find a word about this from the DSM. It probably wouldn't matter though to anyone who would vote for him in this post-Edwin Edwards era.

[Via Michael G]

Abridge Too Far

 Ohio bans restrictive college free speech zones, enhances protections for student expression [More]

That any further addition to 1A is deemed needed confirms how far from the vision of the Founders "we" have strayed. Speaking of which, when is that little weasel DeWine going to act on "stand your ground"?

[Via Michael G]

The Voice of Reason

 How Immigrants Make America Great Again (and Again and Again) [More]

I notice no one from Cato and Reason is interested in answering my challenge.

[Via bondmen]

Dog Day Afternoon

The sheriff called the family “very dysfunctional.” [More]

Ya think?

Tell me Junior didn't pass the genes on.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Tax-Free Enough

 Missouri lawmaker wants to eliminate state income tax for law enforcement [More]

So much for equal protection. Leave it to a dumbass "law and order Republican" to come up with an offensively stupid proposal like this instead of focusing on what was really designed to be "necessary to the security of a free State."

[Via bondmen]

Making Threats

 Obscure neo-Nazi Satanist group Order of Nine Angles becomes latest domestic terror threat: CIA and FBI fear extremely violent group is making inroads among supremacists' [More]

This is what they use to smear all of us with.

I wonder how many are embeds, provocateurs, and CIs...?

Hey, you can't have a "Two Minutes Hate" without Emmanuel Goldstein.

[Via bondmen]

Find One Who's Not

Here’s A List Of Biden’s Pro-Gun Control Cabinet Picks [More]

Just assume they all are.

[Via bondmen]

...That the Democrat Rolls Grew Three Sizes That Day

 Merry Christmas, US Readers! Don’t Let Open Borders Fanatics Hijack Your Holiday [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

When Next We Meet

What better place to hold it than in a shrine to the man who "mentored" LBJ?

I wonder if there will be another last-minute "surprise." Then there's the reality of who runs the town.

That "reality" is everywhere though: What city has a large enough facility they can hold it in that is not run by oath-breakers and worse?

[Via Jess]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Firearm' Is

Former ATF Agent Testifies AR Receivers Don't Meet Legal Definition [Watch]

We talked about this in February. Naturally, no one in power wants to admit the truth.

Here I thought a firearm was whatever ATF says is one -- especially if it's a machinegun.

Also see: ATF Solvent Trap Brace 80% Lowers And Walmart 

[Via Jess]

The Way 'Progressive' Power Works

This kind of riot line and equipment deployment seemed to be utterly missing from riots caused by antifa and Black Lives Matter throughout 2020 in multiple cities across Oregon. Yet when the people of Oregon try to exercise their constitutional rights to watch in person as their representatives do the business of the people, however, an army of police came out. [More]

You're either helping to advance the agenda or you're going to get put down. What's so hard to understand about that?

[Via Michael G]

And There Was War in Heaven

 Ilhan Omar slams lawmakers like AOC for ‘shameful’ COVID vaccination ... The Minnesota congresswoman has joined a growing number of lawmakers who have vowed not to take the miracle Pfizer drug out of concerns they are jumping the line. [More]

Delighted to see dissension in the ranks and I love it that these stupid commie b*****s can't wait to purge each other, but I do wonder if the real reason some "lawmakers" are delaying is to let others be the coal mine canaries...

No, no, you first, I insist...

And with that, it looks like this post will be today's Covid aggregator. 

[Via Jess Michael G Don J

Does This Mean We Get Virgins in Paradise?

 CNN’s Brian Stelter Compares ISIS To Trump Supporters ‘Radicalized’ By The ‘Right-Wing Media Machine’ [More]

I was just thinking that exact thing the other day as I was sawing off a DSM reporter's head.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Speaking of Securing the Blessings of Liberty...

Firearms Safety Info from NSSF [More]

Funny-- I don't see them telling us to lock ammunition up separately.

They probably just don't know as much as Gungrabby Gabby or the MILMs.

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE: Looks like I didn't look things over closely enough and spoke too soon.

