Thursday, February 18, 2021


 When the new microstamping report was announced, Ammoland News reached out to a spokesperson with a simple question: “How many crimes have been solved, with perpetrators arrested, prosecuted and convicted, thanks to microstamping?” There has been no response so far, and Ammoland can find no reports or anecdotal evidence of a single crime that has been solved thanks to the technology. [More]


Some of us have been arguing that for years, but putting it in the form of a question like this and insisting on an answer is a good tack to take.

Pipe Dream

 The Mexican government called the top U.S. representative in Mexico on Wednesday to press for natural gas supplies as power cuts there have hit millions of residents. The White House said Thursday it was in discussions with Mexican authorities and Texas officials over Abbott's directive. Texas exports gas via pipeline to Mexico and via ships carrying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from terminals in Freeport and Corpus Christi. [More]

Wait a sec. I thought the Biden White House was against pipelines...

The Bad Place

[S]he called her past abortion the “best decision” she had “ever made.” In her latest comments made on February 5, she said the same thing. Abortion made her life a “million times better,” she said, while an unwanted baby can “f***ing ruin everything.” [More]

She seems healthy.

What is it about death cultists and their fixation on mandating that those of us who choose life be ordered vulnerable?

There's a Lesson in Here Somewhere

 Venezuela Turns to Privatization After Being Bankrupted by Socialism - After much pain and suffering, Venezuelan socialist leaders have conceded they cannot effectively run an economy. [More]

What's going on, a reverse Domino Effect?

Meanwhile, "our" politicians can't seem to collectivize things fast enough.

Truer Words...


Here's an addendum to yesterday's post:

Setting Up the Extinction Level Event

 Democrats introduce sweeping immigration bill with 8-year pathway to citizenship ...   the legislation would require a minimum of 10 Republican votes to defeat a Senate filibuster [More]

See why some of us have been harping on that last part?

In addition to the first part?

No thanks to idiots who don't know how to add?

We're the Fauxnly Ones Unmasked Enough

Men at Florida hotel posed as U.S. marshals to avoid wearing masks, authorities say [More]

How do you get to be that old while being that stupid?

And everyone recalls the "Fauxnly Ones Files"  recommendation?

[Via Steve T

Wait 'til They Put the Statue Up First

Clark County backs McCarran name change to Harry Reid International Airport [More]

Who better than the terminally corrupt to represent Sin City?

I hope they spend a lot of money making the change.

That's when we start hammering on Wayne LaPierre calling him "a true champion of the Second Amendment" to trigger cancel culture frenzy. And maybe first bring up where he "praised" Barack Obama for being "light-skinned with no Negro dialect."

Privileges and Immunities

 Capitol Police investigate 2 GOP lawmakers over House metal detector incidents [More]

But Nancy gets a pass?

[Via Jess]

Cold Enough for You?

Texas Power Crisis Puts Keystone XL Cancelation in Perspective [More]

It's almost like enemies foreign and domestic want to do everything in their power to hasten the demise of the Republic or something...

Funny, how it's the same cast of characters that wants our guns...

In Rare Form

 China Targets America’s Rare Earth Vulnerability [More]

Any questions?

Looks like "The Big Guy" wants to make sure his partners have the latest information.

Putting Things in Perspective

 Trump Impeachment Attorney Canceled by Law School, Civil Rights Law Group [More]

They don't do that to lawyers who defend child rapists/murderers, do they?

But Don't Take MY Word For It: Take HIS

Zuckerberg said in July 2020: “I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this [vaccine] because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA … basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream. [More]

If that has not changed, what are "our leaders" doing?

Much Obliged

Biden to Pay $200 Million in WHO “Obligations,” Reversing Trump’s Decision [More]

That'll make up for those "travel losses"!

Which, of course, won't do Thing One for the health of America's tax cows...

Hey, it's not like it's his or the UN's money. Plus, look how happy it makes the folks who gave us WuFlu in the first place!

[Via Michael G]

A Badge of Honoré

 Retired Army general tapped by Nancy Pelosi to review Capitol siege flagged over attacks on Republicans [More]

Naturally, the standing army's Agin' Cajun wants the whole people disarmed. Or even his own people if they're not under direct deployment orders.

Just so you know who's calling the shots...

[Via Jess]

Cui Bono

 Democrats Are Trying to Ruin the Military [More]

Not to mention the Militia...

