Thursday, December 17, 2020

Project Conwalker

  ATF blew it and taxpayer-funded guns vanished into Mexico.  [More]

They didn't "blow it."

And we know about the two Kalashnikov pistols, but I am not recalling any evidence that the rest weren't paid for by "straw purchasers." Take a few minutes and read our report. This is the kind of stuff we were routinely putting out there and having ignored. Perhaps it will help explain the level of contempt I have for so many "real reporters" who either wouldn't touch the story or else dismissed it, twisted it, and lied about it to help shield the guilty.

As for the speculation that power-hungry Democrat control freaks (but I repeat myself) may be creating and exacerbating deadly problems to advance their agenda, yes, that is what they do. Why not release predators to terrorize the herd into demanding more controls that only "government" can provide?

[Via Mack H]

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