Something in Common

 Swalwell’s Chinese Spy Linked To Feinstein’s Chinese Spy [More]

Funny, how Swalwell, Feinstein, and China all want to disarm us.

[Via Jess]

No Agreement to Disagree

 This dangerous view of dissent has a long, sordid history among progressives. [More]

I've noticed.

[Via Michael G]

That's One Way to Start the Festivities

The Votes of Black Americans Should Count Twice [More]

And what are the plans for those of us who say "No," and consider anyone claiming power under such conditions to be legitimate domestic enemy targets?

[Via Mack H]

Maybe He Was Just Shooting to Wound?

 ACLU Attorney Reportedly Fired Gun At Car His Kids Were In [More]

What is it about ACLU members and guns?

[Via Michael G]

So I Guess he Never Sat Down with Them and Promised Justice

 LA’s district attorney says he wasn’t aware people who ‘did not have enough education to keep their mouths shut’ are family of murder victim [More]

That should tell us all we need to know about how he prioritizes victims.

You are disposable.

[Via Michael G]

New Chains for Old

 Statue of Robert E. Lee removed from U.S. capitol overnight [More]

Now that Northam's appeased the cultural Marxists they ought to go away and leave us alone, right?

Burying the Lede

Chicago's Top Lawyer Resigns Post Amid Uproar Over Botched Anjanette Young Raid [More]

Yeah, yeah, fine, great. Fire 'em all.

Now let's talk about that "private road" insulating the anointed from what they impose on everyone else.

[Via bondmen]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Extortion' Is

 “We’re not asking for a million dollars. We’re not asking for more than you give other people,” Xi said. “We’re asking for equality and we’re asking for equity.” [More]

Nice city you've got here. Shame if something happened to it...

[Via bondmen]

Aiming to Misbehave

 Everything that lies ahead points to the irreconcilable – pitting the absolute majority that voted Dem in the Atlantic-Pacific nodes versus the South and a deeply divided Midwest. As much as Biden-Harris is bound to isolate the South even more, their prospects of “pacifying” the Midwest are less than zero. [More]

Especially when they come for the guns.

[Via bondmen]

Now Trending

 Fifth Amazon truck stolen in Cleveland area in just over three weeks in what is becoming a national trend, police reports say [More]

They grow so fast these days.

[Via bondmen]

Darkness at Noon

 “A society of emasculated liars is easy to control." [More]

That's why genocidal maniacs are counting on an effete, manipulated citizenry demanding its own disarmament.

 [Via bondmen]

Thank Goodness No One was Shot

 A teenage boy stepped in to save his mother from an attack by her husband, only to end up being fatally stabbed by the man... [More]

There is only one thing that could have made a difference, but people who presume to be smarter than gun owner advocates about such things say "no."

[Via bondmen]

Highway to the Danger Zone

 China borrows a page from America’s TOP GUN book [More]

Rope for sale!

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Heightening Enough

NYPD tactics during George Floyd protests ‘heightened tensions’: DOI report [More]

A commie-sympathizing administration of power-hungry subversives vs. Liberty Lynchin' Patrick and his league of fascist self-servers: Sounds like the best is yet to come.

[Via bondmen]

Thank a 'Gun Rights Leader'!

 Democrats Relying on Results of Mass Immigration to Flip Georgia Blue [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue." Otherwise, we'd rightfully expect those who say they're on "our side" to speak up. 

And we'd expect gun owners who know better to demand it of them.

[Via Andy M]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

 A Free Speech Judicial Triumph In The UK: "Freedom Only To Speak Inoffensively Is Not Worth Having." [More]

That this even makes it to the courts is a good indicator of how far gone that country is on the path to self-destruction.

Once More with Feeling

 H.L. Mencken (1880-1956) was the most influential newspaperman of his era and a prolific author of iconoclastic books and essays. This is reprinted from The Evening Sun of Baltimore, November 30, 1925. Copyright 1925 by The Evening Sun. [More]

A classic essay on the futility and predictable consequences of "gun control"...