If it doesn't advance the purposes of the Preamble, whose interests does it advance?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Exclusive Enough

 "We don't want our business owners or others to begin to arm themselves. We would really prefer them to be good witnesses." [More]

And if you disagree, our armed enforcers will do to you what we're utterly incapable of doing to the predators terrorizing and feeding off you.

[Via bondmen]

The Only Thing That Stops a Bad Guy with a Gun is a 'Climate Coach'?

Police officers stationed at all secondary schools will be replaced by new “climate coaches,” who are trained to, according to the plan, implement “positive school culture and climate,” use “de-escalation strategies” to resolve conflict, understand and address “implicit bias,” and eliminate “racial disproportionately” in school discipline practices. [More]

This should end well. Why not just put up "Open Season/No Bag Limit" signs?

It's like they're trying to make sure an atrocity happens that can be used to spook a critical mass of "Republicans" into going along with Biden's "assault weapon" ban.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Curbing Your Appetite Enough

Simonis said, "when I arrived on at the Hollywood @Fred_Meyer in Portland this evening, I was greeted by 12 @PortlandPolice officers who were apparently guarding two dumpsters full of food that mutual aid orgs were trying to distribute and hungry folks were trying to eat." [More]

Hey, it's safer than confronting Autonomous Zone street commies.

Just to be clear: Fred Meyer management creates an attractive nuisance and then calls on armed men to bail them out? They don't seem to be making very good "business decisions" these days.

[Via bondmen]

Padding the Narrative

The False And Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About The Capitol Riot [More]

The corollary to Emanuel's Postulate is never to let an opportunity to expand a crisis go to waste.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Deadly Incompetence

 Va. bill heading to governor’s desk would require teachers to get cultural competency training ... History and social studies teachers applying for a license would also need an endorsement in African American history.  [More]

Strong emphasis will be placed on developing empathy through identification.

[Via Steve T]

Deadly Incompetence

Democrat Congresswoman Caught In Absurd Lie, Makes Total Fool Of Herself … Again [More]

I wish the implications didn't go far beyond that.

[Via Jess]

And the Vince Foster Award Goes To...

Another suicide in the realm of Clinton politics is finally making its way into the light. [More]

Nothing to see here...

[Via Jess]

Victory is Ours!

One Amazing Piece Of Legislation Just Secured Your Second Amendment Rights FOREVER! [More]

What an utter bullshit claim.

[Via Jess]

Putting Teeth Into the Mandates

 “Mask Mouth” – Dentists Warn Gum Disease and Tooth Decay Have Increased 50% Since Mask Mandates Began [More]

Why do I have the feeling that with everything we've been forced to "adapt" to in short order that we ain't seen nothin' yet?

[Via Alan D]

Tucker Carlson Originals

I'd give you a live link to but as we've mentioned numerous times over the years, Fox News webmasters won't allow access from Blogger.

A Better Way

President Joe Biden used the third anniversary of the shootings in Parkland, Florida to call on Congress to enact his gun control agenda, but Ryan Petty, whose daughter Alaina was murdered in the attack on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, tells Cam Edwards that he rejects Biden's gun control agenda and believes that there's a much better way to address violence than trying to strip law-abiding Americans of their rights. [More]

Kind'a makes you wonder why the parent of a "survivor" is such a douchebag.

Man of Mystery

 8 shot in Philadelphia, 1 person in custody [More]

It would seem they've had enough time to flesh out more details, especially since the alleged shooter is, as the headline notes, in police custody...

[Via Michael G]

More Like Ripping It Asunder

Are Democrats Creating Two Americas? [More]

They don't create. They plunder creations and destroy creators.

[Via Mack H]

Misunderstood Intentions

 “We don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of taking back the majority without Donald Trump. If you don’t get that, you’re just not looking.” [More]

Who says he doesn't get that?

[Via Mack H]

Curioser and Curioser

Is the NRA Out of Bullets? [More]
Good recap, update, and analysis.

The Eye of the Beholder

WTF? [Watch]

Anybody see anybody they'd want to know?

I see another national survival truism here as well. Seeing Americans buy into trivial narcissism en masse has gotta please the Chicoms no end.

Since you obviously can't "take on anything in Facebook groups," I wonder if a false advertising complaint could be filed with FEC...