[Via Michael G]

A Matter of Trust

 The point that cannot be overlooked in this case is that these murders never would have happened if Jonathan and Reginald Carr hadn’t been turned loose on the streets after their previous crimes. [More]

There ought'a be a law!

[Via Michael G]

Unclear on the Concept

Romney Baffled That 2024 GOP Contenders “are trying to become as much like Donald Trump as they can be” [More]


[Via Michael G]

It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It

 Usually, three brushes with the law can invoke serious punishment. Not for Caroline Biden, 33, who is the niece of presumptive President-elect Joe Biden [More]

As late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say: But wait! There's more!
Biden’s car contained pill bottles for carisoprodol and lorazepam, both of which are controlled substances. A blood test later confirmed those and other drugs were in her system at the time of the crash.

My Kind of People Too, People Who Smile Shoot at You

 39 shot, 6 fatally, in Chicago this weekend [More]

I wonder how many of the shooters are militant about black Lives Mattering.

Can'tcha just wait for the whole country to go Democrat?

Forget it, Jake. It's Chi-Town.

The Not Ready for Primetime Players


That's quite the testimonial.

This could be you. By government order.

Meanwhile, over near Chi-Town:
Four employees experienced adverse reactions - including tingling and elevated heartrate - shortly after vaccination...

Humphrie the carni-pig still wants no part of it.

And they'd better pray none of the "disproportionately affected" die. Especially considering:
Every single US state is being advised to consider ethnic minorities as critical groups for vaccination with HALF prioritizing black and Hispanic residents over white.
It's fair to ask if "citizenship" will be a factor, considering who is footing the bill. 

And, with this just in, it looks like I'm turning this post into today's Covid aggregator:

We're the Only Ones Justified Enough

 Daniel Hernandez approached the officers with a knife, ignored commands to drop the knife, and was shot. He was shot twice, dropped to the ground, got up, and was then shot again four times. He partially dropped to the ground again after the third shot and was then shot for the fifth and sixth time as he staggered to the side. [More]

I'm not criticizing her shooting him. I'd have hoped to be able to do the same.

That's the point. If you or I obeyed the law in "May (Not) Issue" L.A., chances are we wouldn't have been able to.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Compensated Enough

The HPD ‘Top 10 Earners’ list shows one police corporal bringing in $255K in just nine months of 2019—this would equal $341K for the full 12 months [More]

Anyone that highly paid must be qualified to tell you and me we can't have guns.

Fortunately for them:

Hawaii Most Obedient State in USA

Life in the Igeocracy!

What paradise haven't control freak kleptocrats ruined?

From the Warren Side of the Family?

 October swastikas at Oakland synagogue were done by a Native American/BLM supporter. That's why you didn't hear about it. [More]

So now that they have him, what are the dog-faced pony soldiers going to do with Steps Like Goose?

[Via Michael G]

Eviction Notice

 Democrats Urging Biden To Remove God From America [More]

The original rebellion continues.

I wonder how it will end...

[Via Mack H]

No Need to Hide It Any Longer

 DE BLASIO: "I'd like to say very bluntly: our mission is to redistribute wealth." [Watch]

I'd like to say very bluntly his mission is to enslave. If you think it through, there's really no other honest way to put it.

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends


It mentions "militia" only once -- when it quotes the Second Amendment. I'm wondering at what point an argument will revolve around core purpose.

Collaborators Discover the Enemy Does Not Respect Them

 The Never Trumpers Are Already Sinking Without Their Favorite Target and Their Desperation Is a Joy [More]

Wake me when the commies have them standing in front of a lime pit.

A Real Eye Opener

 Interesting channel, with much intelligently-presented information... [More]

Naturally, YouTube doesn't plan on letting it continue to post forbidden knowledge, so there is a website signup contingency.

[Via Jess]

Who Needs Causation When You've Got Correlation?

 Donahue later, using a different methodology, found that right to carry laws “are associated with 13-15 percent higher aggregate violent crime rates ten years after adoption.”  [More]

Unless he can prove that the increase was due to a corresponding uptick in previously non-"prohibited persons" going off the rails, I'd say this guy is an agenda-driven fraud.

The grabbers don't want "honest debate" because they know it would expose them for what they are. When they talk about the need for a "national conversation on guns," that means they do all the talking. and that it's limited to their lies, demands, name-calling, and death wishes.

No Relief in Sight?

New York City's outdoor dining patrons who needed to relieve themselves were left out in the cold briefly by a state policy that forbade them from using a restaurant's indoor bathroom. [More]

Can you imagine the mindset of some damn tax trough-feeding bureaucrat telling an adult human being they may NOT go to the bathroom?

I used to write policies, albeit for private industry. Someone demanded this, someone wrote it, someone reviewed it and someone approved it. Those someones ought to be staked out so those who object can do so in a punishment-fits-the-crime sort'a way.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

FDR’s ‘Second Bill of Rights’ and UN Declaration Show How ‘Progressives’ View You


Every time politicians presume to “improve” on the wisdom of the Founders, they screw everything up. [More]

It's not just amazing how many unthinking Americans think the government "gives" them their rights, it's also calculated, and has been for some time.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Low-Hanging Fruit Prepped for Slicing

 6 suspects in alleged plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer indicted by federal grand jury [More]

How come this report doesn't say anything about the BLM supporter and anti-Trump anarchists in their ranks?

[Via Mack H]

Banking on Disarmament

 As Gun Industry Continues to Be Shunned by Banks, Regulators Move to Enforce Fair Access [More]

Still, huh?

How about we just don't let them do any business with the federal government or receive any bailouts?

[Via Mack H]

Why Not Take Up a Collection?

 Collectible Weapons: How to Protect Your Wealth – and Your Family – With Valuable Guns [More]

I never caught the bug, myself. I'm more an "animating contest of freedom" kind'a guy, and while the hardware is crucial, it's the ideology that keeps me motivated.

That said, I admit to being an odd duck and that plenty of readers ought to get value from this piece.

Hogan's Zeroes

 Dear Larry Hogan I Want Back the Votes I Cast for You and While You're at It Could You Just Go Away [More]

With "Republicans" like him, or Kass-Itch or DeSwine, there's no point in men like me voting anymore.

Which the unimaginative think is a good thing...

[Via Mack H]

I'll Tip My Hat to the New Constitution?

The identity policy mindset has become so pervasive—not only in the academy and media, but in government policy—that more and more thinkers and politicians see the United States as now having two rival constitutions: the official one framed in 1787, and an unofficial one of much more recent vintage—the identity politics constitution.  [More]

So "the supreme Law of the Land" vs. a treasonous coup blueprint...?

And if I don't consent?

Interesting timing for me to get this. I have an AmmoLand article that will post soon on a "second bill of rights" that I give the same assessment of.

[Via Mack H]

Regina Auditioning for Harris Administration?

 Breaking! Diversified Machine Raided by ATF? : Form 1 Suppressor Build Parts Under Attack? [Watch]

At this point, information seems limited to forums that shed more bloviating than light. If you have information on this, please share via "comments," below.

[Via Jess]

Ginning Up the Mob

It is our hope that scholarly resistance will lay the groundwork for wide-scale resistance. [More]

But we're the insurrectionists and traitors...

[Via Mack H]

Tales Out of School

 While many private schools have reopened completely or partially, some of the nation’s largest school districts are still closed. In Washington, D.C., the city’s teachers union rejected an agreement with the public school system to reopen campuses in November. In Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Topeka, San Diego and multiple other cities, districts put off their plans to reopen in mid-November and gave no set date for reopening. [More]

Why would The Daily Caller readers want to immerse their children back into that?

[Via Mack H]

The Greenwood Scale

 Pride in Being American [More]

Go to page 14 and then note who calls who "traitor."

[Via Mack H]

Let 'em Fight It Out

Texas AG announces multistate lawsuit against Google [More]

I feel really bad for them.

Curious how the story ends with a smear job against the AG over bribery and adultery. I wonder if he did it, and if anyone in politics or globalist corporate "leadership" is clean.

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: He's also going after Cheaper Than Dirt for price gouging. That was a constant complaint I was getting from readers when they were posting my stuff and I never knew how to answer them because all I was trying to do was get my stuff in front of a larger readership, had nothing to do with that end of things, and in fact, was placed there by an agent who sold my articles to them and then paid me. That said, I'm basically a supply and demand type. If people think you screwed them today, they're less inclined to give you business tomorrow when they have alternatives. That ought to be enough.

[Via Jess]

Escape from New York

 Fifty-four percent of registered voters pay no taxes in New York City, according to a new study by Liberty Tree of America. This means that taxpayers who paying the highest taxes in the nation have no effective voice in governance. This toxic structural bias against taxpayers has resulted in an outright revolt that will result in a calamity unless steps are taken immediately to restore taxpayer confidence. [More]

Yeah, the jackals are circling, emboldened rather than satiated by all the scraps of flesh that have been tossed to them by those exuding fear. They smell blood and they intend to bring their prey down, rip its throat out, and feast. 

I'm sure they'll be as impressed by an "oversight board" that has a "true advocate" as they are by Marty.

What was it the Vulcans on the Intrepid felt?

[Via Michael G]

Just Give Them What They Want

Former Goldman CFO Calls For Universal Basic Income "To Stave Off Revolution" [More]

The pitchforks are coming.

They're just working up their nerve.

They're going to eat you, Marty, you cowardly fool.

[Via bondmen]

Water's Getting Kind of Warm, Isn't It?

 Yet, once he takes that oath, we should do everything in our power to make certain he serves out his term while opposing him ... You see, Kamala Harris is much more complicated than Joe but also much more dangerous. [More]

Nope. We're too far gone for that. This is existential.

We don't want it to be more tolerable. We want the frog to jump.

Let the Democrat schism widen. Let the tyranny reveal itself as more and more overtly draconian and widespread.

Squeeze, baby, squeeze.

The only way out is through.

[Via bondmen]

You've Got to Give a Little, Take a Little

 “They were dropping off packages that they had delivered and as they would see packages on other porches, they were going up and stealing them,” St. Charles County Police Chief Kurt Frisz said. [More]

So why not identify them so everyone can join in and let them know what @$$holes they think they are?

Show of hands: How many people think they're probably Republicans?

[Via bondmen]

For 'Progressives,' Every Day is Opposite Day

 What do you call someone who votes to #DefundThePolice but then dials 911 to report a crime that they want to legalize? [More]

I'd rather tell her to her face.

[Via bondmen]

What's That Definition of 'Insanity' Again...?

 Violent Crime Rate Doubles On Chicago Rail System, Even With Stepped-Up Police And Far Fewer Riders [More]

So a Democrat-controlled police state unfit for human habitation isn't the answer?

Forget it, Jake. It's Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

What's Trending


Funny, I don't see pistol braces in the top five. We need to change that.

Here's what is being "offered" for comment:

And I don't know if it's just my local connection or if this is more widespread, but when I go to to find it so I can comment, I'm getting error messages, which reminds me of what they did with bump stock comments. Since they "give" us until Jan. 4, it's on them to get things up and running now. If you have a direct link, please post it in "comments."

I'll be putting an AmmoLand piece together on this soon.

[Via Roger J]

UPDATE: Here it is.

[Thanks, Bear! Everybody knows about his new location, right?]

Allan Wall Interview

 COVID-19 In Mexico, The 2020 U.S. Election And The Mexican Voter Registration System [More]

If you're a regular reader here, I link to his stuff all the time.

Pascrell Demands Removing ‘Treasonous’ Republicans from Congress


To paraphrase Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi, if you’re  a Republican who thinks the “official” election tallies stink, “No representation for you.” [More]

The maniac is creating an enemies list of the most heavily-armed freedom demanders on the planet.

Thursday, December 17, 2020


 Yesterday's Armed American Radio Daily Defense with host Mark Walters... [Listen]

Once a Grabber

DeWine Doesn’t Want “Stand Your Ground” Without His Reforms [More]

Ever the "principled statesman"...

For the record, every time he has been on the ballot I have left that position blank.

[Via Michael G]

Better Check Joe's Expiration Date

 Calls Begin for Kamala Harris to Have a ‘More Important Job’ Than ‘Just the Vice President’ [More]

What job would that be and who couldn't see that coming?

So do I call on Gomer of the Etrade Baby for this?

[Via Michael G]

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Evidently You and Me

 Right-Wing Embrace Of Conspiracy Is 'Mass Radicalization,' Experts Warn [More]

Who doesn't recognize the narrative this is adding to?

Speaking of conspiracies and disinformation, wasn't Mary McCord the one pushing a Trump/Russia nexus?

[Via DDS]

The Mything Link

 You probably know what was officially called “Project Gunrunner” as “Operation Fast and Furious.” Started under George W. Bush, this ATF policy audaciously grew under President Obama... [More]

No, no, no, no NO!

I'm really getting tired of still correcting the record years later.

As a side note, this is the third Gunwalker post today.

You know what that means.

A Dynamite Idea

 The former Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino is being dynamited on Jan. 29, and the city is auctioning off the chance to be the person who presses the button for the implosion. [More]

Be funny if whoever won refused to push the button and got an injunction against anyone else doing it...

[Via DvD]

We Don't Need No Education


Don't worry. The Democrats will make it "free."

And it'll be worth every penny.

[Via Michael G]

A Fate Worse Than Death?

Key accomplice Hayat Boumeddiene, the so-called “Islamic State Princess,” was tried in absentia and given a 30-year jail sentence. Boumeddiene, the 26-year-old widow of one of the attackers, is believed to be hiding in Syria. [More]

At long last, justice for the victims! Could any punishment be worse than not being able to go to France?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Not Missing a Beat Enough

 The video is not indicative of the work of the remaining 15 officers on the force... [More]

True. There's no video of them.

[Via bondmen]

Future Kamalas of America

 State Rep. from St. Louis accused of sexual relationship with an intern [More]

Heels up to shatter that "glass ceiling"!

That gal will go far!

Or at least all the way.

[Via bondmen]

Take the Win

Today, December 16th, 2020, Mr. Dunn had his day in court in regards to his arrest and... well... Mike Dunn WON... meaning... The Constitution WON!  [More]

I hope he sues the **** out of them.

[Via bondmen]

Green to Reds

black* Lives Matter Raised $10.6 BILLION Since May [More]

It pays to be a commie!

Anybody think "the elites" aren't pulling the strings?

[Via bondmen]


If He Had Sons...

Barack Obama Praises Courageous Defund the Police Activists as Violent Crime Rates Rise [More]

So I take it Trevor Noah didn't "joke" about wiping them out? 

[Via BP]

Brace Yourselves

 ATF to Institute Rulemaking/Guidance Regarding Stabilizing Braces and Require Registration of Currently Owned Braces [More]

When they do, I'll ask everyone here to comment. 

It's not a question of whether it will do any good at changing minds.

[Via Jess]

GOA has more.

UPDATE -- The above cites have links to the unofficial draft. I don't know if there are any changes, but this is the official language that will be posted tomorrow:


[Via Roger J]

Project Conwalker

  ATF blew it and taxpayer-funded guns vanished into Mexico.  [More]

They didn't "blow it."

And we know about the two Kalashnikov pistols, but I am not recalling any evidence that the rest weren't paid for by "straw purchasers." Take a few minutes and read our report. This is the kind of stuff we were routinely putting out there and having ignored. Perhaps it will help explain the level of contempt I have for so many "real reporters" who either wouldn't touch the story or else dismissed it, twisted it, and lied about it to help shield the guilty.

As for the speculation that power-hungry Democrat control freaks (but I repeat myself) may be creating and exacerbating deadly problems to advance their agenda, yes, that is what they do. Why not release predators to terrorize the herd into demanding more controls that only "government" can provide?

[Via Mack H]